View Full Version : Ideas for red plants please

shawn barker
Thu Jan 18, 2007, 04:00 PM
I'm looking for a contrasting colour for my discus display tank and was considering a reddish coloured plant.

It would obviously need to tolerate the higher temps of the tank, the lighting is quite bright(?) (1xpower glo and 3xaqua glo) and I already inject CO2

Thu Jan 18, 2007, 10:37 PM
There are a lot of new swords out on the market now, you could try Red Flame (good to about 28-29C) red october, red devil or deep purple (all good to about 28-30C) also think of a red tiger lotus or a nymphea rubra lotus (both good to over 30C). Echinodorus "Devils eye" is a great plant for contrast if you have good light, deep green leaves with deeper than blood red veins new growth is often bright red with autum colours through it (I grow mine at 29C with no problems).

shawn barker
Fri Jan 19, 2007, 04:14 PM
Thanks for that I've made a note of the names and shall keep my eyes open for them.

Sat Jan 20, 2007, 04:32 AM
rotala macranda is my fave red plant, a bit difficult to keep though, but definitely worht the work.
another is rotala wallichi, thats also nice if grown properly

Sat Jan 20, 2007, 07:09 AM
if i'm reading ur specs right u have 4 x fluoro's
over approx 132 US gallons. comes out too approx
144 watts total "if there 4 ft tubes"
so 144 watts divided by 132 gallons = 1.09 watts per gallon, which is considered pretty low light and most red plants require med - high lighting 2.5 wpg or more
u should be ok with some red swords, but definately not macrandra or wallachi or most red stem plants...

Sat Jan 20, 2007, 07:12 AM
forgot to add, this might help too :)

Sun Jan 21, 2007, 12:39 AM
How about a red tiger lotus? Relatively easy to keep with CO2 and can be "trained" to grow to various heights.


shawn barker
Sun Jan 21, 2007, 01:02 PM
I have found a red tiger lotus but having read fish_r post I am now unsure about my light.

I have four T8's rated at 40watts each. The problem is now haw do I increase the light intensity without breaking the bank.

Would a reflector on each tube increase the intensity? Or would I be better of saving up for T6's that are meant to be a lot brighter?

I know lighting is a hot topic and I am now begining to see why...

Sun Jan 21, 2007, 10:46 PM
Hi shawn, theres a few things you can do however a good T5 setup would proably be best, if you can get individual reflectors for each tube cheaply do that, if not try lining the inside of your hood with aluminium foil, also consider using lifeglo2 tubes they are a lot brighter then aqua glo's and very strong in the blue and green spectrum the (part red plants use) a friend of mine a a lfs grows magnificent red tiger lotus with 4 lifeglo2 tubes over a 4x1.5x1.5 and high CO2 (30-35ppm I think)

Mon Jan 22, 2007, 12:55 AM
definately a T5 retro fit would be the go if u want to seriously get into plants, but for now as illusn said the lifeglo2 tubes are a fair bit brighter and @ 6700k around the kelvin rating u want...
there is a lot of info here too about lighting if u didnt c it

one thing though i would not put ali foil as a reflector as aluminium foil reflacts light not reflects it
flat white paint is a much better reflector...

shawn barker
Mon Jan 22, 2007, 09:28 AM
Me again

I've looked into a T6 alternative and they are unavailable in 48" tubes so that option is out...

My wife gets the hump sometimes if I spend too much on the aquarium so the expense of a metal halide option is also out as with a full T luminare sooooo...for the time being shall look into some reflectors and changing to the lifeglo 2 tubes.

By the way I've seen these compact T5 units by interpet and was wondering if they were any good. If so would I need the twin 55w for a 2' deep tank, to make room would mean sacrificing one of the twin T8 units though.

Thanks again for all the advice...shame advice is free but the solutions aren't :D

Mon Jan 22, 2007, 11:06 AM
Cf are good to, basicly a 55w Cf is a T5 bent in half you loose some efficiency to to re-strike (2 tubes soo close together mean that some light is lost), you can compensate for this by using good reflectors, AH supply make VERY good reflectors and ship worldwide, still for a tank your size you'd need at least 4 55w tubes, with 6 you could grow anything (with good reflectors that is) have alook at this link and their site it spells it out pretty well http://ahsupply.com/mcart/index.cgi?code=3&cat=9

shawn barker
Sat Jan 27, 2007, 06:25 PM
Due to a limited budget I have gone for the interpet compact t5's. I've got the twin 55watt with the triplus bulbs.

It has made the tank appear a lot brighter and if my sums are right takes it to about 2.04 watts per gallon. Probably still a bit lower than recommended but all I can afford for now.

Shall keep my fingers crossed it makes a difference.