Tue Dec 19, 2006, 12:49 PM
At my LFS they suggest taking all the fish out rearranging the tank a little and putting them all back in. I have this problem with both of my discus tanks. The one tank has 4 red snakeskins and there is one I call red who stays to itself but when the other 3 come around it is pecking and body slaming them. The other 3 are more blue than this one. I don't really think that matters. They all came from same tank same size. I also have 3 cobalts when I first got them one of them picked on the other relentlessly. I only had 2 then. I bought a 3rd and it calmed down some but this fish still remained dominant. Now the 3rd fish I bought has become the dominant one. He has grown larger and he has taken over. I've had discus for years and it has always been like this with all I've had. Don't know why. All the books I've read talk about how peaceful they are. Not Mine. :wink: