View Full Version : FS : Plants and wood

Tue Feb 20, 2007, 12:05 AM
Hello All,

I have the following plants for sale, there is enough to do a 3ft tank,

1) Amazon swords : 3 off medium-small
2) Bacopa : 6+ stems
3) Chain swords : 5 off
4) Cryptocryne Aponogetifolia : 1 small
5) Hair grass : About 4+ pots
6) Hygrophila (sunset) : 20+ stems, but need some TLC, I’ve been slack on the fertz.
7) Pogostemom Stellatus : 6+ stems
8) Red Hyro (Ludwigia) : 10+ stems, Various lengths
9) Mayaca : 20+ stems
10) Corkscrew val : 5 plants
11) Anubias on wood : 2 types of Anubias nana and marble (I think)
12) Java fern : only a few leaves on a long rhizome.

Small piece of wood (good for BN has a hole in it)

Buy the lot for $50 and get 2 small BN (about 5cm long) for free.

Also EOI : I have a Fluval 204 with spray bar that I may sell for $50

Please don’t ask for pics as camera is not working.

Location is Doncaster East : Pickup only


Tue Feb 20, 2007, 01:41 AM
pm sent

Tue Feb 20, 2007, 10:02 PM
On hold

Fri Mar 02, 2007, 07:37 AM
Thanks to all but it's all gone
