View Full Version : Ivanacara (Nannacara) Adoketa.
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 01:00 AM
Spawning success at last....
With well mature adult fish having 3-4 batches of non viable eggs and near perfect water params, ph4.5,Dgh and Dkh at undetectable levels i was beginning to give up on this breeding project....
But i now have a small batch of approx 50 wrigglers and i must admit i am chuffed to bits.
Bacteria free water is definately the key to successful egg development with this species either in the form of a UV or in my case large daily partial water changes.
Have no pics of wrigglers as yet... Will post ASAP.
Female with eggs.
Male guarding eggs.
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 03:03 AM
Hey congrats man..
Nice photos too. Keep us posted!
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 04:40 AM
hey congrats
nice looking fish :)
Tue Jan 16, 2007, 04:02 AM
BEAUTIFUL fish mate!
Fri Jan 19, 2007, 06:18 AM
What Beauitful Fish!
What would the possibility(Common/Rare) be of getting a pair of these for my tank (450L)
would they be to agressive for a community tank with rams, lemmon tetras etc?
Fri Jan 19, 2007, 07:19 AM
Depends how you define "too aggressive"?
Any cichlid will get fairly aggressive if they are spawning and protecting a brood, Rams included. I doubt they'd be very agro on a day to day basis.
Pound for pound the dwarves are pretty fierce competitors when they need to be.
Dwarf cichlids that is, not dwarf humans. They're pussies!! :P
Fri Jan 19, 2007, 12:44 PM
Im guessing they would need a seperate tank then, dont they get about 10cm-12cm?
I was assuming they would probably kill Rams & Lemon tetras when breeding, though i noticed that the plants seem to be intact, so mayby not
When i breed Green Terrors a wile back they would rip out plants left right and centre!
I've breed Cockatoo's and they just defended an area or mobile fry.
i have a pair of Apistos at the moment and he's pretty agressive to the rams,hes only been in there since Wednesday, and he ownes 1/3- 1/2 of the bottom! Though he's not on a killing spree.....yet LOL
I suppose im asking if they would destroy my tank or just defend an area, I would love to be able to get such awsome fish,
Ii could breed them in my Quarantine Tank with my Peppermints if i had to!,
Thats if you new where i was able to get a pair? and how much i should pay?
P.S. Sorry to be so long winded, I'll post some photo's of my tank when i get a chance!
Fri Jan 19, 2007, 10:23 PM
As Microman has pointed out, he had to get the ph down to 4.5 get these guys going. That is at the extreme lower end of the ph scale for the majority of fish, even rams and apistos. Most are happy and will breed in the 6's, some prefer 5.something.
Unless you are prepared to give these fellas those conditions I wouldn't bother. I've never seen them in shops or on lists before but that doesn't mean we can't get them. Good luck and let us know how you go
Fri Jan 19, 2007, 11:07 PM
Thanks Robdog,
Im new to this and didn't chech Micromans location.
I doubt they are available in Oz, though if anyone knows if they are and how much i would pay i would appreciate the help.
i have a 100L Quarantine tank which i would adjust to breed them.
Sun Jan 21, 2007, 02:00 AM
This species can be extremely aggressive but generally only towards the female it has paired with, if kept in a small group any aggression is kept to a minimum.
I used Pencilfish as dithers with my pair and the Adoketa did not show any aggression at all towards these whilst breeding.
I would definately not consider this species suitable for a community set up due to its maintainence and breeding requirements in terms of water params and quality.
This species is a very hard to find species over here in Europe and the UK and 12-18 months ago were commanding prices of approx 80-90 UK pounds per pair. There have been no commercial imports to date into the UK.
These fish came into the UK(To Bolton Museum) via Alf Stalsberg from Norway and i know of only 2 people in the UK who have successfully bred this species to date.
I recently(Nov) took a batch of juvie Adoketa over to Holland, along with a batch of Biotoecus, for Uwe Romer who drove from Germany to collect them so i guess they are hard to find there also....
There have been imports into Hong Kong but from what i gather these are also few and far between.
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