View Full Version : Tank Refurb - Substrate / CO2 etc

Fri Feb 23, 2007, 10:59 PM

I've managed to deplete my savings over the past few months by getting a new Eheim Professional 2026 filter, 78 watts of T5 lighting and addictions to buying additives such as Discus Trace, Seachem Flourish, Flourish excel etc etc.

I have noticed an improvement since installing my T5 lighting (compared to my old 30 watt T8 lighting that came with the aquarium), however am looking at purchasing CO2 and will most likely go with Sera CO2 System from ASA. I have checked with my local home brew shop and they are happy to refill.

My real question is in relation to substrate and replanting the tank. I will keep most of my existing plants such as anubias on and off driftwood, amazon sword, wisteria, sailboats etc. My tank is a 3 foot (36 inch x 12 inch x 20 inch) and is approx 120 litres once substrate and equipment is installed.

I currently have three discus (R.I.P. little blue diamond... sniff sniff), catfish, tetras and a few dwarf gourami. I only have a small 25 litre tank which obviously won't be enough to house these fish long term. How should I go about replanting the tank and putting in new substrate (most likely eco-complete) considering I don't have anywhere to put my fish while the tank recycles. Should I keep 50% of my old water and put back into the tank. Will this, not cleaning the filter and adding sufficient Seachem Stability be enough?

Also, how many kg of eco-complete will I need to cover the bottom (36inch x 12 inch)?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Sat Feb 24, 2007, 12:26 AM
To achieve a depth of 3 inches in a tank 32 inches long and 12 wide, you will need to purchase 64 lbs of Eco-Complete . :wink:

Sat Feb 24, 2007, 03:27 AM
head off the the reject shop and get a BIG tub (150L =$20) give it good wash. Put ALL your water into it add your heater and 2026 and fish plants etc, run an air stone. now you can take your time to strip your old tank down fix your substrate and then use your 2026 to pump the water from your tub back to your tank it's nice and gentle and wont disturb it. once you get to bout half way you can transfer all the fish and the heater and your runing again with a fully cycled tank and filter. thats howe i re-do my tanks (MUCH MORE OFTEN THEN I SHOULD :( )