Mon Dec 11, 2006, 08:31 AM
I've got 4 Discus: 4 bought from Xtreme and 2 stunted Discus that were bought locally. They share a 540L tank with 20 neon tetra, 3 peppermint bristlenose, 1 flying fox and 1 snail.
My question really is how often should I be feeding them all. To start with, the Discus weren't fussed about eating so most of the food was going to the neons and flying fox but that has now changed to the point the Discus get to the front every time.
I'm trying to vary the diet with Tetra Colorbits, Sera Discus, Breeders Blend flake, frozen bloodworm, frozen brine shrimp and live black worms.
Lately, the Discus appear to be ravenous and are very interested in the live black worms but I'm concerned they should not get too much of these.
I tend to feed morning and night but is this too frequent? I don't want to overfeed and impact water quality.
Likewise, how much do I feed. I feel I give plenty food at present and it all goes but the fish still linger expecting more.
I've got 4 Discus: 4 bought from Xtreme and 2 stunted Discus that were bought locally. They share a 540L tank with 20 neon tetra, 3 peppermint bristlenose, 1 flying fox and 1 snail.
My question really is how often should I be feeding them all. To start with, the Discus weren't fussed about eating so most of the food was going to the neons and flying fox but that has now changed to the point the Discus get to the front every time.
I'm trying to vary the diet with Tetra Colorbits, Sera Discus, Breeders Blend flake, frozen bloodworm, frozen brine shrimp and live black worms.
Lately, the Discus appear to be ravenous and are very interested in the live black worms but I'm concerned they should not get too much of these.
I tend to feed morning and night but is this too frequent? I don't want to overfeed and impact water quality.
Likewise, how much do I feed. I feel I give plenty food at present and it all goes but the fish still linger expecting more.