View Full Version : New Tank

Sat Sep 18, 2004, 06:06 AM
Hey all,
Im new here so i would like to say hi. :D I lived in sydney on the northern beachs for 14 years and i lived 30 seconds from Hi-tek aquariums brookvale. im no living on the far north coast. Im soon getting a 6ftx18"x18" tank and im hoping to get 4 discus but i have to remove fish from my 30gallon tank. Im hoping to keep:
25 cory cats
4 clown loachs
4 Bristol nose plecos
4 rams
Im not sure what im going to do with my angels fish. :( Do you all think that it is a bad idea to put rather large angls and small discus toghther?
Thanks in advance BlackGhost
P.S good to finally find a site that has more Aussies than just myself lol

Sat Sep 18, 2004, 06:27 AM

Big angels wil compete for food with the more timid discus, they can also carry desiese

the angels will be a big no no's................ sorry

Sat Sep 18, 2004, 07:30 AM
25 cory's!!!! i like your style, go hard or go home!!! :lol:

One day ill have 200 tanks with all different cory speices, one day....one day..................

Sat Sep 18, 2004, 11:54 AM
Hey thanks for the replies,
@ kalebjarrod thanks everywhere else i ask people are so unsure never a straight answer to that question.
@fluke thanks yeah corys are up there with my favourite fish. At the moment i have 5 species and i belive we share the same dream to have heaps of different cories.
Thanks guys and nice metting you!

Sat Sep 18, 2004, 12:15 PM
Thanks guys and nice metting you!

Back at ya! :wink:

Sat Sep 18, 2004, 01:28 PM
BlackGhost welcome to the forum. If you ask a straight question we will always try to give you a straight answer. Ryan is right. Sorry, find another home for those angels and your little discus will thank you with their rapid growth and bright colours.