View Full Version : Getting scratches out of your glass????
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 02:54 AM
i managed to get scratches on the inside of my glass from cleaning it. They are quite noticeable when you looking in just want to no if there is a way to remove them from the glass
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 02:58 AM
replace the glass.
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 03:18 AM
thats not the answer i was after, i was hoping to leave it setup as is and drain the tank then get the sractches out if possible. There is no way im going to pull the tank apart
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 03:56 AM
Glass is very hars to scrach. If you did so, I would be worry about the strength of the glass.
Are you sure this is a glass tank?
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 04:19 AM
what else is it meant to be plastic is it ha ha ha. Alot of people get sractches while using there magnet they build up tinny bits of gravel and put scratches in your glass
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 04:24 AM
Unfortunatley, I can agree with that axl!
I too would love to know if there is anything that can be done... :?
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 11:05 AM
they can polish out scratches in car windscreens but the view is always distorted after. scratch if small is probably less noticible.
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 11:56 AM
My dremel came with "powder", for extremely fine sanding, such as for scratches etc. If its on the inside of the glass then I doubt you would use the powder. I think there are some polishing wheels for dremels out there that can do the job
Wed Feb 07, 2007, 11:22 PM
Maybe you could turn the tank around so that the scratch is on the back wall.
Thu Feb 08, 2007, 12:46 AM
Thu Feb 08, 2007, 04:03 AM
Maybe you could turn the tank around so that the scratch is on the back wall.
Welcome to the forum Mark. That's a very good suggestion for an all glass tank. Not so easy on a Jeob :wink:
Axl, I honestly don't know of anything that will take the scratches out of glass with any degree of success. If you do have a curved glass tank, take great care if you decide to do any kind of 'polishing'. Curved glass is more fragile than straight glass.
Thu Feb 08, 2007, 05:53 AM
You pretty much cant get scratches out of aquarium grade (float) glass.
If it is a small superficial scratch you will just have to live with it, if it scours into the glass more than a mm or so, then you may have a problem as it will be a weak point.
The question that was asked asking if it was glass was quite valid, considering some tanks are made from acrylic.
Windscreens are made from a different type of glass which can be polished to remove small scratches, however as has been mentioned, the visibility is slightly distorted due to the irregular surface area.
You can try and soft compount polish, but I doubt it would do much.
Thu Feb 08, 2007, 09:02 AM
Actually small scratches that aren't deep can be polished out but way too much trouble. Several different grades of polishing compounds need to be used. Who knows, these compounds could be toxic to your fish.
I read somewhere awhile ago some guy in the states polished out some scratches from his glass aquarium.
It would be way too much trouble doing it and probably expensive. I would just live with it. It's probably not you want to hear.
I have several scratches in my tank and they annoy the hell out of me, but my wife hardly notices them. She claims that it annoys me because I know they are there, but someone who looks at the tank for the first time doesn't notice the scratches unless the are ointed out to them.
Just my 2 cents worth
Thu Feb 08, 2007, 09:40 AM
Run your finger nail across the scratch & see if you can feel it. If it is not too deep you may be able to polish it out with toothpaste. It is only mildly abrasive so will not remove deep scratches, but it will not create further scratching either...
Thu Feb 08, 2007, 02:25 PM
hmmm... toothpaste? You discus will have bright teeth too.
Just can't pass a chance for a joke.
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