View Full Version : Introducing ROWAphos, Phosphate and Silicate Remover

Thu Dec 14, 2006, 09:10 AM
Phosphate and Silicate Remover

Guaranteed to remove more phosphate than any other phosphate remover available commercially on the market place today.

Adsorption Capacity

25g phosphate per Kg of RowaPhos

ROWA®phos is a completely new filter material for eliminating phosphate, which was developed by the Weil Industrieanlagen GmbH company in Osnabrück, Germany.

Due to its unique chemistry, it has the ability to bind large quantities of phosphate by adsorption to its surface without negatively influencing the water in the aquarium in any way.

Why is a phosphate removal system necessary?

Phosphate (PO4) in the aquarium is caused by the decomposition of organic substances. Especially in the confined habitat of an aquarium, several of these decomposition processes are caused from food surplus, dead plant and animal matter, and excretions (animal waste, etc.)

It is very important to maintain PO4 concentrations at very low levels which are in harmony with the aquarium's life and habitat. Natural waters that have not been negatively affected by human use typically show very low PO4 concentrations. However, it is nearly impossible to maintain this ideal condition in an aquarium without an artificial phosphate removal system.

An increase in PO4 concentration leads to unwanted growths of nuisance algae, and to the inhibition of lime synthesis in certain specialized marine organisms in saltwater, such as calcareous algae and stone hard corals.

What is the ideal phosphate level for freshwater and saltwater aquariums?

To correct phosphate-induced problems, it is recommended to always keep the concentration of phosphate less than or equal to 0.15 - 0.3 ppm in freshwater aquarium systems (expressed as phosphorus P.)

How is ROWA®phos used to maintain ideal phosphate levels?

The phosphate targets mentioned above can be easily reached with ROWA®phos, which effectively binds PO4 without negatively influencing the water in your tank. With ROWAphos, release of potentially toxic substances like aluminum will NOT occur. When exhausted, the product does NOT release phosphate back into the water. ROWAphos should be used regularly, especially in aquaria with very sensitive fish (discus, for example) and in reef aquariums with complex living systems.

ROWA®phos can either be used in a canister filter as a separate slow phosphate filter, or, alternately, it can function at the end of the main filter system as the final stage, after the biological and mechanical filters. The material can either be used in the filter net supplied with the pack, or sandwiched between two layers of fine filter wool (on the incoming and outgoing flow.)

Please refer to the figures below to determine how much ROWA®phos should be used in your system to reduce phosphate in the water column by approximately 3ppm phosphate (measured as PO4-) and to maintain the required low levels on an ongoing basis. The amount of ROWAphos required is determined by both the level of phosphate in the water and the level of phosphate in the rocks, gravel and other substrates within the aquarium.

On new or established aquariums where the phosphate levels are high, first measure the level in the water and assume that 2-4 times that amount may be bound up in the substrate; then adjust the ROWAphos amount accordingly.

In saltwater aquarium systems, phosphate levels should always be kept below 0.015 - 0.03 ppm (expressed as phosphorus P.)

Amount of ROWA®phos required to remove phosphate at 3ppm

100ml ROWAphos 800L (Freshwater) 400L (Marine)
250ml ROWAphos 2000L (Freshwater) 1000L (Marine)
500ml ROWAphos 4000L (Freshwater) 2000L (Marine)
1000ml ROWAphos 8000L (Freshwater) 4000L (Marine)

The lifetime of the filter material, like the usage, depends entirely on the PO4- concentration in the aquarium. Regular control checks with a precise and reliable phosphate test will show the extraordinary effectiveness of ROWAphos. In addition, it can indicate in advance when the filter material needs to be exchanged.

ROWA®phos can work for several months or years in the aquarium before replacement is necessary, depending on the initial phosphate concentration and level of feeding. It is important to remember that with an established aquarium that has not used ROWAphos before, phosphate concentrations may be at exceptionally high levels of 5ppm or more, requiring several treatments over a period of time (as specified above for the tank size) to remove the phosphate from the water column and to eradicate the levels previously absorbed into the substrate and rocks.

Tips on how to best use ROWA®phos

* Always wash ROWAphos for fluidized use! Rinsing ROWAphos when used in a filter bag is also recommended.
* ROWAphos must be kept damp at all times; it is not effective if it dries out. Therefore, always replace the lid if not using all of the container
* Place product in the supplied mesh bag, or between two layers of filter wool for a canister filter
* Do not sprinkle ROWAphos directly into the aquarium
* Never place ROWAphos into water without surrounding it with filter wool
* When ROWAphos is used in a canister, it should be possible to measure zero phosphate leaving the canister; the flow should be turned down until that is achieved
* It is important that the white filter bag provided on some sizes be kept clean at all times; otherwise water will not flow through the ROWAphos media inside
* In saltwater aquariums, it is very important to always keep phosphate levels below 0.015-0.03ppm
* NOTE: Use of larger quantities of ROWAphos may temporarily lower the alkalinity and pH within the aquariium. Monitor the pH and alkalinity levels when ROWAphos is first introduced to an established aquarium with high phosphate levels.

ROWAphos will adsorb phosphate, silicates and arsenic, and is entirely safe in both fresh and salt water systems. It does not release any of the adsorbed materials back into the aquarium even when fully saturated.

ROWAphos has been tested in saltwater aquariums for the last four years at five times the recommended dose (to avoid the ROWAphos being replaced as frequently.) ROWAphos only needs to be replaced when the phosphate levels in the aquarium or at the outlet from the canister filter start climbing, which indicates that the it will have adsorbed phosphate up to its full holding capacity.

When using ROWAphos in a saltwater invertebrate tank, corals (hard and soft) often grow up to approximately three times as fast when phosphate levels are maintained below 0.015 ppm.

Thu Dec 14, 2006, 10:47 AM
Has anybody ever used this product. I am looking to buy a phosphate remover and was looking at Phosguard which is made by Seachem.

It would be interesting to compare both products.


Thu Dec 14, 2006, 10:57 AM
Phosguard is a great product, but nothing really compares to the ROWA product (hence it's price).

If you do a search on ROWAphos on any marine/reef forum I am sure you will find loads of info...

Thu Dec 14, 2006, 02:12 PM
If you use something like Discus Buffer to lower your pH, you can not use any type of phosphate remover. Some buffers are phosphate based and if you remove phosphate, your pH will shoot up and killing all your fish.

Just an FYI.

Tue Jan 02, 2007, 02:23 AM
rowaphos drops your ph a bit so i cant see it being any problem.