View Full Version : Strange request but would appreciate any help
Fri Feb 02, 2007, 06:48 AM
I am after any cheap or free Discus.
One option is any deformed Discus that nobody wants.
If any breeders have some fish that they want to cull could you please consider me taking them as PET ONLY!
They will be my 1st Discus & I have no intention of breeding them, just want a couple of cheap or free fish so I can see how I go at keeping them before I spend big dollars on quality animals.
I have read alot of forums/caresheets/articles & books on the species and to be honest I am a little unsure if DIscus are for me or not. I have kept other fish for 10 years or so, I have a good deal of knowledge regarding the basics but just a little unsure on this species due to all the negativity I have read.
If anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated :)
Fri Feb 02, 2007, 06:53 AM
Oh forgot to mention, the 4x18x18 tank I plan to house it/them in will be ready in approx 1 weeks time as I have to take out the substrate & lower the PH, hardness etc (was a Tang tank)
discus lover01
Fri Feb 02, 2007, 07:15 AM
Hi discus can be finicky at times but most times they are as easy to care for as any other tropical fish with the exception of doing water changes more often to keep optimum water conditions for them and when they have this sort of water and decent foods they will be as hardy as any other fish over many years i have had discus yes i have lost some due to my own fault one time and another was beyond my control.
But most good breeders dont even give the culls away as these will when mature become active as pairs and breed and most times making the deformed feature even worse.
But i wish you luck in finding some.
good luck again
Fri Feb 02, 2007, 08:10 AM
dont be scared to leap into the discus, if you ask heaps of questions on the forum you will learn basically everything you need to know, and as discus lover said they can be as hardy as all the other fish, i do a weekly w/c and there fine.
some people find issues but its best to buy local bred dicus ive found them to be a lot more hardy.
go have a look at your local fish stores check out some prices and look at them and see how healthy they are (do not impulse buy, you will waste a lot of money and cause a lot of problems)
so look around make sure there healthy first, look at some prices, so some research, then once you find some healthy relatively cheap ones, go for it.
if you lose them then its just a learning curve and once you get the hang of it these guys are that easy to keep!
Fri Feb 02, 2007, 11:05 AM
But most good breeders dont even give the culls away as these will when mature become active as pairs and breed and most times making the deformed feature even worse.
But i wish you luck in finding some.
good luck again
Yep totally understand that hence I typed "PET ONLY" in caps.
I have no intention of breeding any Discus that are not of quality standard. It would be counter productive of me to sell up my African colonies producing perfect fry in order to breed deformed Discus which would be hard to sell. But I agree whole heartedly with your comments, and to be honest I doubt I would risk polluting the hobby I am passionate about with fish of bad standards due to helping out a newby with an alternative introduction to Discus.
Sooo, with that said I do not mind purchasing any reasonable animals at a realistic price (not after show stoppers that will set me back top dollar though). Would prefer something bred in large quantity that is on the cheaper side as I am still a bit weary and don't want to dive in head 1st.
Fish Rock Aquariums
Fri Feb 02, 2007, 02:03 PM
we have some small blue diamonds in the shop, unfortuneately they are not deformed. they are healthy fish they are in perfect condition. i can help you out on the price though :). if you manage to catch me in the shop they will be under $20ea. also have some very cheap marlboro/solid red fish under $40 7-8cm.
mistakes r crucial
Sun Feb 04, 2007, 07:41 AM
Discus Lover,
That's not strictly true. Anyone that has bred Discus in any quantity and has experienced water problems at one time or another could feasibly have a few hundred fish with short gill plates or other water related problems. I am one :lol: . These same fish maybe of excellent background genetically and will breed perfectly but to look at they are crap.
discus lover01
Sun Feb 04, 2007, 11:01 AM
i would cull any of these mac thats how i am as to not take the chance to get the deformity worse even by chance it may not be i would cull the whole batch and not put sub quality fish out in the market place but as i said thats me
mistakes r crucial
Sun Feb 04, 2007, 06:01 PM
I didn't say I would sell them either and I don't. However, if I get half a dozen that are an outstanding shape etc and I know it's me that's caused the problem and not the genetics then I would keep them for possible future breeders.
discus lover01
Sun Feb 04, 2007, 08:54 PM
Oh ok sorry misunderstood yes if i had caused it yes i wouldnt cull them and i would keep for future stock sorry by deformed i was talking about mutated fins top fins or twisted bodies and stuff those sort of genetic things i would cull them but if it was a mistake of mine yes i would keep some if they were exceptional fish and use for possible breeding or just keep for display sorry bout that i misunderstood you.
thanks brett
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