View Full Version : WTB/Trade - Plants

Sun Dec 31, 2006, 12:32 AM

Just wondering if anyone is having a clear out of their tank/wants to trade some plant cuttings?

My shopping list is any of the following:

Echinodorus Red Special
Echinodorus Red Diamond
Echinodorus martii
Echinodorus "ozelot"
Echinodorus tenellus (dwarf chain sword)
Microsorium pteropus - Java Fern
Amazon Swords
Java Moss

I have some crypts to offer by way of a swap and may also have some Red Lotus shoots to offer as well. Failing that, will offer some folding funds, beer etc :D

Tue Jan 02, 2007, 11:23 AM
And to the above I'd add:

Blyxa Japonica
Anubias nana
Anubias barteri
Aponogeton madagascariensis (Lace Fern)
Echinodorus Red Devil

Tue Jan 02, 2007, 09:41 PM
Good luck finding some lace fern, ive tried several times in the last few months to get my hands on some, giving up for the moment until i get another tank setup.

I have some amazon swords (3) and some anubias nana (3). however the anubias needs some TLC, i propogated it and had some failure but its on the mend, some nice new growth coming through in the last few weeks. The swords arent very big, i did a massive clean up and cull about a month ago and threw out maybe a kg of swords ! Decided to keep the smaller newer offshoots for growth, about 10cm high at this point, but ive had good growth off this stock over the last 12 months.

What crypts have you got ?
Id be happy for a straight trade.


Wed Jan 03, 2007, 07:27 AM
Good luck finding some lace fern, ive tried several times in the last few months to get my hands on some, giving up for the moment until i get another tank setup.

I have some amazon swords (3) and some anubias nana (3). however the anubias needs some TLC, i propogated it and had some failure but its on the mend, some nice new growth coming through in the last few weeks. The swords arent very big, i did a massive clean up and cull about a month ago and threw out maybe a kg of swords ! Decided to keep the smaller newer offshoots for growth, about 10cm high at this point, but ive had good growth off this stock over the last 12 months.

What crypts have you got ?
Id be happy for a straight trade.


I know I'm trying my luck with the lace fern and to be honest, this isn't a top priority from all the plants.

With the crypts I have, I have two types. There is a mix of Cryptocoryne wendtii ''Mi Oya'' and I think (it was given to me) Cryptocoryne beckettii ''Petchii''. I will try and post photos to let people see them and confirm identity.

