View Full Version : Breeding

Wed Feb 14, 2007, 09:02 PM
I have had 6 discus now for 1yr 6mts in a 4 ft tank, during that time I have had 2 pairs that have laid eggs, and got the fry at best to the 2 day free swimming stage (this they have done 8 or 9 times)
The parents would then wander away from the spawning site with the fry in tow, and lose them to the other fish

I have now taken the best 2 fish (best pair) who appear very attentive toward the eggs and fry, from the tank and placed them in a tank on there own, a 2ft 6in tank.

Tonight these 2 fish have laid some eggs.
As I have never got (me or the fish) beyond the 2 day free swimming stage I would like some advice as what to do and any problems I may encounter

Thanks for looking

Wed Feb 14, 2007, 09:22 PM

Thu Feb 15, 2007, 06:48 AM
Congratulations on getting your fry to the free swimming stage.

Unfortunately it's very difficult for a pair to raise fry in a community tank. There are just too many hungry mouths around.

Read through the instructions here
and you should have better success.

Thu Feb 15, 2007, 06:55 AM
from the picture it looks like the guys will be fine in their own tank. good luck :D