View Full Version : Aquarium backgrounds.
Sat Mar 03, 2007, 11:40 PM
Hello all,
I thought I might ask you all a question on aquarium backgrounds.
I'm over using the backdrop ones that you hang on the outside of the fishtank. Never look good once the tank is full of water as we all know.
My current tank has a background inside the tank that I constructed using the foam/bitchumen/sand/peat technique. Looks magic! I've attached it for others to see.
I'm awating my new 6x2x2 tank to arrive and I've started to think about a background.
The tank will be a planted discus tank and I was just thinking of painting the back of the tank black.
I'd dearly love to get a fibreglass or latex background, but for that size, the prices are rather high and I dont fancy making another background for this one because of the tanks size.
I'm open to suggestions for other types of backgrounds that have worked for your tank(s).
And now for a silly question.... :oops:
Would it make much difference if the black paint was a matt or gloss finish?
I look forward to your suggestions,
Col. aka Bald_Noggin
Sun Mar 04, 2007, 07:31 AM
tank looks great Bald_noggin :)
here's another cpl of ideas on another thread
Tunnel Rat
Sun Mar 04, 2007, 08:48 AM
Hi with the black paint I use matt but it will always look like gloss because of the glass.
There are a lot of diy B/B around made from foam do a search on goggle.
Mon Apr 16, 2007, 04:14 PM
the only thing I can say with back grounds
make sure they are solid and stick to the back glass as they trap food which the fish can't get or as my discus did they found the small gap and disapered only comming out in darkness.
they reduce your total water not good for large fish
big it did look great at 300 dollars for one week
the lfs took it back and I put a plastic dark blue backgound on now and shows the fish off better
Mon Apr 16, 2007, 06:11 PM
If you have discus with peppering issues, the black background will make it worse.
Sat Jul 14, 2007, 08:55 PM
Figured I'd mention the background for my tank... was looking for something cheap as I'd just had to spend a bunch to refit my tank and get it ready for its occupants when I spied a charcoal-coloured wool blanket lying on the ground. The movers had used it when crating my tank to move it and had then left it behind...
Cut up and stuck to the outside of the back wall it looks pretty good. Dark, but not black, a bit of a mottled texture so not completely flat looking, and best of all it was FREE!!! :D
It is also about 4mm thick so it should add some insulation to the tank and let my heaters relax a bit. :)
Sun Jul 15, 2007, 12:33 AM
I spent some time looking through pics of AGA contest tanks when I was preparing for my 6x2x2.
What stood out the most was the best looking tanks had a simple dark blue or black background making sure the focus was on the plants & fish. Personally I preferred black but the missus wanted blue :roll: :roll:
we settled on a charcoal colour and I still like it, although if I did it again I'd just go black as it's a bit easier to hide spray bars etc. I bought a sample pot in matt charcoal from a bigw, took a few coats and scrapes off easy when you need to remove it, I've been careful and it's still fine after nearly 2 years.
Some pics of AGA contest tanks so you can see what I mean :wink:
Mon Sep 03, 2007, 03:17 AM
I had a mirrored background on my old tank, It was one I picked up at the pet store. Looked great for a while but with a little leakage from a filter hose and it discolored. (made of mylar). It is squeegeed on and so no shadows, a lot like painting it on. The mirror effect gave the illusion of a much bigger tank and kinda multiplied the other decorations, plants, rocks etc.
Now for my new tank I am considering a mirrored car window tint. they even have separate colored films that you can add for a different effect. And as an added bonus the ones I've looked at were cheaper than the mylar one. Plus they can be removed much easier than if it was painted so you can easily change it down the road.
Tue Sep 04, 2007, 12:50 PM
I have a black background, It shows the discus much better! Think is, i think they have developed more peppering now!
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