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  1. Brown Discus - White clustered cysts - lymphocystis? (0 replies)
  2. 10 YEAR OLD DISCUS in Urgent Need of Diagnosis and Treatment (1 replies)
  3. Thinned bony head discus (1 replies)
  4. Ammonia!!!! (1 replies)
  5. Discus Dying (1 replies)
  6. Very sick Angek (0 replies)
  7. Help is very much appreciated!! (0 replies)
  8. Vertical Discus (0 replies)
  9. Vertical Discus (5 replies)
  10. Distressed discus (0 replies)
  11. White patches!? HELP (1 replies)
  12. Strange black streaks? (0 replies)
  13. Help!!!! (0 replies)
  14. Discus looks mouldy and getting worse (1 replies)
  15. Discus turned half white?!?! (1 replies)
  16. Sinking, gasping for air (2 replies)
  17. Need help On a parasite (1 replies)
  18. Dead discus (10 replies)
  19. Black discus better off in main tank? Any advice much appreciated! (3 replies)
  20. Please help!! (17 replies)
  21. Help 5x discus sick!! (1 replies)
  22. Bullied Discus (36 replies)
  23. White hole is getting bigger. Please help (28 replies)
  24. Blue Dimaond fry problem. (0 replies)
  25. Discus: Lump below dorsal fin - burst with white yellow stuff (1 replies)
  26. Need your expert opinions on this discus tail please (0 replies)
  27. my discus on hunger strike (5 replies)
  28. S.o.s (6 replies)
  29. Bloated discus ... help please! (4 replies)
  30. Sick discus (0 replies)
  31. Dying Discus - Not sure what to do next?? (7 replies)
  32. Sick discus (3 replies)
  33. Upside down leopard skin? (7 replies)
  34. white fungus like spot on dorsal fin (4 replies)
  35. Floating white worms(nematodes) (0 replies)
  36. Begining of Hole in the head?? (4 replies)
  37. Fish Crashing Fast (1 replies)
  38. PLEASE HELP - Uaru with swollen mouth / lips (18 replies)
  39. Can you confirm this as hex? (6 replies)
  40. sudden deaths (6 replies)
  41. Discus dieing. Please help (1 replies)
  42. Sick discus with nodules on tail and gill (6 replies)
  43. Metro treatment been 4 days consecutive (1 replies)
  45. Help! Discus's with wounds on head started as white lesion.. (3 replies)
  46. Large lump behind pectoral fin (2 replies)
  47. Discus has white spot on eye and will not eat. (2 replies)
  48. Can someone help please (1 replies)
  49. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! (6 replies)
  50. Blue Diamond Snakeskin Discus HELP (3 replies)
  51. Help! Grow out tank gone crazy! (4 replies)
  52. Discus has largening nostrils, help? (2 replies)
  54. Discus Gone Black and Unreponsive (14 replies)
  55. Possible external parasite, strange eruptions on discus body (9 replies)
  56. Need help to identify problem on one of my discus and cure! (2 replies)
  57. Help discus with fungus help! (56 replies)
  58. Constipated discus (2 replies)
  59. Discus got worms?? (6 replies)
  60. Short sighted Discus (1 replies)
  61. Water Change (8 replies)
  62. Sick discus (5 replies)
  63. Body pitting and small craters (2 replies)
  64. White nodules (17 replies)
  65. DIscus coughing up fungus or bacteria? Help needed please! (0 replies)
  66. Sick F/male Blue diamond (1 replies)
  67. sick discus grr (6 replies)
  68. filter (11 replies)
  69. Green Terror with round swollen anal area (4 replies)
  70. Diamond Scale Angel - trouble keeping upright (6 replies)
  71. Adult discus coughing up white stuff (1 replies)
  72. Sick Angels (2 replies)
  73. Sick discus (5 replies)
  74. sick discus (10 replies)
  75. Black Discus with white opaque eyes (20 replies)
  76. Discus swimming not moving (9 replies)
  77. Discus with white poo coming out with pics???? (4 replies)
  78. Help, zits? (1 replies)
  79. blue diamond stressed (4 replies)
  80. Sore on face (4 replies)
  81. SPASMS? (1 replies)
  82. Discus not good (16 replies)
  83. Injured Male (3 replies)
  84. Discus not feeding (15 replies)
  85. Sick Discus (10 replies)
  86. degenerating fins? (5 replies)
  87. What are the symptoms of Hex? (3 replies)
  88. Is this fish got worms?? or hex???? (8 replies)
  89. Ick?? (1 replies)
  90. BABY DISCUS DYING (2 replies)
  91. rapid breathing, timidity (2 replies)
  92. Young discus problems (3 replies)
  93. I need advice QUICKLY! (7 replies)
  94. HElp! (5 replies)
  95. My Girl is crook! (16 replies)
  96. HITH (7 replies)
  97. PLEASE HELP!!Sick discus dark color, white poop, cloudy eyes (10 replies)
  98. darting and twirling discus that scratches (14 replies)
  99. White Discharge from left Gill. (10 replies)
  100. I stuffed up (1 replies)
  101. Dark & Hiding discus! (14 replies)
  102. help... my discus is easy to get stress.dont know why (4 replies)
  103. Dropped head, swim bladder issue (my fix) (2 replies)
  104. Not too sure (20 replies)
  105. Discus with belly bulge (17 replies)
  106. what is wrong with my discus??? urgent help (13 replies)
  107. not using pectoral fin!! help (3 replies)
  108. Cycling (20 replies)
  109. discus shaking dorsal fin - one side fin clamp also (11 replies)
  110. Kordons AmQuel Chemical burning fish (2 replies)
  111. High Ammonia (5 replies)
  112. urgent help plz (6 replies)
  113. ivomec (7 replies)
  114. ivomec (0 replies)
  115. Five emergency steps when in trouble (16 replies)
  116. Eractic then dead Discus (3 replies)
  117. Discus a bit unhappy (17 replies)
  118. Dinoflagelate identification (6 replies)
  119. Discus fish ballistic thrashing around (0 replies)
  120. Fin Problem (2 replies)
  121. Discus look ill after water change (3 replies)
  122. Discus Fry with Ich (3 replies)
  123. White discharge blown out gills (2 replies)
  124. Phew.....A big thanks! (17 replies)
  125. AMMONIA CRISIS - Please advise (6 replies)
  126. Silly me (14 replies)
  127. Urgent. Serious White Spot, Plague or Chemical OD? (16 replies)
  128. HELP discus not eating for around 3 wks (2 replies)
  129. Humane culling... how? (4 replies)
  130. discus gone crazy. (8 replies)
  131. help needed (14 replies)
  132. Sick ...Need Some Advice (6 replies)
  133. discus stopped eating after WC (7 replies)
  134. vertical discus (7 replies)
  135. Red Angelfish...? (8 replies)
  136. Fins turning black , not eating (8 replies)
  137. Discus Plague?... please help me with a diagnosis (1 replies)
  138. Help i think my discus have the plague !!!! (5 replies)
  139. Lost my first spotted leopard tnite (1 replies)
  140. help sick disus!!!!!!!!! (12 replies)
  141. Help, Plague??? (3 replies)
  142. Discus swimming vertically???? (21 replies)
  143. wild discus wont eat (4 replies)
  144. discus breathing fast from one gill ???? (5 replies)
  145. Not sure what to do (11 replies)
  146. very sick discus (3 replies)
  147. Angelfish scales peeling off (3 replies)
  148. Hole in the Head? (3 replies)
  149. Ive lost 9 fish in a week! (11 replies)
  150. Help with diagnosis and treatment. (8 replies)
  151. Brown algae problem plants very sick (7 replies)
  152. When is it time??? (1 replies)
  153. sick discus (1 replies)
  154. please help, need advise for Angels.. (0 replies)
  155. discus fish panting (9 replies)
  156. Discus Plague? (8 replies)
  157. Went away for 4 days - got back -- POWER WAS OFF!!!!! (7 replies)
  158. Flat red poop with a white stripe (4 replies)
  160. 1 gill working, what can I do for the fish? is it parasites? (6 replies)
  161. HELP Bloated discus (11 replies)
  162. Help! New member - Discus displaying illness (21 replies)
  163. My Discus looks really sick... (17 replies)
  164. Sudden Deaths (6 replies)
  165. Lump (8 replies)
  166. Dead fish (3 replies)
  167. Insta-Fin Rot? (4 replies)
  168. Pair look fine but not eating (9 replies)
  169. Bloated Discus (1 replies)
  170. 3 month old discus were healthy but now dropping like flies (3 replies)
  171. Black Face - Please Help (10 replies)
  172. Ammonia, NitrIte & PH advice. (10 replies)
  173. Chinese Algae Eater Help (8 replies)
  174. urgent my discus have cloudyand ratty fins and cloudy eyes (4 replies)
  175. Para-cide safe to use in planted tank? (1 replies)
  176. red melon wants to but wont eat (7 replies)
  177. please help-discus sick (4 replies)
  178. Next step? (5 replies)
  180. Not Looking Good (22 replies)
  181. PLEASE HELP (8 replies)
  182. what type of praziquantel? on this site (3 replies)
  183. I got the Plauge (3 replies)
  184. Father Ill (2 replies)
  185. just got my pair of discus (2 replies)
  186. injured/sick discus bump on forehead (4 replies)
  187. Please help, problem blue turquoise discus (4 replies)
  188. discus gone dark (73 replies)
  189. i did a waterchange and now my fish are dying!? (2 replies)
  190. SICK DISCUS (9 replies)
  191. Fat Lipped Discus (1 replies)
  192. HELP PLEASE (2 replies)
  193. Discus getting picked on to death ??? (0 replies)
  194. Red Melon not eating (11 replies)
  195. Possible Ich? Pics Included (2 replies)
  196. Dead by morning!!! (14 replies)
  197. Salmon Cat Fish (6 replies)
  198. diseased clown loach...should i be freaking out? (14 replies)
  200. sick female red spotted leopard - bloated & lethagic (13 replies)
  201. Large discus with hole in head getting worse (2 replies)
  202. Bloated Discus, Cloudy white Faeces - Help Please Someone !! (8 replies)
  203. White poo? (19 replies)
  204. help (4 replies)
  205. Help! Newly added juvenile discus turned black not eating (14 replies)
  206. About to lose my eggs (3 replies)
  207. Help! Eyes bulging from head (4 replies)
  208. Discus swimming on its side around in circles (12 replies)
  209. red pigeon with a bloated or bulging abs (3 replies)
  210. Fungus on fins? (0 replies)
  211. Sick discus. White pimple? help pls (1 replies)
  212. Help! (11 replies)
  213. sick oscar (5 replies)
  214. Sick Discus (6 replies)
  215. Starvation. (31 replies)
  216. What's wrong with this picture??? (1 replies)
  217. HELP! Worms??????? (4 replies)
  218. White spot on blue turq??? (4 replies)
  219. what to do (19 replies)
  220. pop eye (7 replies)
  221. Discus Died after having chicken liver. (10 replies)
  222. Crusty white spots on forehead (2 replies)
  223. Please help!!! Headstanding and fin rot (5 replies)
  224. Do discus get constipated? (9 replies)
  225. sos discus is dieing (9 replies)
  226. Finrot?? (8 replies)
  227. blind discus? (24 replies)
  228. Newbie needs help! Unsure what to do (2 replies)
  229. QUICK HELP (18 replies)
  230. HELP!! Discus swimming face down (8 replies)
  231. sick discus.. cloudy eye pics also (17 replies)
  232. diminishing returns (4 replies)
  233. BEATEN DISCUS (2 replies)
  234. Dead Fish (4 replies)
  235. fish acting very strangesince filter media change (8 replies)
  236. SAE with dropsy/bloat (4 replies)
  237. Treating with metro (2 replies)
  238. Discus Black Help - URGENT (14 replies)
  239. New Discus not eating (11 replies)
  240. fish not eating please help (4 replies)
  241. My discus got sick and I do not know what to do?!?!? (1 replies)
  242. Help with sick discus (4 replies)
  243. young discus lost his appetite (6 replies)
  244. URGENT HELP PLEASE..SOMEONE????? (23 replies)
  245. Weird something making Discus sick, please help! (6 replies)
  247. please advice (8 replies)
  248. sick discus after ph change (4 replies)
  249. Pesticide in fry tank (19 replies)
  250. Advice Needed (2 replies)