View Full Version : New set up
Fri Feb 16, 2007, 07:41 AM
I am in the process of setting up a planted community, with the feature a few discus. The tank itself is 110cmx60x75cm with a sump 90cmx36cmx46cm. It will be planted. I read that it is sometimes best to introduce the discus as the first so they not only have a peaceful and quiet place to get used to but so they can stake out their territories and be the 'rulers' of the tank. However I am slightly afraid of adding discus first for two reasons; 1. they cost alot more than the other fish I plan to add and 2. I would rather the tank mature even more (a fishless cycle will be ran) - to make sure everything is going well if you know what I mean - a sense of security.
So my question is, is it possible to add the following fish before disuc to my tank (not all at once)
-Cardinal/neon tetras (20-30)
-Rummynose tetras (10-15)
-Congo tetras (4-6)
-Cories (10-20)
-Ottos (2-4)
-SAE (1)
-Hatchet fish (3-5)
All figures and fish are not 100% certain yet.
scott bowler
Fri Feb 16, 2007, 10:07 AM
hi bmxer1000 welcome to the forum hope you get the help you need here dont be afraid to ask any thing some one will help, all the fish you have listed look cool , i would go with cardinals not neons,and im not shore about ottos and SAE . i would go for brissel nose in place of them . well others may not agree thats just IMO . so good luck with it all and hope you have fun here .
Fri Feb 16, 2007, 11:31 AM
I'm far from being an expert, but I'm running a fishless cycle myself, to get the filters running with enough bacteria capacity to run a full tank of fish, so it doesn't go through an ammonia, then a nitrite spike when I add the discus. If you're doing a fishless cycle, you can avoid that problem by adding all of the fish within a week. Just a thought.
Of course, you want to get them from a trusted source, because doing that means you can't quarantine effectively.
HTH - but it probably doesn't.
Fri Feb 16, 2007, 12:32 PM
Welcome to the forum Michael.
All those tetras will be fine, with the exception perhaps of the neons. They don't appreciate the higher temps necessary for discus. I'm not very familiar with hatchet fish, so at this stage, I'd eliminate them. Your gorgeous discus will provide enough colour and movement in the tank.
The idea of a fishless cycle is to give you a very large bacteria colony right from the start, enough to handle a full load of fish. You could certainly add all your tetras and cories at the same time, right after your tank finishes cycling.
You're going to need to provide ammonia to feed the bio colony, either in the form of pure liquid ammonia, or ammonia waste from the fish, or they will die off within a couple of days, so add your fish as soon as you can.
Fri Feb 16, 2007, 01:50 PM
Welcome to the forum Michael.
Most of your fish list sounds fine. They all seem compatible with each other so you shouldn't have any problems in that department.
The only thing I would change would be the Congo's and the SAE. I don't know if you are wanting a SA tank or just like the look of the congo's but they are African and I kind of like the idea of all the fish being from the same area.
As for the SAE, who cares where it comes from. They are good if you get them young because they'll mow through any hair algae on your plants, driftwood wherever. As soon as it gets a bit older and bigger forget it. Mine is having a mid life crisis. It's about 4 inches long and one day it thinks it is a male kribensis (see I don't even follow my own advice with my SA tank, dam you sexy kribensis :? ) and flirts with my female and the next it is schooling with my Emperor tetras. Everything but eating algae.
I've heard that Otto's occasionally suck onto the flanks of discus so maybe watch out for that. 10 cories would probably be plenty too.
If you get the hatchets then make sure you have tight fitting lids as they will jump out hence the huge pectoral fins that they use for "flying"
Hope this is of some help to you
Sun Feb 18, 2007, 07:07 AM
Thanks for the numerous replies guys. I brought 2 flying foxes and a yo-yo loach today, I will be getting 3-4 more yo-yo's tomorrow. I will scrap the congos, hatchets, SAE, and otoos and get a few bristlenoses later. I will also get cardinals instead of neons. I may be buying some cories soon off another forum. sterbia's (sp?) he has 20 for $60, so I'm not sure if I should get all 20 or ask him to split them up.
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