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  1. urgent help please. (4 replies)
  2. how do i do metro treatment? (6 replies)
  3. Worming help please.... (0 replies)
  4. discus all at surface (10 replies)
  5. discus turned brown & very skinny (10 replies)
  6. Fish jumped out of tank (6 replies)
  7. Flagalettes ? ? ? (2 replies)
  8. Very Sick Discus, may not last the night (33 replies)
  9. Help Urgent! regarding wrigglers and parents (14 replies)
  10. sick fish (8 replies)
  11. driftwood splinter in head (6 replies)
  12. HAEMORHAGIC INFECTION IN WHIPTAIL TANK! (disturbing images) (21 replies)
  13. What could cause such a massive ammonia spike? (2 replies)
  14. very sick fish (36 replies)
  15. Dead discus is other safe (1 replies)
  16. 2 discus died, others not well (14 replies)
  17. discus is dying (3 replies)
  18. Discus Sick :( (14 replies)
  19. Please help! Our discus is very ill... (1 replies)
  20. Sick Discus, need help... (9 replies)
  21. BABY DISCUS (3 replies)
  22. Bunch of rooted discus! (1 replies)
  23. Diagnosis needed (6 replies)
  24. Sick Hongsloi Male (8 replies)
  25. Emergency - dying fish, others gasping for air, foggy eye (6 replies)
  26. Is my discus sick (4 replies)
  27. A bite wound to Tripple Red Cacatoides Female (9 replies)
  28. discus in a bad way, please help (13 replies)
  29. Discus gone a darker colour (6 replies)
  30. Discus with bad eye :( [Warning: Gruesome Pics] (11 replies)
  31. treatment follow up (4 replies)
  32. Discus dying! (8 replies)
  33. discus swimming head down (5 replies)
  34. My Discus is Dying Please Help (12 replies)
  35. New fish seem to have plague or something (18 replies)
  36. Black Discus (8 replies)
  37. Is this a disease.. ? (8 replies)
  38. Pop eye (3 replies)
  39. Mystery Disease (14 replies)
  40. (PICS) Discus floating help me (11 replies)
  41. please help sick fish (3 replies)
  42. Nitrites Spike 10ppm (discus very stressed) Very wierd! HELP (32 replies)
  43. Help please - Unidentified White Slime! (3 replies)
  44. Discus are sick!! How to cure Fin Rot and Slimy Coat!? (16 replies)
  45. My "Discus" Died today. :( (20 replies)
  46. Black Discus... :-S (30 replies)
  47. My Discus's head has turned black (16 replies)
  48. help new fish on its side (12 replies)
  49. HELP!!!!!!!!CO2 Disaster (9 replies)
  50. White things poking out of my ocean green (26 replies)
  51. 34 Degrees (9 replies)
  52. Thin discus with holes in the head (4 replies)
  53. Require dosing regime (5 replies)
  54. dispondant discus (9 replies)
  55. HELP PLEASE (7 replies)
  56. Spots on my fish (5 replies)
  57. fluoride??? (1 replies)
  58. Disaster! (12 replies)
  59. Metro Doesn't Work! PLEASE HELP!! (13 replies)
  60. ALL my fish at the top of the water....vertical! Help! (26 replies)
  61. Tuberculosis or Fungal Infection? (2 replies)
  62. HELP - Tiny white worms on glass - discus sick (7 replies)
  63. PLEASE HELP- DYING DISCUS!!!! (2 replies)
  64. HELP...DISCUS IS IN TROUBLE!!!! (21 replies)
  65. pH decrease since saturday!? Help (10 replies)
  66. Cloudy Eye (2 replies)
  67. Fish not eating, please help. (19 replies)
  68. discus swimming nose down (22 replies)
  69. Disease outbreak! (4 replies)
  70. spooked Discus (2 replies)
  71. Fishes in Dilema-----Urgent Help (5 replies)
  72. Help Discus problems (4 replies)
  73. new snakeskin in QT (2 replies)
  74. Problems with some new discus. (14 replies)
  75. Help with new Discus (15 replies)
  76. NTD plage!! s**t! (9 replies)
  77. Screwing up! haha....no surprise (16 replies)
  78. Help please! (0 replies)
  79. urgent eye problem (1 replies)
  80. Unexpected : Eggs in communal tank. (4 replies)
  81. Discus Plague (5 replies)
  82. Disease outbreak!!! (19 replies)
  83. Blue ram died (19 replies)
  84. Thin/Skeletal looking Discus (19 replies)
  85. Need advice with sick cichlids (2 replies)
  86. Establishing the pecking order vs stressing out the new one (7 replies)
  87. Disease in Discus (142 replies)
  88. discus - lob-sided? (14 replies)
  89. Need help! Sick discus! (16 replies)
  90. shaking fins, loss of apetite and two slightly bloated (3 replies)
  91. One Discus Ill (4 replies)
  92. sick discus (9 replies)
  93. pH with new fish (15 replies)
  94. Help!!!! (21 replies)
  95. fish gasping for air (9 replies)
  96. Nitrite Problems (16 replies)
  97. Sick and Deceased Discus - Too much tank maintenance! (11 replies)
  98. lump on discus (2 replies)
  99. fish not happy (12 replies)
  100. Discus swimming erraticaly then Dieing (21 replies)
  101. Fish laying on side following trapping behind filter (2 replies)
  102. Help my Discus is SICK (8 replies)
  103. New Breeding Pair Sluggish, sometimes angled and not comfy. (2 replies)
  104. big problems.. (7 replies)
  105. gill fluke treatment? (22 replies)
  106. New discus NOT eating for 9 days (3 replies)
  107. New med, an alternative to Levamisole (24 replies)
  108. Levamisole !?!? (8 replies)
  109. Bloated SAE (2 replies)
  110. Is this velvet?? (pics attached) (9 replies)
  111. Nematode infection: treatment advice urgently needed (20 replies)
  112. copper treatment (6 replies)
  113. Anorexia (3 replies)
  114. Desperate Help Needed - 4 Deaths This Weekend (5 replies)
  115. Discus on side/upside down (2 replies)
  116. floating nose up (4 replies)
  117. R.I.P Discus (3 replies)
  118. Mini Mo is Crook ****UPDATED**** (15 replies)
  119. velvet, flukes, the plague or something else?? (5 replies)
  120. Damaged fins? (1 replies)
  121. axolotl sick (0 replies)
  122. probs with 6 week old juvies (7 replies)
  123. Going belly up as I watch!!!! (8 replies)
  125. Bulging eyes (4 replies)
  126. Emergency massive water change (0 replies)
  127. Bloated Discus- lying on side, floating (15 replies)
  128. Please help sick discus (2 replies)
  129. 4 week old fry (1 replies)
  130. znm ~ december 7, 2009 (2 replies)
  131. Help discus with white thread about the eye. (6 replies)
  132. NEED HELP ASAP (16 replies)
  133. OH MY GOD. FOR 2 DAYS ALR! (3 replies)
  134. footcandle to ev calc (2 replies)
  135. Bloated and floating on its side at the top (5 replies)
  136. Discus Acting Strange... (7 replies)
  137. CO2 Overdose DISCUS IN TROUBLE (4 replies)
  138. one fish dead, and it was a female to boot (3 replies)
  139. Potassium pregmate all i got to use? (28 replies)
  140. Eye problems multiple discus and in both eye's (2 replies)
  141. discus acting withdrawn - help please (4 replies)
  142. thin discus (49 replies)
  143. Help! Power out tomorrow (8 replies)
  144. Its bad now (4 replies)
  145. Force feeding discus? (1 replies)
  146. Need help Please (8 replies)
  147. There still unwell :( (3 replies)
  148. Raise temperature to 96 degrees with metronidazole (1 replies)
  149. Discus Plaque? (1 replies)
  150. Planaria outbreak with wrigglers in tank (8 replies)
  151. Adult Discus Head Standing (3 replies)
  152. What to do; w/c or wait? (4 replies)
  153. Help , i have 10 orphan fry !! (2 replies)
  154. Skinny discus with roting fins - help (16 replies)
  155. Help - Live food - bloated discus (6 replies)
  156. DISCUS HELP!!!!!! (3 replies)
  157. Discus has gone crazy, (UPDATE, shes starting to recover!) (42 replies)
  158. DISCUS FREAKING OUT (13 replies)
  159. sick discus help (9 replies)
  160. need help sick red turk :( (4 replies)
  161. dorsal fin is rotting? (4 replies)
  162. 1 Discus Died Bloated another one not eating. (8 replies)
  163. Discus guts coming out!!! (12 replies)
  164. HELP Required- see attachments (0 replies)
  165. dodgy looking stool (3 replies)
  166. metro at an affordable price? (8 replies)
  167. Update... (16 replies)
  168. bouncing baby blue diamond (2 replies)
  169. anorexic discus...help needed!! (1 replies)
  170. Fish sick, advide needed. (9 replies)
  171. Hex .... Still :cry: (9 replies)
  172. White Film! Uv Sterlizer, will it help? (4 replies)
  173. When to euthanize (8 replies)
  174. Need a USA source for Flubendazole and Levamisole (5 replies)
  175. Excel causing peeling or velvet or ?? (10 replies)
  176. Sick discus (3 replies)
  177. Used Flourish Excell and now Fish are peeling... (20 replies)
  178. Humane ways to put a fish down. (34 replies)
  179. breeding pair dying (7 replies)
  180. could this be a parasite???? (11 replies)
  181. Help - Discus went spastic, now Belly UP (11 replies)
  182. Clamped fins and "film" on their bodies (1 replies)
  183. Tiny White Specks Crawling On The Glass ! (2 replies)
  184. Need help with 1 of my discuses (37 replies)
  185. Worms I think - I need some metro (7 replies)
  186. discus laying on side plez help quick (1 replies)
  187. HELP !! White Little Worms in my tank. (24 replies)
  188. Help Required. Discus Sick (3 replies)
  189. help pls (7 replies)
  190. Please help, I don't know what to do! (1 replies)
  191. Ich!!!! is this med ok for my plec and loaches and discus? (15 replies)
  192. Amonia spike ? (6 replies)
  193. Discus refusing to eat (11 replies)
  194. Light fell in tank (11 replies)
  195. Sick Discus ! (17 replies)
  196. Tape worm (2 replies)
  197. skinny stomach (1 replies)
  198. Trying hard and fast (9 replies)
  199. Sick fish (10 replies)
  200. Sick Discus????? (8 replies)
  201. Urgent..Ick and some other symptoms. (11 replies)
  202. Discus swiming on an angle (7 replies)
  203. I'm in trouble here, please help me (2 replies)
  204. Discus flicking/Flashing-rubbing against plants at random ? (11 replies)
  205. Discus sick, really quick (7 replies)
  206. Help Needed On Dead Fish (5 replies)
  207. lost 1 today (1 replies)
  208. HELP Discus NOT EATING!! (6 replies)
  209. Really huge fat stomach....Not eating :( (26 replies)
  210. Urgent Help Discus Look Like Dying!!! (4 replies)
  211. Discus keeps on hiding in rocks, won't eat... (8 replies)
  212. Disucs hunger strike (9 replies)
  213. Urgent Opinion Required (9 replies)
  214. white holes on head (7 replies)
  215. Very Sick Pigeon Blood (8 replies)
  216. Almost 2 weeks. (4 replies)
  217. POISONED DISCUS bleach? (3 replies)
  218. Open wound on head (5 replies)
  219. Drop in Temp... now sick Discus (3 replies)
  220. Worrying Results after a 50% water change (20 replies)
  221. white tummy! (6 replies)
  222. pH Burn or Fin Rot (2 replies)
  223. Dead in 12 Hours (4 replies)
  224. One fin suddenly -not working? (8 replies)
  226. Discus Plague... Dying (18 replies)
  227. Can't get rid of fin & tail rot (14 replies)
  228. Angels and Discus Not Looking Good??? (4 replies)
  229. baby discus dark (3 replies)
  230. Discus young 2 swimming at top + 1 washed around tank (1 replies)
  231. Couple with fry -showing signs of fin rot /costia ? Pls Help (12 replies)
  232. not discus but pls help.... (6 replies)
  233. BD Need Help!! (8 replies)
  234. Buldging Eye Socket (7 replies)
  235. About to use Metro and need help !! (13 replies)
  236. white worms in community tank (8 replies)
  237. Discus is having spasms (3 replies)
  238. Constipated, Worms, No but a major illness (37 replies)
  239. Clueless!!! Please help (6 replies)
  240. discus smashing into glassand swimming very fast (19 replies)
  241. Discus nearly swimming verticle (5 replies)
  242. Discus is Bloated and excreting thick white discharge (13 replies)
  243. White spot and split on fin (4 replies)
  244. HELP NEEDED, fin rot? (3 replies)
  245. My other fish are sick now Please Help (7 replies)
  246. swim bladder disorder (4 replies)
  247. tap water ammonia (20 replies)
  248. WHITE POO (8 replies)
  249. URGENT help needed.... (12 replies)
  250. Losing Fry any Tips (22 replies)