View Full Version : EMERGENCY ROOM
- urgent help please. (4 replies)
- how do i do metro treatment? (6 replies)
- Worming help please.... (0 replies)
- discus all at surface (10 replies)
- discus turned brown & very skinny (10 replies)
- Fish jumped out of tank (6 replies)
- Flagalettes ? ? ? (2 replies)
- Very Sick Discus, may not last the night (33 replies)
- Help Urgent! regarding wrigglers and parents (14 replies)
- sick fish (8 replies)
- driftwood splinter in head (6 replies)
- HAEMORHAGIC INFECTION IN WHIPTAIL TANK! (disturbing images) (21 replies)
- What could cause such a massive ammonia spike? (2 replies)
- very sick fish (36 replies)
- Dead discus is other safe (1 replies)
- 2 discus died, others not well (14 replies)
- discus is dying (3 replies)
- Discus Sick :( (14 replies)
- Please help! Our discus is very ill... (1 replies)
- Sick Discus, need help... (9 replies)
- BABY DISCUS (3 replies)
- Bunch of rooted discus! (1 replies)
- Diagnosis needed (6 replies)
- Sick Hongsloi Male (8 replies)
- Emergency - dying fish, others gasping for air, foggy eye (6 replies)
- Is my discus sick (4 replies)
- A bite wound to Tripple Red Cacatoides Female (9 replies)
- discus in a bad way, please help (13 replies)
- Discus gone a darker colour (6 replies)
- Discus with bad eye :( [Warning: Gruesome Pics] (11 replies)
- treatment follow up (4 replies)
- Discus dying! (8 replies)
- discus swimming head down (5 replies)
- My Discus is Dying Please Help (12 replies)
- New fish seem to have plague or something (18 replies)
- Black Discus (8 replies)
- Is this a disease.. ? (8 replies)
- Pop eye (3 replies)
- Mystery Disease (14 replies)
- (PICS) Discus floating help me (11 replies)
- please help sick fish (3 replies)
- Nitrites Spike 10ppm (discus very stressed) Very wierd! HELP (32 replies)
- Help please - Unidentified White Slime! (3 replies)
- Discus are sick!! How to cure Fin Rot and Slimy Coat!? (16 replies)
- My "Discus" Died today. :( (20 replies)
- Black Discus... :-S (30 replies)
- My Discus's head has turned black (16 replies)
- help new fish on its side (12 replies)
- HELP!!!!!!!!CO2 Disaster (9 replies)
- White things poking out of my ocean green (26 replies)
- 34 Degrees (9 replies)
- Thin discus with holes in the head (4 replies)
- Require dosing regime (5 replies)
- dispondant discus (9 replies)
- HELP PLEASE (7 replies)
- Spots on my fish (5 replies)
- fluoride??? (1 replies)
- Disaster! (12 replies)
- Metro Doesn't Work! PLEASE HELP!! (13 replies)
- ALL my fish at the top of the water....vertical! Help! (26 replies)
- Tuberculosis or Fungal Infection? (2 replies)
- HELP - Tiny white worms on glass - discus sick (7 replies)
- PLEASE HELP- DYING DISCUS!!!! (2 replies)
- HELP...DISCUS IS IN TROUBLE!!!! (21 replies)
- pH decrease since saturday!? Help (10 replies)
- Cloudy Eye (2 replies)
- Fish not eating, please help. (19 replies)
- discus swimming nose down (22 replies)
- Disease outbreak! (4 replies)
- spooked Discus (2 replies)
- Fishes in Dilema-----Urgent Help (5 replies)
- Help Discus problems (4 replies)
- new snakeskin in QT (2 replies)
- Problems with some new discus. (14 replies)
- Help with new Discus (15 replies)
- NTD plage!! s**t! (9 replies)
- Screwing up! surprise (16 replies)
- Help please! (0 replies)
- urgent eye problem (1 replies)
- Unexpected : Eggs in communal tank. (4 replies)
- Discus Plague (5 replies)
- Disease outbreak!!! (19 replies)
- Blue ram died (19 replies)
- Thin/Skeletal looking Discus (19 replies)
- Need advice with sick cichlids (2 replies)
- Establishing the pecking order vs stressing out the new one (7 replies)
- Disease in Discus (142 replies)
- discus - lob-sided? (14 replies)
- Need help! Sick discus! (16 replies)
- shaking fins, loss of apetite and two slightly bloated (3 replies)
- One Discus Ill (4 replies)
- sick discus (9 replies)
- pH with new fish (15 replies)
- Help!!!! (21 replies)
- fish gasping for air (9 replies)
- Nitrite Problems (16 replies)
- Sick and Deceased Discus - Too much tank maintenance! (11 replies)
- lump on discus (2 replies)
- fish not happy (12 replies)
- Discus swimming erraticaly then Dieing (21 replies)
- Fish laying on side following trapping behind filter (2 replies)
- Help my Discus is SICK (8 replies)
- New Breeding Pair Sluggish, sometimes angled and not comfy. (2 replies)
- big problems.. (7 replies)
- gill fluke treatment? (22 replies)
- New discus NOT eating for 9 days (3 replies)
- New med, an alternative to Levamisole (24 replies)
- Levamisole !?!? (8 replies)
- Bloated SAE (2 replies)
- Is this velvet?? (pics attached) (9 replies)
- Nematode infection: treatment advice urgently needed (20 replies)
- copper treatment (6 replies)
- Anorexia (3 replies)
- Desperate Help Needed - 4 Deaths This Weekend (5 replies)
- Discus on side/upside down (2 replies)
- floating nose up (4 replies)
- R.I.P Discus (3 replies)
- Mini Mo is Crook ****UPDATED**** (15 replies)
- velvet, flukes, the plague or something else?? (5 replies)
- Damaged fins? (1 replies)
- axolotl sick (0 replies)
- probs with 6 week old juvies (7 replies)
- Going belly up as I watch!!!! (8 replies)
- Bulging eyes (4 replies)
- Emergency massive water change (0 replies)
- Bloated Discus- lying on side, floating (15 replies)
- Please help sick discus (2 replies)
- 4 week old fry (1 replies)
- znm ~ december 7, 2009 (2 replies)
- Help discus with white thread about the eye. (6 replies)
- NEED HELP ASAP (16 replies)
- OH MY GOD. FOR 2 DAYS ALR! (3 replies)
- footcandle to ev calc (2 replies)
- Bloated and floating on its side at the top (5 replies)
- Discus Acting Strange... (7 replies)
- CO2 Overdose DISCUS IN TROUBLE (4 replies)
- one fish dead, and it was a female to boot (3 replies)
- Potassium pregmate all i got to use? (28 replies)
- Eye problems multiple discus and in both eye's (2 replies)
- discus acting withdrawn - help please (4 replies)
- thin discus (49 replies)
- Help! Power out tomorrow (8 replies)
- Its bad now (4 replies)
- Force feeding discus? (1 replies)
- Need help Please (8 replies)
- There still unwell :( (3 replies)
- Raise temperature to 96 degrees with metronidazole (1 replies)
- Discus Plaque? (1 replies)
- Planaria outbreak with wrigglers in tank (8 replies)
- Adult Discus Head Standing (3 replies)
- What to do; w/c or wait? (4 replies)
- Help , i have 10 orphan fry !! (2 replies)
- Skinny discus with roting fins - help (16 replies)
- Help - Live food - bloated discus (6 replies)
- DISCUS HELP!!!!!! (3 replies)
- Discus has gone crazy, (UPDATE, shes starting to recover!) (42 replies)
- DISCUS FREAKING OUT (13 replies)
- sick discus help (9 replies)
- need help sick red turk :( (4 replies)
- dorsal fin is rotting? (4 replies)
- 1 Discus Died Bloated another one not eating. (8 replies)
- Discus guts coming out!!! (12 replies)
- HELP Required- see attachments (0 replies)
- dodgy looking stool (3 replies)
- metro at an affordable price? (8 replies)
- Update... (16 replies)
- bouncing baby blue diamond (2 replies)
- anorexic needed!! (1 replies)
- Fish sick, advide needed. (9 replies)
- Hex .... Still :cry: (9 replies)
- White Film! Uv Sterlizer, will it help? (4 replies)
- When to euthanize (8 replies)
- Need a USA source for Flubendazole and Levamisole (5 replies)
- Excel causing peeling or velvet or ?? (10 replies)
- Sick discus (3 replies)
- Used Flourish Excell and now Fish are peeling... (20 replies)
- Humane ways to put a fish down. (34 replies)
- breeding pair dying (7 replies)
- could this be a parasite???? (11 replies)
- Help - Discus went spastic, now Belly UP (11 replies)
- Clamped fins and "film" on their bodies (1 replies)
- Tiny White Specks Crawling On The Glass ! (2 replies)
- Need help with 1 of my discuses (37 replies)
- Worms I think - I need some metro (7 replies)
- discus laying on side plez help quick (1 replies)
- HELP !! White Little Worms in my tank. (24 replies)
- Help Required. Discus Sick (3 replies)
- help pls (7 replies)
- Please help, I don't know what to do! (1 replies)
- Ich!!!! is this med ok for my plec and loaches and discus? (15 replies)
- Amonia spike ? (6 replies)
- Discus refusing to eat (11 replies)
- Light fell in tank (11 replies)
- Sick Discus ! (17 replies)
- Tape worm (2 replies)
- skinny stomach (1 replies)
- Trying hard and fast (9 replies)
- Sick fish (10 replies)
- Sick Discus????? (8 replies)
- Urgent..Ick and some other symptoms. (11 replies)
- Discus swiming on an angle (7 replies)
- I'm in trouble here, please help me (2 replies)
- Discus flicking/Flashing-rubbing against plants at random ? (11 replies)
- Discus sick, really quick (7 replies)
- Help Needed On Dead Fish (5 replies)
- lost 1 today (1 replies)
- HELP Discus NOT EATING!! (6 replies)
- Really huge fat stomach....Not eating :( (26 replies)
- Urgent Help Discus Look Like Dying!!! (4 replies)
- Discus keeps on hiding in rocks, won't eat... (8 replies)
- Disucs hunger strike (9 replies)
- Urgent Opinion Required (9 replies)
- white holes on head (7 replies)
- Very Sick Pigeon Blood (8 replies)
- Almost 2 weeks. (4 replies)
- POISONED DISCUS bleach? (3 replies)
- Open wound on head (5 replies)
- Drop in Temp... now sick Discus (3 replies)
- Worrying Results after a 50% water change (20 replies)
- white tummy! (6 replies)
- pH Burn or Fin Rot (2 replies)
- Dead in 12 Hours (4 replies)
- One fin suddenly -not working? (8 replies)
- Discus Plague... Dying (18 replies)
- Can't get rid of fin & tail rot (14 replies)
- Angels and Discus Not Looking Good??? (4 replies)
- baby discus dark (3 replies)
- Discus young 2 swimming at top + 1 washed around tank (1 replies)
- Couple with fry -showing signs of fin rot /costia ? Pls Help (12 replies)
- not discus but pls help.... (6 replies)
- BD Need Help!! (8 replies)
- Buldging Eye Socket (7 replies)
- About to use Metro and need help !! (13 replies)
- white worms in community tank (8 replies)
- Discus is having spasms (3 replies)
- Constipated, Worms, No but a major illness (37 replies)
- Clueless!!! Please help (6 replies)
- discus smashing into glassand swimming very fast (19 replies)
- Discus nearly swimming verticle (5 replies)
- Discus is Bloated and excreting thick white discharge (13 replies)
- White spot and split on fin (4 replies)
- HELP NEEDED, fin rot? (3 replies)
- My other fish are sick now Please Help (7 replies)
- swim bladder disorder (4 replies)
- tap water ammonia (20 replies)
- WHITE POO (8 replies)
- URGENT help needed.... (12 replies)
- Losing Fry any Tips (22 replies)
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