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  1. Adult discus coughing up white stuff
  2. Diamond Scale Angel - trouble keeping upright
  3. Green Terror with round swollen anal area
  4. filter
  5. sick discus grr
  6. Sick F/male Blue diamond
  7. DIscus coughing up fungus or bacteria? Help needed please!
  8. White nodules
  9. Body pitting and small craters
  10. Sick discus
  11. Water Change
  12. Short sighted Discus
  13. Discus got worms??
  14. Constipated discus
  15. Help discus with fungus help!
  16. Need help to identify problem on one of my discus and cure!
  17. Possible external parasite, strange eruptions on discus body
  18. Discus Gone Black and Unreponsive
  20. Discus has largening nostrils, help?
  21. Help! Grow out tank gone crazy!
  22. Blue Diamond Snakeskin Discus HELP
  23. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
  24. Can someone help please
  25. Discus has white spot on eye and will not eat.
  26. Large lump behind pectoral fin
  27. Help! Discus's with wounds on head started as white lesion..
  29. Metro treatment been 4 days consecutive
  30. Sick discus with nodules on tail and gill
  31. Discus dieing. Please help
  32. sudden deaths
  33. Can you confirm this as hex?
  34. PLEASE HELP - Uaru with swollen mouth / lips
  35. Fish Crashing Fast
  36. Begining of Hole in the head??
  37. Floating white worms(nematodes)
  38. white fungus like spot on dorsal fin
  39. Upside down leopard skin?
  40. Sick discus
  41. Dying Discus - Not sure what to do next??
  42. Sick discus
  43. Bloated discus ... help please!
  44. S.o.s
  45. my discus on hunger strike
  46. Need your expert opinions on this discus tail please
  47. Discus: Lump below dorsal fin - burst with white yellow stuff
  48. Blue Dimaond fry problem.
  49. White hole is getting bigger. Please help
  50. Bullied Discus
  51. Help 5x discus sick!!
  52. Please help!!
  53. Black discus better off in main tank? Any advice much appreciated!
  54. Dead discus
  55. Need help On a parasite
  56. Sinking, gasping for air
  57. Discus turned half white?!?!
  58. Discus looks mouldy and getting worse
  59. Help!!!!
  60. Strange black streaks?
  61. White patches!? HELP
  62. Distressed discus
  63. Vertical Discus
  64. Vertical Discus
  65. Help is very much appreciated!!
  66. Very sick Angek
  67. Discus Dying
  68. Ammonia!!!!
  69. Thinned bony head discus
  70. 10 YEAR OLD DISCUS in Urgent Need of Diagnosis and Treatment
  71. Brown Discus - White clustered cysts - lymphocystis?