View Full Version : Discus Tankmates
- Endlers or Guppies as discus tankmates (2 replies)
- Tank mates (0 replies)
- experience with cory cats w/ discus? what species? (1 replies)
- Can these work? (1 replies)
- Albino Blue Diamond Discus (5 replies)
- what can i keep (1 replies)
- BNs and corys ok in with discus? (3 replies)
- Discus / severums / firemouths (1 replies)
- Fish Suppliers?? (3 replies)
- Sterbai competing with shy discus for food. (2 replies)
- Discus and cardinals (3 replies)
- Any problems in keeping Anostomus anostomus with discus ? (2 replies)
- gibbiceps and discus (0 replies)
- Stocking Opinions. (1 replies)
- Appistogramma (4 replies)
- Bristlenose vs Otto's in a discus tank (4 replies)
- Shrimp with Ghost knife and bristle nose (2 replies)
- Snail hunters! (10 replies)
- Larger South American Cichlids + Discus Fish + Plecos ??? (1 replies)
- Fiveband barbs with discus and angels? (3 replies)
- Discus with Flowerhorn?!?!?!?! (4 replies)
- Are peppermints the same as bns as far as eating plants goes (2 replies)
- when life hands you lemons........... (7 replies)
- very skitish discu (4 replies)
- online aquarium supplies (11 replies)
- Nannostomus sp. (4 replies)
- Dwarf Chain Loach Question (4 replies)
- How many saltwater fish can I put in a 30 gallon tank? (3 replies)
- Silver Tip Tetras (0 replies)
- my discus tank mate (0 replies)
- Cardinal Tetras (6 replies)
- Are there any snails suitable for Discus tank, (1 replies)
- Any crabs, shrimps, prawns OK for Discus tank? (6 replies)
- "True" Siamese Algae Eaters (12 replies)
- Red Horse Faces (0 replies)
- Tetra's (2 replies)
- What other Tank mates (3 replies)
- bullying and tankmates (16 replies)
- discus tank mates???? (2 replies)
- stocking Discus tank levels (3 replies)
- Rummy nose (3 replies)
- Shrimp with Guppies and Bristlenose (1 replies)
- Ghost Knives + Tetras and Rams? (10 replies)
- Can guppies survive without a heater and filter? (7 replies)
- Discus with Torpedo Barbs (8 replies)
- Fish Suggestions (3 replies)
- Danios (6 replies)
- Clown loach with Pakistani loach (1 replies)
- Schooling Fish that wont be eaten (4 replies)
- Discus with Natives? (11 replies)
- recommended tetra with discus (6 replies)
- tetras (9 replies)
- Gold Nugget Pleco (3 replies)
- Dither/Small fish (3 replies)
- are these fish gonna be chill with discus (7 replies)
- ANy dwarf loach good? (3 replies)
- catfish with Discus. (0 replies)
- Ranchu with Discus (6 replies)
- Golden algae eater trouble (7 replies)
- Hatchet Fish? (3 replies)
- Best Loach for Discus tank (2 replies)
- L number catfish and discus (2 replies)
- possible 90 gal tankmates, need final thoughts. (17 replies)
- "cleaner" tankmates? (14 replies)
- How many BN's (1 replies)
- Eartheaters? (3 replies)
- Red-tipped Black Shark (4 replies)
- parkistani loaches (3 replies)
- Severums (2 replies)
- Neons are they soft (7 replies)
- Stocking Tank (8 replies)
- How many gallons per fish? (1 replies)
- Rainbows as tankmates???? (7 replies)
- Problem with Rummynose.. (6 replies)
- otto cats (6 replies)
- female bettas (7 replies)
- any help please (1 replies)
- Blue Acara (7 replies)
- YoYo's arn't working (10 replies)
- Discus hunting Neons (10 replies)
- Suckermouth catfish & Discus ? (4 replies)
- Blue Arches? (4 replies)
- Bolivian Ram in Discus Tanks (6 replies)
- Whiptail Catfish in Discus tank temp. (8 replies)
- Fire-eel and Discus (4 replies)
- Have you voted in the Photo Competition ??? (0 replies)
- Khulli loaches and snails? (2 replies)
- Tetras in a 4x1.5x2 (2 replies)
- Told to get rid of all my tank mates (14 replies)
- My stocking.. (5 replies)
- cleanup crew (26 replies)
- florida gar fish? (5 replies)
- Red Rainbows and Discus? (4 replies)
- Upside Down (2 replies)
- do i have to wait 6 weeks b4 adding tetras (3 replies)
- 6ft makeover (5 replies)
- How many rummynose and maybe ghost shrimp with my discus (5 replies)
- How many fishes for a 230 liter tank? (2 replies)
- rays with discus? (9 replies)
- Mystery Snails? (3 replies)
- Red Eye (1 replies)
- Stocking Level (1 replies)
- angel and new discus? (4 replies)
- are chain loaches any good at eating snails? (4 replies)
- Guppy and Discus (12 replies)
- Moving a mated discus pair to community tank (7 replies)
- Discus and how many angels (2 replies)
- cardinals eaten!! (5 replies)
- can black ghost knifefish go with small 3" discus? (2 replies)
- Psychotic BN !!!! (2 replies)
- Discus and Geophagus "Tapajo" (4 replies)
- Fish Stocking List Any Thoughts? (5 replies)
- How is Chinese sucking catfish w/ Discus... ??? (2 replies)
- Angelfish (1 replies)
- New to Discus - Please Advise on the Tankmates Chosen (13 replies)
- following species and numbers OK with Discus? (12 replies)
- pea puffer? (6 replies)
- Black Ghost Knife with discus? (8 replies)
- clown loaches (12 replies)
- endlers? (4 replies)
- rainbow (3 replies)
- Tank mate questions (2 replies)
- bristlenose/discus compatability (10 replies)
- is this a "true" SAE?? (13 replies)
- new tank set up -help (1 replies)
- FreshWater Crabs (3 replies)
- tank mates for discus (3 replies)
- Uaru and discus (5 replies)
- Advice on stocking plan (7 replies)
- Gold nugget pleco with my discus? (1 replies)
- Long Finned Clown Loach. (4 replies)
- Best schooling fish for a discus tank? (8 replies)
- Blue Rams (9 replies)
- Discus and E/Noses (1 replies)
- i hate saes' (12 replies)
- too many discus? (4 replies)
- Hows this for a stocking plan? (6 replies)
- my wishlist (9 replies)
- Hatchets and Bettas? (19 replies)
- Mollies (3 replies)
- scraps (6 replies)
- Discus and glass "ghost" shrimp (1 replies)
- yo yo loaches gone (8 replies)
- OK, snail control, what's next? (6 replies)
- New setup with discus and frontosa???? (3 replies)
- New set up (5 replies)
- Red tail hemiodus tetra (4 replies)
- rummys have small white dots..but only on dorsal fins (6 replies)
- Discus and Congo Tetra, will they get on? (5 replies)
- Cardinal Tetras - breeding question (8 replies)
- Apistogrammas in with Discus? (4 replies)
- Discus and Spotted Silver Dollars? (3 replies)
- Why did my Blue Ram die (23 replies)
- YoYo loaches to control snails (8 replies)
- Shrimp (7 replies)
- Final (I hope) list for 6 foot tank (21 replies)
- Upside down catfish (1 replies)
- lemon tetras (2 replies)
- New tank, so i need some new fish! (15 replies)
- Crayfish and Discus (8 replies)
- How about Pimelodus pictus? (2 replies)
- Would the King like the Emperor? (4 replies)
- Discus and Geos (4 replies)
- Are Swordtails Okay? (4 replies)
- Skunk Botias (1 replies)
- Rummy Noses (6 replies)
- Finally ...... (2 replies)
- wild! (3 replies)
- Desert goby as a discus tankmate? (5 replies)
- how to catch yoyo loaches??? (23 replies)
- Compatable Fishes??? (2 replies)
- Tankmates for 6 foot tank (7 replies)
- female betta splendens (1 replies)
- Discus and rainbowfish? (4 replies)
- Tiger Barbs (7 replies)
- Colobian Sharks? (0 replies)
- Samir fry given to me (5 replies)
- Any hints on adding new discus?? (1 replies)
- Silver Sharks? (10 replies)
- Miricles do happen (8 replies)
- What eats BBA? (9 replies)
- Flying fox seems ok (2 replies)
- discus with jurapari cichlids ??? (0 replies)
- Can I add discus with these? (4 replies)
- loaches. (6 replies)
- freshwater stingrays (24 replies)
- Angels (10 replies)
- Is this okay for discus? (10 replies)
- Top Dweller Suggestions (23 replies)
- Will These Be Ok? (10 replies)
- List of fish lifespans (19 replies)
- 6x2x2 tankmates (22 replies)
- harlequin rasbora ? (2 replies)
- Upgrading from 55G to 90G (1 replies)
- royal whiptails with discus? (1 replies)
- clown fish? (4 replies)
- Elephant Nose (1 replies)
- Discus bullying bristlenose (6 replies)
- GOURAMIS & DISCUS (12 replies)
- prochilodus and discus (2 replies)
- Revising list of tankmates (8 replies)
- My Little Fish Friends are being attacked at night? (6 replies)
- Cat fish for tanks mates (21 replies)
- Discus Tankmates (3 replies)
- Ultimate tankmates for discus? (24 replies)
- Loaches with Discus (11 replies)
- Something to keep my discus company (4 replies)
- Stocking 55 Gallon (3 replies)
- online fish image guide???? (7 replies)
- List an compare your tankmates with others discus maniacs (56 replies)
- What tank mate to pick-- hmm cant decide (14 replies)
- small oscars and discus (20 replies)
- Siamese algae eaters (20 replies)
- Good tankmates? (3 replies)
- good tetras? (0 replies)
- Betta...10G tank? (2 replies)
- i like to fold my legs! (12 replies)
- companion ship with discus (10 replies)
- are they the same? (3 replies)
- Discus and Severums (2 replies)
- angels with discus? (7 replies)
- Cherry barbs with discus?? (5 replies)
- Sailfin Pleco Poo question? (7 replies)
- Ottos and Bristlenose (1 replies)
- Amano shrimps or any other shrimps ?? (4 replies)
- Arowana? (9 replies)
- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SERPAE TETRAS!!!!!! (11 replies)
- Some recent SLS aquisitions.. Betta macrostoma (5 replies)
- Mate's Altum planted tank, Malaysia (4 replies)
- Japanese have bred Altum angels now!! (8 replies)
- New additions. A. baenschi and P. denisonii (3 replies)
- Columbian Tetras? (4 replies)
- BGK with Discus (6 replies)
- Clown Knife Fish (4 replies)
- Gourami's (10 replies)
- can mono's live ok with discus??? (2 replies)
- orange evo2 frame (4 replies)
- Peacock gudgeon (2 replies)
- Knife Fish (5 replies)
- Yellow fish with disucs (20 replies)
- IM BACK... WITH RAMS! (3 replies)
- New bristlenoses (pics for sanie) (18 replies)
- otto catfish (14 replies)
- Elephant noes (5 replies)
- Some pics of G.gibbiceps.... Salfin pleco (11 replies)
- Nice fish to go with Discus (6 replies)
- Bristlenose (12 replies)
- Can Black Ghost Knife Fish go with discus? (6 replies)
- Little Gems of Asia: Danios, the forgotten beauties (3 replies)
- Which fish are ok? (9 replies)
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