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Mrs Whippy
Thu Jan 18, 2007, 08:38 PM
Nice site so I just had to join!

I currently have a Juwel 260 Vision with Aqua One 1000 external filter. It is currently stocked as a planted community tank with Gouramis, Clown Loaches, Tetras etc.

However, I have just bought a Juwel Rio 300 with 2 external Enheim filters second hand off ebay and in mint condition which I am going to take the plunge and stock it with Discus (not sure as to which strain yet!). I know a challenge awaits, plenty of ups and downs, but I am sure glad to have found this site as the forums are just stacked with excellent information.

So, that's all for now as I am off investigating the photo's!

scott bowler
Fri Jan 19, 2007, 01:45 AM
welcome mrs whippy i hope you enjoy your stay with us , when you do go a head and get the tank and start dont hesitate to ask for help or any adivse you my be seeking there is allways some one here that will be able to help ,and most of all have fun here , good luck with it all