- Adult discus coughing up white stuff
- Diamond Scale Angel - trouble keeping upright
- Green Terror with round swollen anal area
- filter
- sick discus grr
- Sick F/male Blue diamond
- DIscus coughing up fungus or bacteria? Help needed please!
- White nodules
- Body pitting and small craters
- Sick discus
- Water Change
- Short sighted Discus
- Discus got worms??
- Constipated discus
- Help discus with fungus help!
- Need help to identify problem on one of my discus and cure!
- Possible external parasite, strange eruptions on discus body
- Discus Gone Black and Unreponsive
- Discus has largening nostrils, help?
- Help! Grow out tank gone crazy!
- Blue Diamond Snakeskin Discus HELP
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
- Can someone help please
- Discus has white spot on eye and will not eat.
- Large lump behind pectoral fin
- Help! Discus's with wounds on head started as white lesion..
- Metro treatment been 4 days consecutive
- Sick discus with nodules on tail and gill
- Discus dieing. Please help
- sudden deaths
- Can you confirm this as hex?
- PLEASE HELP - Uaru with swollen mouth / lips
- Fish Crashing Fast
- Begining of Hole in the head??
- Floating white worms(nematodes)
- white fungus like spot on dorsal fin
- Upside down leopard skin?
- Sick discus
- Dying Discus - Not sure what to do next??
- Sick discus
- Bloated discus ... help please!
- S.o.s
- my discus on hunger strike
- Need your expert opinions on this discus tail please
- Discus: Lump below dorsal fin - burst with white yellow stuff
- Blue Dimaond fry problem.
- White hole is getting bigger. Please help
- Bullied Discus
- Help 5x discus sick!!
- Please help!!
- Black discus better off in main tank? Any advice much appreciated!
- Dead discus
- Need help On a parasite
- Sinking, gasping for air
- Discus turned half white?!?!
- Discus looks mouldy and getting worse
- Help!!!!
- Strange black streaks?
- White patches!? HELP
- Distressed discus
- Vertical Discus
- Vertical Discus
- Help is very much appreciated!!
- Very sick Angek
- Discus Dying
- Ammonia!!!!
- Thinned bony head discus
- 10 YEAR OLD DISCUS in Urgent Need of Diagnosis and Treatment
- Brown Discus - White clustered cysts - lymphocystis?