View Full Version : hair algae

Tue Jan 30, 2007, 05:22 PM
Hey I have a bit of a hair algae problem at the moment. Due to what I believe is high phosphates .I am taking my water in for a test tomorrow. If this is the case what have people found to be the best product to neutralise and/or remove it . I believe it is due to using to much ada ferts in my ada setup tank as it is all in Japanese on the instructions . Removing the ferts would mean stripping the whole tank . Any help would be great.

Tue Jan 30, 2007, 10:52 PM
I had a really bad infestation about a year ago and took all removable decorations and equipment out and bleached it. Refer to this topic


I now only have a small amount in the tank, basically on fittings I couldn't easily remove and some on my anubias and sailboats. My LFS suggested triple dosing of Seachem Flourish Excel. When I got home I wasn't sure if I was supposed to triple the maintenance dose or the initial dose, so to be on the safe side I tripled the maintenance dose. I still haven't had any success so I tripled the initial dose last night. Not sure if I should repeat, so I'm not going to at the moment and leave it for a week or so and see if there is any change. Will keep you posted.

Tue Jan 30, 2007, 11:22 PM
Hair algae is a pain, i have it in my tanks with no phosphate but with HIGH IRON, i stopped daily dosing with Iron and it went away (siemensis ate it faster then it could grow back) por phosphate removal i've heard good reviews on phoszorb Dad uses it on his over fed discus tank after a green water bloom and it cleared it up.