View Full Version : Heating a 1800-L Tank (470-G)
Tunnel Rat
Thu Feb 22, 2007, 07:02 AM
Hi people
What are my options with heating a 1800 liter tank.
I was thinking of just using 3x300watt jagers but 600watts of heating is there a better way :scratch
Not a big fan of chillers as I do not need the chilling part and they produce so much heat when running.
Any idea's would be great.
Thu Feb 22, 2007, 07:30 AM
What temp do you ideally want to obtain?
On both my big tanks the heaters have been turned off for almost 5 months and looking at the history graphs from the Aquatronica controller the biggest fluctuation I have had is 1.5c +/-
In a few weeks I will turn the heaters back on (1 x 300w Jager in the 5x2.5ft'r and 2 in the 6x2.5ft'r) and that keeps things stable
I would say 2 x 300w jager with one set to about 2-3 degrees below the other as a reserve will be fine if in a high flow area (sump)
Tunnel Rat
Thu Feb 22, 2007, 11:00 AM
What temp do you ideally want to obtain?
On both my big tanks the heaters have been turned off for almost 5 months and looking at the history graphs from the Aquatronica controller the biggest fluctuation I have had is 1.5c +/-
In a few weeks I will turn the heaters back on (1 x 300w Jager in the 5x2.5ft'r and 2 in the 6x2.5ft'r) and that keeps things stable
I would say 2 x 300w jager with one set to about 2-3 degrees below the other as a reserve will be fine if in a high flow area (sump)
I am only after around 27C.So do you think the 2x300w will be ok even in winter this tank is going to be in my sun room which gets a little on the cold side in winter.
That Aquatronica controller sure would come in handy at times.
You turn your heaters off in summer wow.
thx for your help.
Thu Feb 22, 2007, 11:10 AM
You turn your heaters off in summer wow.
I have found over time that tanks with a total capacity of close to or over 1,000 litres are very good at holdng there temperature. i.e. even the coldest of nights would only take 2-3 degress off in total, obviously on a tank that size it would take a bit to pick back up again, and that is where daily monitoring comes in handy. Once we start to get 15c nights and daily temps always below 24-25c then the heaters go back on, or at least one of them does.
Tunnel Rat
Thu Feb 22, 2007, 11:40 AM
Thanks for the help Rohan.
I was hoping there was some new heating system that I did not know about that would use less watts to heat the large amount of water.I should stop dreaming :lol:
I will just use the 2x 300w first and see how they go.By the time this tank is up and running we will be right in the middle of winter thats if I pull my finger out.
ps I made a mistake on the first post 3x300W =900W not 600W.
Fri Feb 23, 2007, 03:30 AM
Hi people
What are my options with heating a 1800 liter tank.
I was thinking of just using 3x300watt jagers but 600watts of heating is there a better way :scratch
3 300 w Jagers would be fine although you could get away with 2
Fri Feb 23, 2007, 06:45 AM
For large tanks you might want to check out this site....
They have heaters up to 4000 watts with or without controllers.
Fri Feb 23, 2007, 09:34 AM
For large tanks you might want to check out this site....
They have heaters up to 4000 watts with or without controllers.
You could also set up a full tank for the price of one of those high capacity heaters, plus if used in a glass tank or glass sump they can shatter the glass due to the very high heat they emit
Fri Feb 23, 2007, 10:47 AM
Hi people
What are my options with heating a 1800 liter tank.
I was just giving another option to heating this very large tank.General rule for heating is approx 1 watt/litre or more if its going in a cold room like he says.
Tunnel Rat
Fri Feb 23, 2007, 01:42 PM
Thanks for all the help guys.
Baxter there sure are some nice heating systems on that site.
Would love to go the Clepco inline threaded head heater 1000W or 2000W in a Aquasonic in line heater housing.You never know just got a 33 million dollar power ball ticket :wink: If not 3x 300W Jagers will have to do :cry:
Fri Feb 23, 2007, 08:50 PM
Just out of interest what are the dimensions of your 1800 liltre tank & how do you filter such a large tank effectively?
BTW I hope you have some luck with powerball ,then you could move to the tropics & never have to worry about heating that bad boy :lol:
Tunnel Rat
Sat Feb 24, 2007, 12:19 AM
Just out of interest what are the dimensions of your 1800 liltre tank & how do you filter such a large tank effectively?
BTW I hope you have some luck with powerball ,then you could move to the tropics & never have to worry about heating that bad boy :lol:
The tank size will be 6'x5'x30" LxWxH.
The filters will be a 4x2x2 sump 2x bio-ball towers one at each end,10L pond Matrix,jap mating,wool sheeting with 2x 9000L/H pumps & 2x 2260 eheims (2400L/H each) for mechanical.
My wife is happy :wink:
Sat Feb 24, 2007, 12:33 AM
WOW....thats some setup you have!
Hope you will post some pics when your ready.
How did you get the misses to agree with that bad must have done some serious begging. :)
I tried to get my misses to agree to a large tank but she won't be in it,even with me nagging & with tears in my eyes she says NO WAY.
Sat Feb 24, 2007, 06:11 AM
For large tanks you might want to check out this site....
They have heaters up to 4000 watts with or without controllers.
$500-750 a month in power bill ..........PER HEATER
Tunnel Rat
Sat Feb 24, 2007, 08:40 AM
WOW....thats some setup you have!
Hope you will post some pics when your ready.
How did you get the misses to agree with that bad must have done some serious begging. :)
I tried to get my misses to agree to a large tank but she won't be in it,even with me nagging & with tears in my eyes she says NO WAY.
Will post a thread when its on its way.
The misses thinks it going to cost a little bit less then it will :wink:
But she is ok as she owns the first resident an RTG and I am doing up the hole sun room which she has been nagging about for a while now.
$500-750 a month in power bill ..........PER HEATER
WOW that would but me into poverty real fast :(
Ok looking at the Teco Chiller/Heater/UV-C TC20 that is 480Watts so am I right in saying that this will be cheaper to run for heating then 2 or 3x 300W jagers :? or will it be the same as it will just be on longer to heat the water.
Sat Feb 24, 2007, 09:24 AM
Wasn't taksan referring to the 4000w heaters with that power bill?
I just got my first power bill for the 1/4 including 6 weeks of running 2x 300w jagers, and the whole bill was less than half that for the 1/4. I think there may have been a jump of $15 for 6 weeks of the heaters (and another 200w, the lights and 3x filters).
Quit fretting. Would these poeple lead you into poverty?
Tunnel Rat
Sat Feb 24, 2007, 01:42 PM
Wasn't taksan referring to the 4000w heaters with that power bill?
I just got my first power bill for the 1/4 including 6 weeks of running 2x 300w jagers, and the whole bill was less than half that for the 1/4. I think there may have been a jump of $15 for 6 weeks of the heaters (and another 200w, the lights and 3x filters).
Quit fretting. Would these poeple lead you into poverty?
Yes he was.
DEden sorry for the confusion I was just having a joke that a 4000W heater would put me into poverty.
With the next question I was just trying to work out which option would work out the cheaper to run over time a chiller or 3x300W ?
As my 300W heaters are starting to add up I am running 5 at the moment then 3 more soon.
You will find that your bill will jump a little when winter comes my does and I have gas heating.
Sun Feb 25, 2007, 12:50 AM
:oops: Sorry Rat, trying to teach you to suck eggs, when you know so much more than me!:oops:
I live in the hills, and it gets cold over winter. I'm a big wus, so I got ducted aircon 2 winters ago, which (with the insulation), keeps the house pretty warm over winter. Since I'm already paying to warm the house, the tanks may not cost much more to heat a few degrees than they have over summer. Maybe. But I don't really know what I'm talking about, I'm just making it up as I go along.
I'd love to hear the outcome of this one. And see pics when you get it going.
Sun Feb 25, 2007, 02:09 AM
I use a 300 Watt Jager on my 1415L tank, works a treat!
Tunnel Rat
Sun Feb 25, 2007, 06:35 AM
Thanks for all the help guys looks like I will just see how the jagers go.
I will post some pics up when I get to the stage were there is something to see.At the moment I just have the floor ripped up cementing in a few supports to hold the weight.
thx again
Wed Feb 28, 2007, 04:34 AM
The tank size will be 6'x5'x30" LxWxH.
The filters will be a 4x2x2 sump
I think i could lie my whole family down in your tank...
dogs could fit in the sump.....
Thu Mar 01, 2007, 03:06 AM
Tunnel Rat,
Have you considered Dupla heating cables ? I am not talking the pretentious little cable sets from JBL, Red Sea, Dupla etc, I am talking about the serious cable sets from Dupla. They come in 100w, 150w, 200w and 250w. For your tank you will need 2 x 250w and combine these with a Dupla temp controller (Delta is fine) and you have a more efficient set up than even 2 x 300w Jager heaters. From my experience 2 x 250w Dupla's would click on even less than 2 x 300w Jagers. ie, your power bill would be about 30% less than 600w of Jager heating. This is only my estimate.
cheers, Stingray
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