View Full Version : Discus and Congo Tetra, will they get on?
Sun Feb 04, 2007, 01:18 AM
Hi all.
I have a 150ltr tank set up with a couple of loaches, phantom glassfish, cardinals and 3 congo tetras. I was planning on getting 2 discus as the feature fish, but am worried that the congos may be too fast/irratic and may freak the discus out. Also, do you think 150ltrs is big enough for 2 discus?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Mon Feb 05, 2007, 05:52 AM
Welcome to the forum crustacean.
Rule of thumb is one adult discus per 40 litres of water. As you can see, you have plenty of room for two discus. They are a schooling fish, and perfer to be in groups, so if you can manage it, three or four fish would be better.
Two on their own tend to be very scrappy, unless they are a mated pair.
I've had congo tetras in my discus tanks, with never any problems, so I think they will be fine.
Tue Feb 06, 2007, 11:59 PM
Gi' Day
I had Congo tetras and Discus in the same Tank and never had a Problem, I think they go well together, now that I'm back into Discus I'm thinking of getting some Congos as well
C ya
Regards Seve
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 12:48 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys!
Fri Mar 09, 2007, 11:14 PM
I currently have a male and female congo tetra as well as five cardinal tetra and three glowlight (? ones with fluro orange stripe) with my three discus. The congo tetra are too busy chasing each other to worry the discus and health wise all are fine.
I have also read that the three types of tetra I keep are good with discus along with penguin tetra (which I haven't heard of before).
Thu Mar 15, 2007, 02:56 PM
I've got eight 2-3" discus in a 55gal tank with 20 congo tetras, 1 3" S. jardini arowana, 4 1" tiger datnoids, and 5 L-204 plecos. Everybody is getting on fine right now. The discus even push the tetras out of the way for freeze dried bloodworms. I know all these fish won't last in this tank together, however, while they are growing, it's working out okay.
As far as your tank size and amount of fish you have, I think you'll be fine with two discus. If you could get a pair, you'd be set. Although, that is usually expensive. You'd be better off getting about 6 discus and raising them together in that tank. Once you get one pair, get rid of the others. Sell them or trade them for something else. Or just give them to me. Haha!
Anyways, good luck, mate!
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