View Full Version : Uh-oh... unwanted pairing

Thu Feb 01, 2007, 05:07 AM
My Discus have been kept in 50 gallon tanks, seperated according to type, 5 Discus per tank. They were just starting to pair off; I had 2 pairs spawn in 2 seperate tanks. But, I had to shut down my 50 gallon tanks temporarily, so everyone got tossed into a 230 gallon tank. Now, one of the Ocean Greens has paired up with a Red Spot Green. :( Question is, once I get my 50s back up and running, if I seperate the pair, will I have a Romeo & Juliet syndrome happening, or will they eventually pair up with their own kind?

Thu Feb 01, 2007, 06:36 AM
They don't pair for life, and will quite happily accept new partners when you change tanks again.

Don't worry. :P