View Full Version : something in eye
Thu Jan 11, 2007, 10:38 AM
hey can anyone here have a look at this and tell me wats wrong with my fish
actually hes acting pretty normal hes just got sth stuck in his eye or sth
it happened the other day when i put too much acid buffer in the smaller tank he was in, both discus were shedding their skin and showed film over the eye, i diluted the water lots and lots once i saw this happen, now the other one looks normal now, but this one still has eye probs
anyways if u cant see the pic properly im talkin about hte white dot near the pupil, theres also a thin cloudy film over the eye, its just visible, hth
Fri Jan 12, 2007, 07:54 AM
the surface damage is from the irritant in the water, likely the acid buffer you say you overdose
prehaps the white spot is hypopyon, this is just an acummulation of inflammatory(white blood cells) in the anterior chamber of the eye, they should move about and not be specifically stuck i one place
also you could just have enough damage to the cornea to have some scarring within the layers or a corneal precipitate
if yo look across the eye does the white spot appear deep in the eye or close to the surface
Fri Jan 12, 2007, 05:24 PM
hey, thanks for ur reply
umm do u know any treatments for the things u mentioned, heres more pics, they are a bit better so hopefully u guys can also give a better diagnosis
Fri Jan 12, 2007, 05:45 PM
you don't put acid buffer straight into tanks, either add it to a water drum before water changes or don't use it at all.
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 04:54 AM
I think you've been lucky this time Chris. As Andrew said, it's probably due to the acid buffer you used. That eye has sustained a little more damage, but it doesn't look like it's gone deep into the eye, just across the surface, so I don't think the cornea is damaged, but I'd be interested to know what Andrew thinks of these new photos.
My advice is to keep the water clean, with frequent water changes, and (do I need to say it) take extreme care with acid buffer in future. It MUST NOT be added directly to the tank. It's pretty dangerous stuff.
The eye should recover naturally after a few weeks, but you may always see a small scar.
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 04:59 AM
hi, my discus has similar problem, i have not used and acid buffer, but my tank is a bit crowd, around 14 discus in a 130L tank, with a canister filter, and the ph is always drop to 4, I change water almost 2-3 days, is it too acid will cause similar problem, but they have been in this water condition for 3 month, and yesterday, they suddenly change very bad, and i change 50% of water, they now look better, the the white cloudy stuff is still in the eye, pls advise,
the german
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 06:17 AM
welcome to the forum ahcliu
14 discus in 130 liter????????????????????????
how big are they and how often you feed?
thats less than 1 liter per fish.
when you have adult discus and a normal size canister filter you should have 40-50 liter per fish!!!!
the german
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 06:17 AM
sorry less than 10 liter per fish
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 09:52 PM
they are around 2.5 to 4 feet
8 of them are 6mth old, which are hatched by , are they adult? not sure how old is adult?
Yes, I am seeking a 4 foott tank, but can only afford to buy a used one, there is lot of choice in ebay, any advise to buy a used tank?
the german
Fri Jan 26, 2007, 12:16 AM
6 month is not adult,discus can grow up to 2 years.
thats a lot of fish for this tank,you need a very big filter or better a second tank.
i bought recently a few uesed tanks from my LFS there i can make sure
that their have no cracks or any other damage.
tanks from ebay? i dont know if that is a good idea,maybe you can be lucky but yuo can also look in local papers there have everytime used tanks for sale for reasonable prices.
Fri Jan 26, 2007, 10:53 AM
Hi Achliu, Welcome to the forum...
I would have to say that even a 4ft tank is not big enough for 14 discus. An average 4ft tank is 220-240litres and that is really only suitable for up to 6 adult discus. (unless you want to do daily water changes)
at the sizes you have mentioned (I am assuming you mean centimetres not feet!! LOL) you could probably have them in a 4ft but they will ultimately require more space as they grow or they will be at a large risk of being runted.
If you have a look in the classifieds section on this or other forums you can quite often find decent tanks at very reasonable prices...
I would be looking to get them into a bigger tank ASAP!! And you should up your water changes to 50% daily, to stop any ammonia issues.
Good luck! The sooner you get them a bigger home the better!!!
Fri Jan 26, 2007, 04:23 PM
probably means inches :P
Sat Jan 27, 2007, 12:07 AM
Ooops ! yeah, 2.5cm would be pretty small hey?
Well even more necessity for a big tank then!!! ;-)
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