View Full Version : windows vista
Fri Feb 02, 2007, 03:50 AM
anyone got vindows vista yet ?
installed vista ultimate yesterday and i gotta say i LOVE it :)
few little issues with drivers etc, compatability issues mainly. but i'm sure now it's out the driver updates will be thick and fast "hopefully"
it seems to run much faster than XP pro and theres not as many items in start up as there was in XP Pro on a clean install...
most of the drivers u will need are already loaded or load when u connect ur devices :) it even found my HDTV card drivers and installed them all automatically and my tv card has never worked so good :) gone are all the glitches i had with my old tv software "yay" :)
one thing i dont like is having to rely on widows firewall cause when i try to load zone alarm it just crashes my system :(
over all i am thoroughly impressed with this version of windows :)
Sat Feb 03, 2007, 07:58 PM
I upgraded to it aswell, I didn't think I would be , but I am very impressed with it ... seemes to work quite well.
Had one issue with My Symantec anti virus deciding not to work, but downloaded a fix from their website, and works a treat now !!
The gadgets are really good idea, and come in handy too....
I would reccomend it to peope, much better than XP !!
Sun Feb 04, 2007, 12:19 AM
Personally I would wait 3-6 months until the bugs are ironed out.
From what I hear in the U.S. those that have been eager to update are having quite a few issues, mainly compatibility protocols, but other issues as well.
Sun Feb 04, 2007, 01:08 AM
From what I have read, there is talk of Service Pack 1 being prepared for release later this year to put back functionality that was removed to keep the delivery date.
Service Pack 2 is also a WIP but will result in quite significant changes.
BTW, anyone seen this advert for Visa :D :D :D
Sun Feb 04, 2007, 07:37 AM
Personally I would wait 3-6 months until the bugs are ironed out.
thats no fun :P
i run a bit of an older system now and to be honest i havnt had very many compatability issues at all "so far"
"windows system performance score of 4.4"
i'm having to run beta drivers for my sound card, but thats just creative dragging there feet again. still have sound but not as many options...
one game i play online runs lots better than it did with XP
Sun Feb 04, 2007, 12:22 PM
From what I read it really has no essentials just mostly things you would like to have.
folks buy oem its $290 locally. I cant believe people are paying over $700 for the premium version just to have the fancy wrapping paper.
IL stick with XP untill its essential. We are talking microsoft ! Ill wait for the fixed version to come out first LOL
Mon Feb 05, 2007, 08:45 AM
Fixed version of windows?? I am still waiting!
Mon Feb 05, 2007, 08:54 AM
Hmmmm appears were on our own fish_r !! :D
Don't get me wrong... I am as skeptical as everyone else about it , but because I was so skeptical, it really is a nice surprise that its working ....
Mon Feb 05, 2007, 09:01 AM
a mate just installed it today.
very happy with it to say the least. Very quick install and it easily picked up and installed all the drivers without a hitch.
nortons is crap i use AVG - its free! on the net.
Mon Feb 05, 2007, 10:26 AM
Don't get me wrong... I am as skeptical as everyone else about it , but because I was so skeptical, it really is a nice surprise that its working
same here and was pleasantly surprised :)
still finding lots of little nick knacks/tweaks etc... :)
most of the programs that initially gave me conflicts etc, i have found or figured out fixes to the problems and alls running sweet :)
Tue Feb 06, 2007, 09:00 PM
I was skeptical, and not planning on installing it on my PC.
But mums HP pc that we bought her almost 2 years ago crapped out a few months ago, was shutting down randomly, took it back under extended warranty, and they replaced it with a Compaq system, pre-loaded with vista.
I set it up last night...
Don't like it at all. it doesn't look as sharp, there are just more ways of adjusting the same crap.
I'll wait till its all ironed out and I can get a streamlined install that has everything I need, like my XP disk. put it in, walk away, come back half an hour later, and I'm back online with everything where it needs to be.
vista? not at the moment.
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 07:46 AM
maybe if u get a real computer not a HP compac u wont have any problems with vista :P j/k
the only reason u can do a unattended install is cause hp sets up the disk that comes with ur comp. it's got nothing to do with the operating system....
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 07:54 AM
spot on HP are pathetic that way, you dont need HP software!
no need to spend big dollars a brand pc when all they do is stick a HP label on it and resell it.
keep those reviews coming people
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 07:58 AM
Anyone seen the new Apple "Get a Mac" advert. Seems to be playing on Bill's displeasure at the previous ads:
Yes, I do use a Mac but I'm not someone who thinks everyone should use a Mac ;-)
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 08:53 AM
no need to spend big dollars a brand pc when all they do is stick a HP label on it and resell it.
yes and all HP's iv'e seen the insides of are cheap parts and u cant move in there. + most of the ones iv'e seen come with a "celeron" chip
ok for internet and general basic stuff, but dont try to multi task :P :P :P
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 08:54 AM
sorry dont mean it to sound like i'm picking on u ellwa :)
just HP comps in general :P
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 09:08 AM
Well, HP's have done the job for me for years and I wouldnt use anything else... although they do have a load of custom extras... I call it being weenified... techno weeniefied
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 09:53 AM
I'd disagree with you there about HP's... I have a 3 gHz HP laptop, and its the best Pc I have evr owned.... has never gone wrong on me and takes anything I throw at it , even the most demanding of tasks.... Can't fault them to be honest.
I think that if you were to buy their new budget range (they only cost about 200 quid here for a new desktop and monitor , which im compairsion to the usual 600 - 700 quid for a PC is a little extreme) then your just asking for problems as they have to cut corners somewhere,
all in all, you get what you pay for in any PC , the less you pay the less you get. You best bet is to find something that was expensive to start with, and buy it in a sale, that way you get the best of both worlds :-)
As for vista.... still loving it , don't think I would go back to XP now
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 10:16 AM
maybe i was being a bit harsh, and the ones iv'e seen & worked on must of been the budget models cause they were absolute crap and a pain in the ass to work on, especially the last one i did, just to put an extra hardrive in i had to remove the whole heatshink on the cpu and then reseat it again after fitting the drive...
i guess it's just personal preference and how much dollars u have to spend...
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 12:25 PM
Hey Ben,
Remember HP is a "label" , that lap top you have has more than likely no HP components. Its not that Hp is crap, its just that the particuler system you are looking at is outdated and dodge.
They do make quality printers though :)
HP , DELL and others like that do a bang up job on supplying generic systems to people who want a pc for work or internet use or graphics etc etc. But those who are trying to achieve certain objectives or have prefered tastes ( like me ) are fussy over everything from what brand of case, fans, ram, hard drives, motherboards, cables, hehe geeky me but theres a diffrence! Its all about top end speed and stability
for me i like to select my components go to a store like computer parts land and pay them $50 to assemble it. its Way cheaper! then buying a pre made system then pay umpteen dollars to get it modified or as they call it "upgraded". And becuase I avoid the crap I end up with a prefered system usually cheaper.
keep those vista reviews coming.
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 02:49 PM
Me starting to love OS X
It kinda just works ......
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 10:43 PM
thats why I love my powerbook :D
so versatile, and so stable
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 10:49 PM
thats why I love my powerbook :D
so versatile, and so stable
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 11:39 PM
I've always been a mac person. OS X it is. 2010 would probably be a good time to buy Vista, 187 "security updates" and 4 odd service packs later.
MCSE will probably need an upgrade now :x
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