View Full Version : metro questions
Wed Jan 10, 2007, 01:36 PM
hey im about to treat my fish with metro.. could i please get a few opinions from ppl that have had experience
got a few questions
1. Whats ur dosage rate? (the vet said 1 200mg tablen per 40L, leave for 3 days then do water change)
2. Does metro affect the bio filter?
3. Do we need to turn the light off whilst treating with metro?
4. What temperature should we set the tank to?
5. is it more affective to soak pellets beforehand in dissolved metro and then pour it all in?
thats all i can think of now... hope u guys can answer back asap!
Wed Jan 10, 2007, 04:04 PM
Metronidazole at 500mg to 40 liter water. every 8 hrs after 45% w/c for 3 days if this guy starting to eat on some food or all ready do..
Look doze below in food
its break down from 6 hrs to no later than 8 hrs after dosing in water.... this is the reason for the 45% w/c when dosing Metronidazole directly into the tank water.
Temp 30 c
U can have the light on!
Metronidazole 1.5 grams into 100 grams meat
Metronidazole mix fed 3 times a day up till 11 day max!
Metronidazole will not affect the biofilter bacterial colony
Ps are u fighting spiro aka white poooo?
Rgd Dizkuz
Bill T
Thu Jan 11, 2007, 12:47 AM
Why not try some Octozin? Easy to use and very effective, IMHO.
Thu Jan 11, 2007, 05:30 AM
Chikku, there are a lot of different opinions from vets on the use of Metro in fish.
I've heard the dose recommended by your vet before, but more recent trials suggest that metro is poorly absorbed by the mucus membrane, and it has a half life of 8 hours in water.
My own vet (who is vet to the Melbourne Aquarium) recommends a dose similar to the one described by dizkuz. For mild cases a dose of 250mg per 40 litres of water, repeated every 8 hours for 5 days is adequate.
In more severe cases, or in chronic cases, the dose is 500 mg per 40 litres of water repeated every 8 hours for up to 10 days.
The best method is if the fish is eating, to soak some dry food in metro. That way it will get straight into the stomach, where it will do the most good.
As Bill T mentioned, Octozin is an excellent substitute for metro, and is well tolerated by fish.
discus lover01
Tue Jan 23, 2007, 10:11 PM
I have been looking after some of my discus with hex and treating at the 250mg per 40 litre dose rate to find the fish after day 4 had started to eat then on day 5 where i would of done a water change and 1 more dose i woke to find 1 fish had died overnight and it was one that ate some live brineshrimp yesterday.
I am sad that it has died as upon inspection from out of the tank it doesnt look like there is anything wrong with it.
There was also another one that wasnt looking to good either which i have removed from the treatment tank and put into an identical temp and ph tank and within an hour it was swimming around happily again has anyone had this sort of reaction to metro treatmeent before.
I had 5 fish in the treatment tank and only 2 were affected like this the others are fine and even showing signs of looking for food and i can see some dark colour poo on the bottom of the treatment tank.
Thanks all or any advice on this would be appreciated
Wed Jan 24, 2007, 02:50 AM
Brett, I haven't had that reaction to metro before.
I suppose you were doing the water changes in between each dose?
I guess fish are like people, and some will react differently to others. All the same, it's dissapointing to lose a precious fish, especially one that seems to be recovering.
discus lover01
Wed Jan 24, 2007, 05:14 AM
Hi Lady yes i was doing the water change between each dose and then adding the correct dose of metro for the water that was taken out and replaced and ph was the same as in tank from water change and temp same and i cant figure out why it's 2 fish the same colour the other 3 fish were different colours and have seemed to handle it ok but i know before the fish went for treatment they had hardly eaten for nearly 2 weeks so maybe this making them weaker and having this affect on them i am unhappy as idont like any fish dying and when they do show signs of recovery.
Hopefully the other one will pull through as it's not looking well at the moment and by not well i mean not swimming right and still not eating yet still 2 of the others have eaten frozen food today but i am worried about the fish as they havent been right since coming from interstate.
thanks again
Wed Jan 24, 2007, 06:07 AM
It's so hard when they won't eat.
We know that metro is poorly absorbed through the water.
If you could just get some medicated food into them, you know it would at least do some good.
Hope the other one makes it Brett.
Good luck.
Wed Jan 24, 2007, 08:12 AM
i have a small ram with hith
i have been using 2- 6 hr dips in metro solution that is 400mgs dissolved( or not as the case may be) in 1 litre of water
the fish is not suffering from the strength of the dip
nor is it acheiveing the desired effect
as metronidazol is relatively poorly water soluble it is not an ideal choice for in water medication
although metronidazol in general is not suggested as being light sensitive, the iv solutions i have are dramatically affected by light and i would therefore suggest that prehaps turning out the lights is actually a useful thing
basically though oral consumption of this medication is best
or maybe try and source flubendazol or fenbendazol as other possible alternatives to protozoan infections
discus lover01
Wed Jan 24, 2007, 10:35 PM
Just an update i was very close to taking the other fish out of the tank last night as it was just being pushed around the tank by the filter water movement but i thought i will see what it's like in the morning it's head was on the bottom of the tank and tail facing the top of the tank last night it was breathing shallow and i didnt give it much chance to survive.
Yet this morning when i woke up it is up swimming right and is breathing ok but again i have the white poo from it and if i cant treat with metro as the affect it has had on the fish i dont know what else to treat with.
And as i already had to revive it yesterday twice by using a straw into it's mouth and then gently blowing air like mouth to mouth but using a straw and i revived it twice i had to do this yesterday as it had stopped breathing and i got it breathing again i dont know what else to do with it as if i cant use metro on it as it has like an allergic reaction to the drug and it would be dead i think within 1 day of going to the treatment tank again anyone have any ideas what else i can do.
I will see if it's eating when i feed fish soon.
Bill T
Wed Jan 24, 2007, 10:40 PM
Try some octozin, and administer the last rites.
discus lover01
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 02:06 AM
octazin has metro in it as well and thats about it i would be giving a death sentence to it time for vet trip maybe i think and see what he can suggest.
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 03:44 AM
take a dropper or syringe and force feed it some metro.
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 11:32 AM
Samir any luck with the syringe method, what your method of administrating it.
discus lover01
Fri Jan 26, 2007, 02:13 AM
I havent ever tried this and am very reluctant to add any more metro to it's system as the reaction the 2 golds had to it and it's taken a few days for this one to get all out of system would be interested to know what dose rates for the force feed syringe or dropper method is.
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