View Full Version : EMERGENCY ROOM
- Brown Discus - White clustered cysts - lymphocystis? (0 replies)
- 10 YEAR OLD DISCUS in Urgent Need of Diagnosis and Treatment (1 replies)
- Thinned bony head discus (1 replies)
- Ammonia!!!! (1 replies)
- Discus Dying (1 replies)
- Very sick Angek (0 replies)
- Help is very much appreciated!! (0 replies)
- Vertical Discus (0 replies)
- Vertical Discus (5 replies)
- Distressed discus (0 replies)
- White patches!? HELP (1 replies)
- Strange black streaks? (0 replies)
- Help!!!! (0 replies)
- Discus looks mouldy and getting worse (1 replies)
- Discus turned half white?!?! (1 replies)
- Sinking, gasping for air (2 replies)
- Need help On a parasite (1 replies)
- Dead discus (10 replies)
- Black discus better off in main tank? Any advice much appreciated! (3 replies)
- Please help!! (17 replies)
- Help 5x discus sick!! (1 replies)
- Bullied Discus (36 replies)
- White hole is getting bigger. Please help (28 replies)
- Blue Dimaond fry problem. (0 replies)
- Discus: Lump below dorsal fin - burst with white yellow stuff (1 replies)
- Need your expert opinions on this discus tail please (0 replies)
- my discus on hunger strike (5 replies)
- S.o.s (6 replies)
- Bloated discus ... help please! (4 replies)
- Sick discus (0 replies)
- Dying Discus - Not sure what to do next?? (7 replies)
- Sick discus (3 replies)
- Upside down leopard skin? (7 replies)
- white fungus like spot on dorsal fin (4 replies)
- Floating white worms(nematodes) (0 replies)
- Begining of Hole in the head?? (4 replies)
- Fish Crashing Fast (1 replies)
- PLEASE HELP - Uaru with swollen mouth / lips (18 replies)
- Can you confirm this as hex? (6 replies)
- sudden deaths (6 replies)
- Discus dieing. Please help (1 replies)
- Sick discus with nodules on tail and gill (6 replies)
- Metro treatment been 4 days consecutive (1 replies)
- Help! Discus's with wounds on head started as white lesion.. (3 replies)
- Large lump behind pectoral fin (2 replies)
- Discus has white spot on eye and will not eat. (2 replies)
- Can someone help please (1 replies)
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! (6 replies)
- Blue Diamond Snakeskin Discus HELP (3 replies)
- Help! Grow out tank gone crazy! (4 replies)
- Discus has largening nostrils, help? (2 replies)
- Discus Gone Black and Unreponsive (14 replies)
- Possible external parasite, strange eruptions on discus body (9 replies)
- Need help to identify problem on one of my discus and cure! (2 replies)
- Help discus with fungus help! (56 replies)
- Constipated discus (2 replies)
- Discus got worms?? (6 replies)
- Short sighted Discus (1 replies)
- Water Change (8 replies)
- Sick discus (5 replies)
- Body pitting and small craters (2 replies)
- White nodules (17 replies)
- DIscus coughing up fungus or bacteria? Help needed please! (0 replies)
- Sick F/male Blue diamond (1 replies)
- sick discus grr (6 replies)
- filter (11 replies)
- Green Terror with round swollen anal area (4 replies)
- Diamond Scale Angel - trouble keeping upright (6 replies)
- Adult discus coughing up white stuff (1 replies)
- Sick Angels (2 replies)
- Sick discus (5 replies)
- sick discus (10 replies)
- Black Discus with white opaque eyes (20 replies)
- Discus swimming not moving (9 replies)
- Discus with white poo coming out with pics???? (4 replies)
- Help, zits? (1 replies)
- blue diamond stressed (4 replies)
- Sore on face (4 replies)
- SPASMS? (1 replies)
- Discus not good (16 replies)
- Injured Male (3 replies)
- Discus not feeding (15 replies)
- Sick Discus (10 replies)
- degenerating fins? (5 replies)
- What are the symptoms of Hex? (3 replies)
- Is this fish got worms?? or hex???? (8 replies)
- Ick?? (1 replies)
- BABY DISCUS DYING (2 replies)
- rapid breathing, timidity (2 replies)
- Young discus problems (3 replies)
- I need advice QUICKLY! (7 replies)
- HElp! (5 replies)
- My Girl is crook! (16 replies)
- HITH (7 replies)
- PLEASE HELP!!Sick discus dark color, white poop, cloudy eyes (10 replies)
- darting and twirling discus that scratches (14 replies)
- White Discharge from left Gill. (10 replies)
- I stuffed up (1 replies)
- Dark & Hiding discus! (14 replies)
- help... my discus is easy to get stress.dont know why (4 replies)
- Dropped head, swim bladder issue (my fix) (2 replies)
- Not too sure (20 replies)
- Discus with belly bulge (17 replies)
- what is wrong with my discus??? urgent help (13 replies)
- not using pectoral fin!! help (3 replies)
- Cycling (20 replies)
- discus shaking dorsal fin - one side fin clamp also (11 replies)
- Kordons AmQuel Chemical burning fish (2 replies)
- High Ammonia (5 replies)
- urgent help plz (6 replies)
- ivomec (7 replies)
- ivomec (0 replies)
- Five emergency steps when in trouble (16 replies)
- Eractic then dead Discus (3 replies)
- Discus a bit unhappy (17 replies)
- Dinoflagelate identification (6 replies)
- Discus fish ballistic thrashing around (0 replies)
- Fin Problem (2 replies)
- Discus look ill after water change (3 replies)
- Discus Fry with Ich (3 replies)
- White discharge blown out gills (2 replies)
- Phew.....A big thanks! (17 replies)
- AMMONIA CRISIS - Please advise (6 replies)
- Silly me (14 replies)
- Urgent. Serious White Spot, Plague or Chemical OD? (16 replies)
- HELP discus not eating for around 3 wks (2 replies)
- Humane culling... how? (4 replies)
- discus gone crazy. (8 replies)
- help needed (14 replies)
- Sick ...Need Some Advice (6 replies)
- discus stopped eating after WC (7 replies)
- vertical discus (7 replies)
- Red Angelfish...? (8 replies)
- Fins turning black , not eating (8 replies)
- Discus Plague?... please help me with a diagnosis (1 replies)
- Help i think my discus have the plague !!!! (5 replies)
- Lost my first spotted leopard tnite (1 replies)
- help sick disus!!!!!!!!! (12 replies)
- Help, Plague??? (3 replies)
- Discus swimming vertically???? (21 replies)
- wild discus wont eat (4 replies)
- discus breathing fast from one gill ???? (5 replies)
- Not sure what to do (11 replies)
- very sick discus (3 replies)
- Angelfish scales peeling off (3 replies)
- Hole in the Head? (3 replies)
- Ive lost 9 fish in a week! (11 replies)
- Help with diagnosis and treatment. (8 replies)
- Brown algae problem plants very sick (7 replies)
- When is it time??? (1 replies)
- sick discus (1 replies)
- please help, need advise for Angels.. (0 replies)
- discus fish panting (9 replies)
- Discus Plague? (8 replies)
- Went away for 4 days - got back -- POWER WAS OFF!!!!! (7 replies)
- Flat red poop with a white stripe (4 replies)
- 1 gill working, what can I do for the fish? is it parasites? (6 replies)
- HELP Bloated discus (11 replies)
- Help! New member - Discus displaying illness (21 replies)
- My Discus looks really sick... (17 replies)
- Sudden Deaths (6 replies)
- Lump (8 replies)
- Dead fish (3 replies)
- Insta-Fin Rot? (4 replies)
- Pair look fine but not eating (9 replies)
- Bloated Discus (1 replies)
- 3 month old discus were healthy but now dropping like flies (3 replies)
- Black Face - Please Help (10 replies)
- Ammonia, NitrIte & PH advice. (10 replies)
- Chinese Algae Eater Help (8 replies)
- urgent my discus have cloudyand ratty fins and cloudy eyes (4 replies)
- Para-cide safe to use in planted tank? (1 replies)
- red melon wants to but wont eat (7 replies)
- please help-discus sick (4 replies)
- Next step? (5 replies)
- Not Looking Good (22 replies)
- PLEASE HELP (8 replies)
- what type of praziquantel? on this site (3 replies)
- I got the Plauge (3 replies)
- Father Ill (2 replies)
- just got my pair of discus (2 replies)
- injured/sick discus bump on forehead (4 replies)
- Please help, problem blue turquoise discus (4 replies)
- discus gone dark (73 replies)
- i did a waterchange and now my fish are dying!? (2 replies)
- SICK DISCUS (9 replies)
- Fat Lipped Discus (1 replies)
- HELP PLEASE (2 replies)
- Discus getting picked on to death ??? (0 replies)
- Red Melon not eating (11 replies)
- Possible Ich? Pics Included (2 replies)
- Dead by morning!!! (14 replies)
- Salmon Cat Fish (6 replies)
- diseased clown loach...should i be freaking out? (14 replies)
- sick female red spotted leopard - bloated & lethagic (13 replies)
- Large discus with hole in head getting worse (2 replies)
- Bloated Discus, Cloudy white Faeces - Help Please Someone !! (8 replies)
- White poo? (19 replies)
- help (4 replies)
- Help! Newly added juvenile discus turned black not eating (14 replies)
- About to lose my eggs (3 replies)
- Help! Eyes bulging from head (4 replies)
- Discus swimming on its side around in circles (12 replies)
- red pigeon with a bloated or bulging abs (3 replies)
- Fungus on fins? (0 replies)
- Sick discus. White pimple? help pls (1 replies)
- Help! (11 replies)
- sick oscar (5 replies)
- Sick Discus (6 replies)
- Starvation. (31 replies)
- What's wrong with this picture??? (1 replies)
- HELP! Worms??????? (4 replies)
- White spot on blue turq??? (4 replies)
- what to do (19 replies)
- pop eye (7 replies)
- Discus Died after having chicken liver. (10 replies)
- Crusty white spots on forehead (2 replies)
- Please help!!! Headstanding and fin rot (5 replies)
- Do discus get constipated? (9 replies)
- sos discus is dieing (9 replies)
- Finrot?? (8 replies)
- blind discus? (24 replies)
- Newbie needs help! Unsure what to do (2 replies)
- QUICK HELP (18 replies)
- HELP!! Discus swimming face down (8 replies)
- sick discus.. cloudy eye pics also (17 replies)
- diminishing returns (4 replies)
- BEATEN DISCUS (2 replies)
- Dead Fish (4 replies)
- fish acting very strangesince filter media change (8 replies)
- SAE with dropsy/bloat (4 replies)
- Treating with metro (2 replies)
- Discus Black Help - URGENT (14 replies)
- New Discus not eating (11 replies)
- fish not eating please help (4 replies)
- My discus got sick and I do not know what to do?!?!? (1 replies)
- Help with sick discus (4 replies)
- young discus lost his appetite (6 replies)
- URGENT HELP PLEASE..SOMEONE????? (23 replies)
- Weird something making Discus sick, please help! (6 replies)
- please advice (8 replies)
- sick discus after ph change (4 replies)
- Pesticide in fry tank (19 replies)
- Advice Needed (2 replies)
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