View Full Version : CO2 bottles??
Fri Feb 09, 2007, 02:15 PM
So can anyone recommend a good, quiet CO2 pump, or another way to get a more consistent level of CO2 into my tank, for my live plants? I currently use these ampules that you suction cup to the side of the tank, and let them drip out over two days, and then you can put more bottles in after another 16 days? I wouldnt mind looking at a piece of equipment to steady pump CO2 in, but it would need to be rather small, and quiet, and not create a lot of "motion in the ocean" haha
Thanks so much....all of you are great!!
Fri Feb 09, 2007, 10:35 PM
Checck some of THESE ( out
Mon Feb 26, 2007, 04:46 PM
Thanks Robdog, I wasnt very clear in what I was saying tho. The CO2 I use at the moment are these ampules full of liquid CO2 that you suction cup to the inside of the tank, and the liquid leaks out over a two day span, and then you remove the ampules(bottles) and the liquid that was in there is suppose to work for another 14 days, and so in total, you can add more of these ampules after 16 days. There isnt any equipment involved, no pumps or anything....Im on a limited budget, and room is quite the issue when it comes to adding equipment, and I dont want to create a lot of motion with more pumps
So can anyone recommend a good, quiet CO2 pump, or another way to get a more consistent level of CO2 into my tank, for my live plants? I wouldnt mind looking at a piece of equipment to steady pump CO2 in, but it would need to be rather small, and quiet, and not create a lot of "motion in the ocean" haha
Thanks a lot!
Mon Feb 26, 2007, 08:57 PM
i haven't herad of this unit before
can you post a pic?
Mon Feb 26, 2007, 10:14 PM
Well its not a unit, its a lil cheapo way to get more co2 into the water...I am trying to attach a pic of the bottle, and here is a link if the picture doesnt work
Hope this gets you some more information!
Wed Feb 28, 2007, 09:45 AM
G'dar Erk, have you thought about a very small powerhead near your CO2 bottle? i think the smalles elite made by Hagen which is only rated for and 11L tank would do the job (I use one to drive a DIY CO2 reactor), or position your CO2 near the intake of your filter and it will be sucked up and distributed throughout your tank.
Wed Feb 28, 2007, 01:42 PM
Thanks ILLUSN! I dont have any powerheads, but I could def. invest in one. I never thought about putting these bottles near the intake on my filter...actually, I have them on the opposite side of the tank at the moment, so I will start there, and move them closer to the intake. I may get the red sea turbo co2 thing, for up to a 40 gallon tank in the near future, instead of these bottles. What do you guys think of this product? Will I be able to slow the bubbles per second down on it, and am I correct in saying I would want 2 bubbles per second? and only during the day, when the lights are on?
Thanks again to everyone!
Thu Mar 01, 2007, 02:58 AM
This sounds a lot like the seachem excel. The problem is CO2 is a gas, unless it is cooled to -78.5 C at which point it becomes a solid (dry ice). The point is the only way you could actually have true CO2 in any liquid form is to dissolve it. (Soda Water).
Excel makes the carbon available apparently as an organic compound that plants can metabolise, and I suspect your "liquid CO2" does something similar. That being the case the liquid will readily dissolve and distribute throughout your tank without any special assistance. I'd be checking the price of excel against your little bottles, and I'm tipping you might be able to save some money!
Thu Mar 01, 2007, 04:07 AM
good call psamers
Thu Mar 01, 2007, 01:38 PM
Thanks...I use excel in my tank also, this is something different, but I ordered the Red Sea Turbo CO2 Bio-System yesterday, should be here on monday, so if I dont have enough CO2, hopefully this helps! I checked phosphate last night, and that is another stupid test, but it didnt look like the results were 0, so Im just gonna sit and wait for the Turbo to arrive!
Fri Mar 02, 2007, 05:47 AM
Erk, please tell me you didn't buy a fermentive CO2 system :cry:
mate a 2L coke bottle 2cups of sugar, a teaspoon of bakers yeast, a check valve and 1m of good silicone line in total $10 MAX! just the same as your red sea bio system, one of these keeps my 2foot tank at 45ppm CO2 or higher for 10-12 says and costs me NOTHING to run.
Fri Mar 02, 2007, 05:49 AM
Man I cant type today :cry:
10-12 DAYS
have a look at this link
Fri Mar 02, 2007, 02:21 PM
Thanks ILLUSN I have been doing lots of reading about the DiY CO2 and Im def. not the craftiest person, and with all the "toying" with the DiY it sounds like you have to do, I just figured with me being a newbie to live plants, I would just go this route...maybe some day I will get a handle on the DiY least I can say it was on sale! hahaha
Thanks a lot tho! Shoud be here on monday and hopefully it will wipe out the green slimy stuff I got going on in the tank right now
Sat Mar 03, 2007, 12:43 PM
Well done mate, my wife wishes i knew the limits of my DIY ability :) good on you, especially if you got it on sale.
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