View Full Version : Discus Tankmates

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  1. Best Loach for Discus tank
  2. Hatchet Fish?
  3. Golden algae eater trouble
  4. Ranchu with Discus
  5. catfish with Discus.
  6. ANy dwarf loach good?
  7. are these fish gonna be chill with discus
  8. Dither/Small fish
  9. Gold Nugget Pleco
  10. tetras
  11. recommended tetra with discus
  12. Discus with Natives?
  13. Schooling Fish that wont be eaten
  14. Clown loach with Pakistani loach
  15. Danios
  16. Fish Suggestions
  17. Discus with Torpedo Barbs
  18. Can guppies survive without a heater and filter?
  19. Ghost Knives + Tetras and Rams?
  20. Shrimp with Guppies and Bristlenose
  21. Rummy nose
  22. stocking Discus tank levels
  23. discus tank mates????
  24. bullying and tankmates
  25. What other Tank mates
  26. Tetra's
  27. Red Horse Faces
  28. "True" Siamese Algae Eaters
  29. Any crabs, shrimps, prawns OK for Discus tank?
  30. Are there any snails suitable for Discus tank,
  31. Cardinal Tetras
  32. my discus tank mate
  33. Silver Tip Tetras
  34. How many saltwater fish can I put in a 30 gallon tank?
  35. Dwarf Chain Loach Question
  36. Nannostomus sp.
  37. online aquarium supplies
  38. very skitish discu
  39. when life hands you lemons...........
  40. Are peppermints the same as bns as far as eating plants goes
  41. Discus with Flowerhorn?!?!?!?!
  42. Fiveband barbs with discus and angels?
  43. Larger South American Cichlids + Discus Fish + Plecos ???
  44. Snail hunters!
  45. Shrimp with Ghost knife and bristle nose
  46. Bristlenose vs Otto's in a discus tank
  47. Appistogramma
  48. Stocking Opinions.
  49. gibbiceps and discus
  50. Any problems in keeping Anostomus anostomus with discus ?
  51. Discus and cardinals
  52. Sterbai competing with shy discus for food.
  53. Fish Suppliers??
  54. Discus / severums / firemouths
  55. BNs and corys ok in with discus?
  56. what can i keep
  57. Albino Blue Diamond Discus
  58. Can these work?
  59. experience with cory cats w/ discus? what species?
  60. Tank mates
  61. Endlers or Guppies as discus tankmates