View Full Version : Suffcient setup for discus

Thu Dec 28, 2006, 02:37 AM
Hi all!

I currently have a 46 gallon Euro bowfront aquarium running with an Eheim Ecco 2236 as filtration. I have a half inch layer of fine gravel as the substrate, and some drift wood in the middle. I do not think I have the equipment for keeping plants, but any advice on that would be helpful. I have about 1 watt of lighting per gallon. If i cannot hold sufficient plants, could I use fake ones? Do i also need a UV sterilizer?

Thanks for any help[/img]

Thu Dec 28, 2006, 02:50 PM
You are fine for about 4 discus. Just be aware with that number, discus some times picking on the weak one.

1 watt per gallon light may not be enough for plants. You can use some fake plants for sure. UV is alway a good thing to have. Just make sure the wattage of the UV is good for the size of your tank. I think you need at least 9 watts, I would go a bit more.

Keeping plants is not easy IMO. You need to fert it all the time and use CO2 too. I think it is too much trouble since taking care of the discus is very demanding already.