View Full Version : Dragon King X Marlboro - what could you produce?
Fri Sep 17, 2004, 02:41 AM
Just discovered that my 2 discus were spawning and they laid their eggs on a piece of driftwood yesterday. I am excited.
Could anyone tell me what I could get if these eggs survived? What is Dragon King originate from and Marlboro?
Fri Sep 17, 2004, 11:51 AM
Every time i see a Dragon king it looks different so iam not sure on that one, malbro's are a pigeon blood so you might find some peppering in the fry.
Fri Sep 17, 2004, 11:57 AM
dragon kings/dragons have a turq background don't they...i could be wrong (like you scott have seen many a diff type of fish called dragons), can you explain peppering to someone new (are you talking the black speckling over the body?)
Fri Sep 17, 2004, 12:14 PM
Peppering as you said is the black spots found on the fish, this is a common trait of the pigeon blood strain and any strain with pigeon in it.
There are some fish that are clean, although when they produce young there will still be peppered fry. Just not as much as if the parents where heavily peppered.
Pigeon blood is the most dominant strain, in that anything you cross with a pigeon it will resemble the pigeon blood in the fry the most. You will still get fry that look like the other non-pigeon parent but the percentage will lean towards the pigeon blood.
Another strong strain is the white or ghost strain, crossing with these will mostly produce the white/ghost traits..
Turqs are normally good for crossing as the markings have potential too create all kinds of paterns. It would actually be quiet a good cross if both parents are healthy and have good markings.
Just another thing when the do produce fry they are not "Dragon Malbro's" too name them or sell them correctly and honestly you would call the "Dragon king x Malbro red F1".
Still you will get some fish that look like the dragon kind and some that look like the malbro and then the others will be a mixture of the 2.
Fri Sep 17, 2004, 09:28 PM
What flukes forgot to mention was congrats on getting to the egg stage
Good Luck champ, even if they are not gonna be the gand champs (maybe they will :wink: ) its great fun
Sat Sep 18, 2004, 10:24 AM
But sad to say, they lay their eggs in the community tank and most of them have turned white. Will see tomorrow (should be around 72 hrs) whether there is any wrigglers. If not, I assume the pair are both females laying eggs on the driftwood (my husband reckons he saw both of them laying the eggs). I do not have a spare tank at the moment. I just want to see the outcome of this spawning. This is my new 6ft planted tank with CO2 running and 9 Discus, 6 peppered corydoras, 6 cardinal tetras, 4 rummynose, 6 yellow tailed rasboras and last but not least 2 congo tetras. I am very excited to see Discus actually laid eggs in the tank. Thank you all for your replies. Gina
Sat Sep 18, 2004, 01:42 PM
Gina you must be doing a lot of things right for them to want to lay eggs at all. So congratulations and keep doing things just as you already are.
Sun Sep 19, 2004, 02:54 AM
Dont stress if you loose a batch or 2....or 10 for that matter, the more practice the better. Some pairs ive seen pick it up in about 5 goes other still havent got it right after atleast 10.
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