Fri Feb 02, 2007, 09:35 PM
Hi folks,
I'm currently considering setting up a new planted Discus tank after moving to Vancouver from Scotland, I'm currently thinking of getting a four foot tank (either 12" or 18" deep and 22-24" high). However I'm slightly concerned by the weight of a typical fifty five or seventy five gallon for foot tank. The building my rented condo is in is less than five years old, so I guess it should be strong enough...
If anyone has any experience with this size of tank (or larger) in an apartment I'd love to hear from you, rather than learn the hard (and expensive) way if the size of tank I'm considering is too big! I'd be situating the tank beside a wall, not in the middle of a room, although I'm not sure if its a weight bearing wall (if there is such a thing in a modern concrete & steel tower).
I'm currently considering setting up a new planted Discus tank after moving to Vancouver from Scotland, I'm currently thinking of getting a four foot tank (either 12" or 18" deep and 22-24" high). However I'm slightly concerned by the weight of a typical fifty five or seventy five gallon for foot tank. The building my rented condo is in is less than five years old, so I guess it should be strong enough...
If anyone has any experience with this size of tank (or larger) in an apartment I'd love to hear from you, rather than learn the hard (and expensive) way if the size of tank I'm considering is too big! I'd be situating the tank beside a wall, not in the middle of a room, although I'm not sure if its a weight bearing wall (if there is such a thing in a modern concrete & steel tower).