Wed Jan 03, 2007, 05:41 PM
Hey everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mike
Baker, and I am from Nova Scotia Canada. I am not new to discus, I have kept them in the past with what i would call moderate success. In the last few years i have gained alot of knowlege about the aquarium hobby, most of which has stemmed from keeping a successful reef tank, as well as an african mbuna tank, which are both still running. In addition I have a 120 gallon tank with nothing in it, so i decided to take the plunge, and have another go at a planted discus tank. I decided to get an account here as the members seem extremely knowledgeable, and I'm sure i will have questions along the way. Cant wait to get started.
Baker, and I am from Nova Scotia Canada. I am not new to discus, I have kept them in the past with what i would call moderate success. In the last few years i have gained alot of knowlege about the aquarium hobby, most of which has stemmed from keeping a successful reef tank, as well as an african mbuna tank, which are both still running. In addition I have a 120 gallon tank with nothing in it, so i decided to take the plunge, and have another go at a planted discus tank. I decided to get an account here as the members seem extremely knowledgeable, and I'm sure i will have questions along the way. Cant wait to get started.