View Full Version : krib id help
Sat Dec 16, 2006, 01:47 PM
g`day guys,
I have a kribensis that does not look anything like your standard pelvochromis pulcher type krib.
apart from his colouration, he is a lot larger than a normal male.
also there seems to be a slight difference in body shape.
would anyone have a positive I.D. on him and will he cross with a stardard female, or this a bad thing and should I house him seperately from the females?
thanx for your help in advance.
Sat Dec 16, 2006, 03:06 PM
hi bushie,
to me he looks like a beautiful young male krib ... just look at the red blush on his tummy. they don't all have ocelli (eyespots) on their tails.
here's a link for a picture of an older buck without the spots on his tail or dorsals.
the belly on your male is somewhat more concave than I like, is he eating ok? with some good feeding, he'll fill out a lot more and become deeper in the body.
kribs can get quite large, they're one of the species my girlfriend breeds and the more mature bucks can get to 10cm body length.
I hope it doesn't come as a disappointment that in my opinion you do have a P. pulcher there ... but regardless, I think the "common" krib is anything but common and is still one of the most underappreciated and most beautiful fish in the hobby!
Sun Dec 17, 2006, 01:48 AM
I'll agree with Wicked. I think you've got a nice male krib there although the first thing I noticed was the shape of his belly. In a perfect case it should look like a smile and not a frown if you know what I mean. Could be a sign of internal parasites or could just need a good feed.
I lost my male a while ago and he would have been about 4 yrs old and about 10-12cm. And beautiful to the day he died!
Mon Dec 18, 2006, 10:51 PM
thanx lads
yeah I know he is a bit hollow bellied.
he was like that when I got him and then he did some time in quarantine.
I don`t feed em when there in quarantine to let them clean out.
he is a little fatty already now.
so, the different marking in kribs, is this a regional thing?
have there become differences due to selective breeding?
or is there just normal variations within the normal population?
I also remember reading somewhere that the name kribensis has wrongly been given to pelvochromis pulcher, when in actual fact the name relates to a sub type of Pelvochromis Taeniatus.
do you keep others form the pelvichromis family?
I have seen Pelvochromis Taeniatus (nigerian reds) around but there are about 8 or 9 sub species in this group from memory.
are they allowable imports?
Tue Dec 19, 2006, 01:14 AM
I think Noddy has a pair or two of nice Pelvicachromis but not sure which one. I think Tankwatcher has some too
Tue Dec 19, 2006, 01:51 PM
there's lots of different pelvicachromis spp. in australia. a heap of the varieties of taeniatus are available, as you mentioned the nigerian reds, which are beautiful ... I've also seen "moliwe", "wouri", "makoure", p. subocellatus "matadi", p. signatus, p. humilus "liberian red" and p. sacrimontis around ... all of which are very nice fish.
I'm pretty sure Neeran in Mulgrave (heinz's old place) has "matadi" and I've had "moliwe" from him in the past.
Tue Mar 06, 2007, 09:35 PM
Hi bushie
Your krib male is very nice looking.
I'm late to this post, but Robdog is right, I do have some PT Nigeria Reds. Following are a couple of shots. Firstly, here is one of my 2 males. He is in the community tank, without a wife.
Tue Mar 06, 2007, 09:39 PM
not the best shot, but here is one of the other male with his wife. They are in a tank on their own & stubbornly do not mate. I have tried both males with her. I think it is the fault of the males, as she does flirt with him - but the males don't seem interested & nothing ever happens. :cry:
Thu Mar 08, 2007, 11:59 AM
Sure thats a female of the same species?? The females all look alike but if they arent the right species they wont breed. I think kribs are very specific on parters, i dont believe the hybridise
Thu Mar 08, 2007, 12:52 PM
Had to agree that the female in the picture looks more like a pulcher.
Thu Mar 08, 2007, 01:16 PM
Had to agree that the female in the picture looks more like a pulcher. Are you meaning my girl? Do you think so? Somehow, I can't agree with you. Here's a pic of a nigerian red female I borrowed from practical fishkeeping magazine online. My female is identical to this - it looks like someone with an excellent camera took a pic of her right in my tank. When you have a c**p camera like mine, colours nearly always distort. Occasionally, a pic turns out ok - like the 1st shot of the male. That's pretty close to how his colour looks. But check out the 2nd shot. Yes, it's a different male, but in real life he actually looks just the same as the male in the first shot - not the colour shown in the 2nd shot at all.
While I can't describe pin point the difference, the body shape of these nigerian reds (both male & female) is different to the kribs (both male & female).
If you would say the pic from PK magazine (below ) is a krib pulcher - you'd have to be right. But if below pic isn't krib pulcher female, then mine isn't either.
(Ps Bushie - sorry to hijack your thread :oops: )
Thu Mar 08, 2007, 01:32 PM
This is probably an even worse shot of her, as it is so blurry - but I hope you can see the yellow chin & sky blue colour behind that. IMO she is prettier than a female krib.
Aqua pets at Bondi assured me she is a nigerian red female and once I found the pic in Practical Fishkeeping, that seemed enough confirmation for me. If I had a decent camera & a steady hand, the pic of my girl would be the same as PK's. She is the prettiest female fish I have ever owned & the pair are my fav fish. You can tell I love her, can't you.
If you still thinks she's a krib pulcher after looking at these fresh pics, I'll be disappointed - but best to know I guess.
Thu Mar 08, 2007, 02:13 PM
and now for my female krib guarding the fry. None of my pics of her are any good & I don't have her anymore (I returned her to LFS when she stopped guarding, so her fry could have the tank to themselves to grow up in).
The poor lady had a tiff with her husband & he bit her tail off. I was surprised at how straight he bit it off - like it was guillotined. He was removed after he did that :x
Anyhow, IMO, though the pics may not show it, in real life it seems impossible to me that my ex krib pulcher female & my current PT Nigerian Red female could be the same fish.
(Ps Bushie - sorry to hijack your thread :oops: )
Pls let me know what you think.
Thu Mar 08, 2007, 11:06 PM
Hard to tell could be a similar sub species? Who knows. They are very pretty nonetheless!
Fri Mar 23, 2007, 11:13 AM
To continue this thread...I recently (10 days ago) obtained 2 pairs from one of the suppliers over here.
Both pairs have spawned and there are wrigglers from at least one of them (and I strognly suspect from the other pair as well).
Ill post a pic as soon as the wife returns froma field trip to Broome (she has the camera).
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