View Full Version : Rasboras

Tue Jan 23, 2007, 01:17 AM
Hi all,

I am having some trouble with my Rasboras,

Origionally i had 16 which were large really healthy looking fish :D

I got another batch of 10 and then the trouble started :cry:

after a week or so i lost one, then another 2, i consulted a friend and was told that it maybe dropsie :x

i meadiatly took out another that looked not so good i and everything was fine for another month or so :D

untill the other day i added 10 lemon tetras a week ago, a pair of Apistos
and then last night i counted 18 out of 21 remaining, i imeadiatly disposed of the floaters, but could not see any sign of illnes on the remaining fish :evil: .

this morning i have 16 and most of my larger Rosboras are gone, could it just be old age?

Everthing else seems to be doing great?

It looks as if my Rams and Apisto's could breed at any moment, and i dont want to loose anymore Rasbora's let alone my Rams or Whiptail etc.

Please someone "HELP" im starting to freak out, Arrrhhhhh....

Tue Jan 23, 2007, 01:37 AM
The only symtoms tof illness are shown after death :evil: ,

Except the fish that i took out last night that had lost colour and was swimming upside down

I noticed that a floater had a slightly bloated appearence, with scales sticking out on the body area, and the eyes seemed to pop out.

The remaining fish look healthy but the affects of whatever they have seems to be very rapid :cry:

Thu Jan 25, 2007, 04:08 AM
Hi all,
Here finally are some pic's of my tank :D

Thu Jan 25, 2007, 04:55 AM
How hot is your tank? from memory rasboras don't like it hotter then 26-27C (80F -82F) ALSO THEY ARE VERY SENSITIVE TO AMMONIA AND NITRITE if they keep dieing when you add new fish maybe your getting an ammonia or nitrite spike, if either of these creep up fish can become weak and suseptable to infection. Also if you have Dropsey it will pick off all your fish 1 by 1 it's horrible unless you keep your tank conditions perfect and your fishes diet perfect, sorry it's one of those things that i've only beaten once, every other time i've lost every other fish in than to it over bout 1-2years

Thu Jan 25, 2007, 05:16 AM
Sorry all can't type last line should read "in that tank to it over 1-2 years" tank was a 40L planted tank of female betta's 12 fish (I KNOW too high a bioload) and 2 sponge filters run by diy yeast CO2