View Full Version : Lights & CO2 again

Sat Jan 20, 2007, 01:25 AM
Hi everyone,

I have had my 4.5 x 2 x 2.5 deep running for a while and a friend suggested i put up a post here to iron out my problems.

i have it set up with various amazon swords which are doing alot better now since daily fertz and root tabs, though i cant seem to get my Ocelots to come back which melted before adding fertz, should i just get another one?

I am now using Flora Excel which has nearly wiped out my alge which bloomed after adding Haldes

can anyone tell me what Halide globes would be the best for the depth/set up? or how to calculate it?

I have also been running 2 x 2L coke bottle CO2 units but have been frustrated because the mix keeps running out to quickly, would that have anything to do with running it into my canister filters?

I would like to get a proper CO2 system so i can control the output but have a problem with spending big $ is there an option (second hand or other)or do i need to just bite the bullet and buy a Sera CO2 System?

I will try to post some picks soon

Thanks in advance:)

Sat Jan 20, 2007, 08:26 AM
Hi, Well done with the metal halides best choice for that depth, you should get 6500k globes i believe they are the closest to midday sunlight.
your Ozolets were proably grown emered and so will melt as they adjust to submerse conditions keep with the ensure they get plenty of light and try to keep up CO2.
for a tank your size (bigger than my 4x2x2) you need MORE Yeast if thats your CO2 source, on my 450L i used 4 2L coke bottles each 2 cups of white sugar 2 teaspoons of yeast, i changed 2 bottles EVERY WEEK!!! also DONT use regular air tubing, it leaks CO2 I lost over 1/2 my co2 that way. Use CO2 resistant silicone tubing.
you can pice together a cheap co2 system, try this thread
http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=857 and this page
good luck, post up some pics :D

Mon Jan 22, 2007, 05:34 AM
Thanks heeps this info is really helpfull!

I will post my photos as soon as i work out how :oops:

I will take some new photos first with my new additions :D