Sat Dec 30, 2006, 02:33 AM
Hi new to the forum...
Was planning a planted discus tank... have had them before but not very sucessful in breeding and raising fry.... managed to keep them alive though...
I have recently moved to Sydney AUS, from Mumbai IND... and now want to start my fish keeping seriously...
Just getting to know the people in the know here in SYD.
Hope to be regular at the forum and may be attend a few meetings :D
Thanks and Regards,
Was planning a planted discus tank... have had them before but not very sucessful in breeding and raising fry.... managed to keep them alive though...
I have recently moved to Sydney AUS, from Mumbai IND... and now want to start my fish keeping seriously...
Just getting to know the people in the know here in SYD.
Hope to be regular at the forum and may be attend a few meetings :D
Thanks and Regards,