View Full Version : Reverse Osmosis Units

jim from sydney
Mon Feb 05, 2007, 06:05 AM
Hi Guys

Now a difficult topic

Having bought some RO Water from Wayne (Xtreme Aq) on the weekend (thanks Wayne, and BTW what a nice set up you have there) i am using it at 25% on one of my breeding tanks, just to try the RO water.

I have 2 breeding tanks at 70 liters each. i do a wc at 20% per day,
thus 140*20%*25%= 7 liters of RO per day.

allowing for expansion in the future i would think that 20 liters/day or RO water would be enough, if used on the breeding tanks only. Most of the smaller wall units have an output of 200 ltrs per day, if on for 24 hrs i suppose, so plenty of scope here.

so only a small wall type unit would be OK i guess. The point now is which one and why??

If succesfull it proves that my tap water is poor and i need to use RO permanently and buy a unit of some kind.

So i looked on the forum and websites for info........and needless to say am CONFUSED what to get. It is like buying a new car, each is better than the last one.

So tell me guys, what are we all using and are you happy with the results???

Cheers :lol:

Mon Feb 05, 2007, 06:54 AM
Having used many different brands and types in the past I can say with confidence the Pinnacle range of RO's is the best for the aquarium hobby.

The modules are solid, spare membranes are relatively inexpensive and readily available and the gauge and fittings are top notch.

For what you want a 140-200lpd model would work well.

I dont know if you saw the one hooked up at Xtreme, but that is the 140 model.

jim from sydney
Mon Feb 05, 2007, 07:16 AM
Thanks Proteus

yes, Wayne showed me, i was impressed about its simplicity and ease of installation on the wall, however as Wayne was only new to using it i am awaiting his findings. I think he mentioned Sachem is that the same as you mentioned??? Or is it the same unit with a diiferent brand name????You are right Wayne mentioned the 140 ltr. output.

cheers Jim

Mon Feb 05, 2007, 07:22 AM
Seachem Pinnacle 140


jim from sydney
Tue Feb 06, 2007, 06:08 AM



Tue Feb 06, 2007, 09:25 PM
I have a seachem 140 unit, what I found with mine is because I live out of town and i am not on town pressure(our house uses a pressure pump system) the unit will only produce water when our pump cuts in therefore the 140Lt per day that the unit is supposed to produce extends out to almost 2 1/2 days but what i have done to overcome this was I put a bypass on the line so that I could open up a gate valve turning on our pump and the line from the gate valve I run back to the original tank from where the water comes from in the first place.So I suppose what I am saying here is that the amount of water you will get from any unit is dependant on the water pressure you have at your place.

Tue Feb 06, 2007, 09:35 PM
That is true, most RO units are designed for mains pressure systems, bear in mind with the 140 unit you only need 45psi of water pressureto run it effectively

jim from sydney
Tue Feb 06, 2007, 11:12 PM

thats good information to know, i am on mains so no worry. thanks a lot others may benefit from your comments. btw i have sent you a pm.
