Discus 41
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 07:51 AM
Hi all,
I'm looking for some help and guidence on what may be troubling some of my Discus,they appear to be rubbing themselves against objects and trying to shake something off themselfs.
I treated them with Aqua master fluke and tapeworm for three treatments and this appeared to help,but for only a couple of days.
Am i in the right track or should they be treated for somethink else.
All the fish are eating normally and no signs of abnormal discharge just this constant shaking?and no it's no the breeding shake.
Water change every 2 days with rain water 25%p.h.6.9 ammonia 0 temp 30
Any suggestion folks
I'm looking for some help and guidence on what may be troubling some of my Discus,they appear to be rubbing themselves against objects and trying to shake something off themselfs.
I treated them with Aqua master fluke and tapeworm for three treatments and this appeared to help,but for only a couple of days.
Am i in the right track or should they be treated for somethink else.
All the fish are eating normally and no signs of abnormal discharge just this constant shaking?and no it's no the breeding shake.
Water change every 2 days with rain water 25%p.h.6.9 ammonia 0 temp 30
Any suggestion folks