View Full Version : Apistogrammas in with Discus?
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 03:40 AM
This might have been asked before but has anyone ever kept any dwarf cichlids in with discus? It seems to me that in a well planted tank with much lower level area for the apistos this should work out fine. But I don't know which is why I ask. I am thinking one male and two females.
Thanks Much In Advance for any info.
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 04:27 AM
I dont seem to have any dramas keeping apistos with discus in my planted tanks.
I keep my spare male agasizzi's in my planted tanks to grow out a bit and they don't seem to get picked on at all, the tank is really heavily planted though...
Most apisto's seem to hold their own fairly well...
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 09:16 AM
depends on the species, some apistos like it hot, some ... not. also your water conditions play a role in selecting the right kind of apisto for your discus tank. apistos such as Cheyne mentioned, the agassizii, will do ok at 6.5 pH and about 28 - 29C ... the thing with a lot of apistos, too, is that they like variable water temps or they may become more susceptible to bacterial infections. A. viejita should also be ok in higher temps, I used to breed mine at 30C, but my pH was at 4.5 - 5 for the eggs to develop. which is another point ... I take it that you're intending for your apistos to breed (1m 2f sounds like a breeding trio to me)... a lot of them like very acid water to get them to spawn and for the eggs to not fungus. but some should be ok. many apistos also don't like much current in the tank for them to breed.
cacatuoides don't need their water to be too sweet (acid) and neither do the agassizii tank bred strains (as well as some wilds), but for temp, I think the aggies would do a lot better.
please post your temp, pH and hardness ...
Fri Feb 02, 2007, 03:21 AM
I have one - but seem to be losing a few cockys lately, but i don't know whether its the conditions or the supplier - the others seem ok!
Fri Feb 02, 2007, 07:55 AM
the higher temperatures of discus tanks will shorten their lifespan
i tend to keep all my apisto's around 25 celsius with variations only uto 28 when attempting to onduce breeding in certain species
if you accept the year life span then i dont see any other problems
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