View Full Version : New to Plants and discus
Thu Feb 08, 2007, 02:49 PM
You guys and ladies sure do have a lot of good info on your site! Im actually new to forums, and I just wanted to ask a few basic questions, to make sure Im starting off on the right foot.
I turn 25 in march, and I have had several aquariums so far, but never messed with Live Plants or discus, and I am only trying it now, since I have read Discus like Live Plants. I have a 46 gallon marineland acrylic bowfront tank, with two pieces of driftwoon, and with 11 live plants, two moss balls (using eco-complete soil), and 3 silk plants for algae growth. I currently have 6 cardinal tetras, 5 danios (which will be removed from my tank, and given to another person soon) 2 clown loaches, 1 Queen Arabesque Pleco, and 1 Hungry Chinese Algae Eater. I was thinking of getting the number of cardinals up to about 8-10 to promote "schooling" and I was thinking 2 discus eventually. 1 marlboro red, and one turquoise? The tank has 0 ammonia, and 0 nitrites. The temp holds pretty steady at 80 degrees. I have a coralife aqualite fixture. I replaced the 96 watt 10,000k bulb with a 96 watt 6,700k bulb to help the plants. I still use the 96 watt actinic blue bulb that was originally in there. Its a closed lid tank, since the loaches like to jump. The filter is a marineland hang on the back thing that is made for a 50 gallon tank. I have two slots in it for filters, and I use one of the normal blue filter pads, and I have a "make your own" filter that is just the plastic, and I use only white diamond in that, to help with ammonia. I feed everyone bloodworms, and they love it. I was only planning on changing about 20% of the water weekly? about 10 gallons every saturday or sunday.
Any recommendations as far as the cardinals, and are 2 discus gonna be ok together in this tank? or can/should I get more then 2? Is this gonna be enough of a water change?
Thanks to much!!
mistakes r crucial
Fri Feb 09, 2007, 01:07 AM
Hi Erk,
Welcome to the forum and you're right, it's a great place to learn about Discus and many other aspects of fish keeping.
Your tank sounds great and I'm sure you'll love it even more seeing a few Discus swimming around. Discus are schooling fish and as such prefer to be in groups. If you have less than 4 you may well find that the smallest/weakest one in the group will continually be picked on which causes stress and eventually, possible health issues.
Your tank will accomodate 4 adult Discus if you stick to the normal equation of 10 gallons per adult fish but you can overstock it a little if you wish providing you are prepared to change more water. 20% once a week, IMO, is a bit on the lean side for any tank with Discus in it. I'd be more inclined to either increase it to twice a week at say 25-30% or once a week at 30-40%. In a planted tank I can't think of anything nicer than a good sized school of Cardinals and a few Discus and if it were mine I probably couldn't resist a school of at least 15-20 Cardinals.
You'll just have to keep an eye on water params for a while until you know that the stock level is on par with your W/C regime. There's always a way within reason, you just have to find that balance. HTH.
Fri Feb 09, 2007, 01:28 AM
G'day Erk, Mac's right about the discus, i'd go 4 in your tank, get rid of your chinease algae eater, they get big and VERY aggressive, swap him out for 4 otto's or an SAE, also your clown loaches can get quiet big too (though will take a long a time) maybe consider dwarf loaches (Botia sidthimunki do best on groups 4 or more) instead, 4 discus +15 cardinals +your scavengers(loaches and algae eaters) would look great. if your serious about plants takeout any amonia remover from your filter and replace with a GOOD diosubstrate (Efhi substrate, Seachem, Matrix Siporax JBL micromech etc). good luck and keep us all posted
Fri Feb 09, 2007, 01:58 PM
if your serious about plants takeout any amonia remover from your filter and replace with a GOOD diosubstrate (Efhi substrate, Seachem, Matrix Siporax JBL micromech etc).
Thanks for the advice you guys!! Im not sure about these products? They just go in the "make your own filter?" should I remove the default blue carbon pad thing too? I have read in other posts about not using carbon with discus? Is this filter even gonna work? Im not familiar with cannister filters? My chinese algae eater is very big already, and he hasnt been in there very long...however, I think he ate all the algae in the tank, so I have been feeding him wafers, and last night he was just kinda laying around, normally he jumps from one thing to the next. The Queen Arabesque doesnt sound the greatest algae eater, and I wanted a siamese algae eater, but my LFS doesnt have any. Also, I lost one of the Cardinals in the filter last night :( Is there a way to slow down the flow back into the tank on these hang on the back filters?
Is this MAC from MACsdiscus? If so, I absolutely love your website, and I am def. keeping it in mind when it comes time to discus shop. Im located in PA...maybe you know of another place that may be closer to me you could recommend for discus?
New testing performed in the tank last night:
pH=6.8 (Tap is also 6.8)
Thanks so much for all your help!!
mistakes r crucial
Fri Feb 09, 2007, 07:47 PM
Not that MAC, were based on the Sunshine Coast, QLD but you're more than welcome to come buy your Discus from here lol, air fares might push the price per fish up just a bit.
Fri Feb 09, 2007, 08:50 PM
Hahaha...yeah your right there! Im sorry I got confused.....thanks for your help tho! I guess I should be more observant when people give me advice....thanks again
Fri Feb 09, 2007, 11:55 PM
Erk couldou post a photo of your filter and how it's set up? SAE are also sold under flying fox, make sure the black stripe extends all the way to the tail here's a link to distinguish the 2
Sat Feb 10, 2007, 04:26 PM
I use a Marineland Penguin Bio-Wheel 200 Aquarium Power Filter. Im not sure how to post pics on here yet, but that is what Im using. Its a regular hang on the back filter, with a bio wheel, and blue carbon pad insert. I hope this helps. I will have to try a lil harder to track down the SAE. In the link you sent, the Flying fox is also listed there, separate from the SAE, and the Flying fox gets to be about 6" as well. I would really like to find the SAE, like I tried to do in the first place. I didnt realize it got this big, and aggressive. Thanks for your help![/img]
Sun Feb 11, 2007, 08:29 PM
Chinese Algae Eater was removed this morning :( prolly for the best tho! He went to a tank with more algae in it anyways! :) Thanks for the tip tho about him being mean. I guess its off to start the hunt for the SAE....
Wed Feb 28, 2007, 03:20 PM
Just a lil update, I still use the bio wheel filter at the moment, but it will be removed at some point, and only the rena filstar xp2 cannister filter will remain. Plants look great! I need more substrate tho, so things have slowed down a lil bit. The Chinese algae eater has been removed, and both clown loaches will be removed at some point in the near future, prolly when more substrate arrives before I go to pick up some discus. I currently have 0 ammonia and nitrite, and nitrate is 10-20ppm. pH is steady at 6.8-7.0. Temp is steady at 80 degrees F. The new stocking plans are 3-4 discus, 10-12 cardinals, the 1 queen arabesque pleco, and 1 otto. I CURRENTLY stock 2 clown loaches, 1 otto, 1 queen arabesque and 9 cardinals(lost 2 so far :( )...any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated!
Sun Mar 11, 2007, 01:53 PM
srry 2 get a little off topic guys but whats a diosubstrate??? :?:
the german
Sun Mar 11, 2007, 02:03 PM
welcome to the forum lachlan
i thnk he mean biosubstrate
Sun Mar 11, 2007, 03:00 PM
srry but i still don't know waht that is :(
the german
Mon Mar 12, 2007, 12:39 AM
i think ASA sell it have a look on their website should give you all info you need
Mon Mar 12, 2007, 02:53 AM
ok thanks for your help
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