View Full Version : my setup so far
Thu Dec 07, 2006, 10:24 AM
Since I cracked the side wall in my 4 foot, I'm only bringing across the 2 fluval 204's and a heater or two for now.
I figured I would post things as I order, buy, steal them!
so lets start with
The Tank
Aquaone 120 Royale. arrives over the weekend, purchased from the LFS. still waiting on a powerpoint to be put in the wall as well as an ethernet connection.
I've decided on CaribSea Eco-Complete
Might put some sand or gravel over the top, not sure yet
Looking at an external inline heater, but going with the handy 300w glass heater for now.
Red Sea Root Therm Substrate Heater 400
to keep the plant roots toasty and warm.
Red Sea C02 Pro System
2x Fluval 204's with spray bar outlets (purchased from LFS).
unless specified, all items are being ordered from
I'll keep this thread updated as I go.
My goal is a planted discus tank, feel free to suggest from plants.
Thu Dec 07, 2006, 03:46 PM
Your filters are kind of weak for the system. 204s are only good up to 40 g each and your total size of the tank is about 94 g. You are short about 14 g (or 14%) even with the best rating.
You will have some water quality issues for the weak filters. I used to have a 404 for my 125g tank, which was about 25g short (or 20%) and the water was really not in good conditions most of the time untill I added in one more 304. Everything went fine after that. I'm a big believer that you should over shoot for the filter capacity, not going under. That's just IMO.
Fri Dec 08, 2006, 12:31 PM
I converted 290 litres into gallons and got 76 gallons.
thats with out substrates and the likes.
Fluval 204's are rated to 200 litres, so having 2 going at once, should cover up to 400 litres in a perfect world. the tank is only 290 litres, so I figured that I would be covered.
680 litres (180 US gallon) per hour flow rate x2, is 1360 litres an hour, which is 4.6 cycles an hour.
is that enough filtration or will I need to increase it ?
my goal is to have a maximum of 4 discus.
Sat Dec 09, 2006, 04:57 AM
My numbers were wrong. You are correct. Somehow I calculted your tanks as 94 gallon. I think you are fine.
Sorry about that.
Sat Dec 09, 2006, 06:22 AM
no probs, you had me worried there that I screwed up the numbers.
Tue Dec 12, 2006, 07:56 AM
Damn ASA and their aqua deals. had to layby this till the xmas bonus arrives.
Lighting is sorted out
Aqua Medic T5 Ocean Light Fluorescent (2x54w)
Need to plan tank scape now.
Thu Dec 14, 2006, 12:31 PM
tank arrived tonight, so far, still in the shipping boxes.
not sure if the 18kg's of eco complete I ordered will be enough for this size tank. anyone care to write their thoughts on that ? ((thanks).
still working out the aquascape for the substrate, thinking about putting in 2 higher levels in each of the back corners of the tank, using rocks or driftwood as edging.
still waiting on sparky to wire up the powerpoint, eta is tuesday.
Thu Dec 14, 2006, 02:55 PM
Looking forward to seeing this setup *hint* photos :lol:
Fri Dec 15, 2006, 01:43 AM
If that tank is the 4ft model then it would probably need about 30kgs of normal gravel to get a 4-5cm gravel bed. I'm not sure of the grain size of the Eco-complete but if you are going to cover it with sand or something else, you might be able to get away with 18kgs. If not then I'd go for another 10kgs at least.
Be good to see the progress.
Fri Dec 15, 2006, 12:31 PM
Thanks, might add another bag to the order and tank it to 27kg, should hopefully cover it.
as for photos, heres there first shot, not what your hoping for, but since I have to move it all to get the powerpoint wired up, it's not worth un-wrapping this christmas present as of yet.
The first of many images to come.
Fri Dec 15, 2006, 02:21 PM
I wonder how much all these going to cost you.
Must be a nice Christmas gift from someone.
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 11:12 AM
started unwrapping the presents. powerpoint still not in.
pressure will be applied to family to "get off their ass and get in the roof" to run the power.
eco complete is arriving tomorrow.
Wed Dec 20, 2006, 11:14 AM
*family in above post is an A grade sparky by trade.
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 12:16 PM
well, powerpoint in, ethernet in, substrate heater in, substrate in, water in, heater in, 1 filter in, a few plants and the air pump.
have some photos I'll post.
driftwood is soakin.
I think I need another bag of substrate.
need to scape the tank, get a c02 tank, plumb the other filter.
good news, the sword is already pearling.
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 12:34 PM
the plant list
Rotala wallichii x4
Anubias paco x2
Glossoostigma elatinoides (lots)
Ech. Amazonicus Sword x1
scott bowler
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 12:36 PM
were are the pic diveboy we need pics please love seen new tanks under way lolol
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 12:57 PM
Heres some pics scott.
With the substrate
can't really see it clearly but this is the sword pearling
yes, the beetle was a xmas present, so it's in the tank for now.
I'll tank another shot tomorrow once the driftwood is in.
give some suggestions for scapeing please, the plants are in there now to keep them alive.
scott bowler
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 01:07 PM
it looks awesome diveboy get the driftwood in and give us some more and we will work out the plants from there .for now the plants will be fine as is .thanks for the pics
scott bowler
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 01:11 PM
by the way dive boy love the sords but what other plants do you have there .I have sord plants in my tank i have one that is 2ft tall and some little ones .have a look at my gallary the tank is there
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 01:50 PM
the list so far is
Rotala wallichii x4
Anubias paco x2
Glossoostigma elatinoides (lots)
Ech. Amazonicus Sword x1
the Rotala wallichii are at the left back of the tank (red tips)
the Anubias paco are hiding behind the left punnet of glossos.
I'll tank some close ups tomorrow.
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 01:29 AM
heres the Anubias paco
and heres the driftwood
please suggest some layouts.
oh, I also have another bag of eco complete on the way, I think it needs it.
Mon Jan 08, 2007, 09:53 PM
is that a volkswagon i see?
Tue Jan 09, 2007, 12:26 PM
Sure is, my partner is a proud owner of a blue 67 beetle, so when she saw this, it was a must have. but it bubbles too much!
I've planted the tank, hoping the glosso will take, will post another pic when it's died or started growing.
Bad Inferno
Wed Jan 10, 2007, 07:42 AM
Does the front curve distort the fish or plants when looking on an angle ?
cheers rob
Wed Jan 10, 2007, 09:13 AM
Not at all, they all look normal, but you will know about it if you look in while walking, it screws with your eyes.
Just standing and watching, there is no problem, the fish all look fine as well as the plants.
I can take some photos of the loach if you want.
Bad Inferno
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 09:57 AM
I am still debating what tank to the sounds of it you have no regrets with the curved front. ?
I like the juwel 450 which is curved only because its 450 litres and is 150cm long, which fits better than the 160cm aquariums some provide.
time for a pic update i would say
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 10:21 AM
heres an update
the glosso has died off but is making a come back, the rotola is going nuts as is the sword.
scott bowler
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 10:27 AM
looking good diveboy the sword has got pups you'll have heaps of them soon . goin well good luck
Bad Inferno
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 11:10 AM
did I read another thread about your lights not fitting under the canopy, whats the go ?
Bad Inferno
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 11:20 AM
I got the thread ..just get the jigsaw out and reshape the top a little.
what are your lights like ? I assume metal halide ?
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 11:46 AM
t5 fluros.
not willing to cut the hood up. going to strip them out of the cover and mount them in the hood. just need to setup some fans to keep the airflow going. I'll also be hooking up the fluro to the 1wire setup to use as gradable light.
Bad Inferno
Mon Jan 15, 2007, 09:43 PM
Have you found t5 dimmable ballasts in Australia yet ?
Bad Inferno
Mon Feb 12, 2007, 06:59 AM
So how many bags (kg) of eco-complete have you used thus far...where's the latest pic's ? Are you happy with the look of the black substrate. It look course in the pics.
I think I have decided just to redo my substrate and get a 3D Juwel background adn replant. can't afford a new tank....
Wed Mar 07, 2007, 10:43 AM
4 9kg bags all up.
no latest pics, it's looking bad right now.
glass shrimp are going good, seem to be breeding, well they are carrying eggs around.
Pakastani loach is growing good, still no discus.
just about to hook up the c02, waiting on the bottle to arrive, once the algae clears up, expect some updated pics.
Wed Mar 07, 2007, 09:31 PM
Have you found t5 dimmable ballasts in Australia yet ?
Hi BI,
I have sourced some dimmable t5 ballasts. For a DSI Dimmable ballast ~$142.00 and a 0-10V ~$165.00. (ballast size is 2x54W)
That's trade price too. I know a few sparkies, so I'll be calling in a few favours when it comes time to set my hood up.
You can get them from any Electrical Wholesaler.
Col. aka bald_noggin
Sat Mar 10, 2007, 05:29 AM
another update.
the t5 aqua medic is now wired directly into the hood, tossed the casing away and had to trim the ends, but it's all in there, 3 fans in the hood will keep the heat build up down.
c02 should be in next week.
after that, Discus should take over the tank in april.
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