View Full Version : equiptment life in general

Sun Mar 11, 2007, 02:57 PM
i'm just thining of starting up in discus keeping and i've done all my research :lol:

i was just wondering if some of you oler guys who have been doing this for a while could tell me how quickly this equiptment goes out of date coz i'm gona start uni in a year and a bit so i'm afraid that the discus will be pushed to one side

*shame* :(

so can u guys tell me how long the gadets like uv systems and filters are good for and how often new gadgets come out on the market

any feedback would be greatly appreciated

srry for any spelling mistakes :wink: (i'm not a fan of the english language)


Sun Mar 11, 2007, 08:19 PM
if you look after your filter, and buy a good one in the first place[ie, eheim] it'll last you many years.

as for UV's, you just have to replace the lamp every 6 months or so.

and you don't have to upgrade the second something new comes out.

as with anything, look after it, and it'll last.

Mon Mar 12, 2007, 03:25 AM
As for filteration, the basic principal was there for years. The only thing changed in terms of it is provide bigger valume and more water flow.