View Full Version : Member Classifieds
- FS , true pair colbalt blue
- WTB : Blue rams (German Breed)
- FS: 4ft lights
- WTB White worms
- FS: Hydor external 300W heater: 1 week old *****SOLD*****
- WTB Maingano breeders
- WTB: 2ft tank or smaller, Sydney area
- FS: Discus - blues, reds, pigeons/yellows + assorted strains
- WTB in WA 2x Female Red Turqs and 1x Female Red Snake Skin
- FS: electronics- cleaning out also...
- FS : Protein Skimmer + Pump
- Fs: Convicts SOLD
- FS: 30cm alloy aluminium casing light with tube (brand new)
- Aqualina Single reflector 24inch **SOLD**
- WTB Large male Peppermint in Adelaide
- FS: Sump - Free for the pickup [Sydney] [Gone]
- Discus SALE-Blue-Red Turquoise-$100 ONLY
- Xtreme Easter Eheim Super Sale
- fs: resun lp20 airpump $50
- Discus for sale
- EOI 10 true pairs
- FS or trade:4ft curve tank & latex background (price red
- Sump for sale -melbourne
- WTB: Lots of 2x1x1 tanks
- fs: 3ft by 2ft by 45 cm high ....SOLD
- WTB: Marlboro Red juvies or little bit bigger.
- W.T.B 4 x 2 x 2
- FS: Aquarium tank and 6 Discus. SOLD
- WTB 2 tier metal stands
- WTB: Pond Plants (SYD)
- WTB threadfin rainbows
- Lillie plants for ponds
- Eheim - Jager 300w Heaters
- Discus from Goldenpigeon
- WTB:UV tubes replacement
- FS: Discus - Whats left from previous thread
- FS: diamond and snakeskin... Pictures up******
- wtb microworms and or vinegar eels
- WTB Veil Tail Angels jurvenile
- SLS: Discus available early May..
- WTB: Red Melon Juvies
- 65 gallon setup F/S chicago!!
- FS: Mitsubishi Mirage small car - Perfect Condition - *SOLD*
- FS: Top filters
- FS Breeding set up
- fs: needlewheel protein skimmer
- FS: spotted gars SOLD
- F.S breeding pair of Green Mosaic Turquoise (melbourne)
- Discus in Adelaide
- WTB: discus for display tank
- WTB - 2x1x1 tanks (Adelaide)
- Breeding pair of Red turks
- Set up for sale or Trade (Brisbane) - $450 cash last chance
- fs breeding pair mosaic green turk's
- WTB xbox melbourne
- ***WTB*** Discus
- Exotic Angels for sale
- APW May Specials
- WTB 4 by 2 by 18inch
- AOA May Specials
- some semi adult SS for sale *SOLD*
- 4x18x18 tank, stand, co2, denitrator, uv and more
- Jaguar Cichlids. Anyone?
- FS: adult male bristlenose cat fish
- FREE to good home male albino brisltenose cat fish
- FS:Discus
- Feeder fish *Sydney*
- FS Common Bns
- FS: Adding More....... Fishy Stuff - PRICE DROPPED
- WTB: G Geayi
- WTB Mincer...non-electric
- WTB: BABY Diamond blue and Red
- Japanese Filter Matting
- This could be a bargain eheim filter for people in Sydney.
- XTREME May Specials - Pics added **updated 9th may**
- eoi: cories
- wtb double spounge filter
- FS - 5ft x 18in x 18in tank w/ cabinet + minireef filter
- 4 foot cabinet and hood
- WTB: Large common pleco *Sydney*
- FS: Spotted Gar *Sydney* PRICE REDUCED
- wtb: 3ft lighting
- Anyone know a LFS that will TAKE fish?
- FS: Sony PSP
- swap plecos and featherfin with ....
- EOI - 4ft tank trade for fish - melbourne
- SLS: EOI fancy guppies.
- FS: Top filters
- EOI: spawning caves and pots (download warning)
- WTB Cats - Peppermints or Stock variety Bristlenose
- Standard 4ft tank setup For Sale
- EOI. Biotodoma Cupido and Geophagus Abalios
- EOI Adult Blue Diamonds
- Slate Slate Slate! Pic added 16/5/06
- Aquarium Shop for Sale
- F.S Albino Convicts
- fs complete tank set up
- young discus wanted, USA
- FS: 18-19cm Pleco OH HOLD
- FS: Featherfin Catfish (Synodontis eupterus) ON HOLD
- FS: Geophagus 'Rio Tapajos Orange Head'
- WTB: Bristle nose or plecos
- FS:Tunze regulator
- Free clown loach.
- FS 3Footer Depth 14inch Height 18inch
- Fish Tank Accesories For Sale
- Show class Bettas for sale
- FS: Albino gibbiceps
- FS: Silver arowana
- EOI: Sailfin Gibbiceps
- 8 foot tank on bartercard
- Aussie breeder
- 5 X 2 X 2 on ebay
- how much would the 8 foot cost
- WTB - Any Driftwood Branch Pieces
- WTB Rummy Nose Tetra in bulk
- FS: 512MB Laptop Ram
- (USA)
- Trip to melbourne!!
- FS: 2xSILVER DOLLAR approx. 3 inches
- Over stock of Project Gear *SPECIAL*
- FS: Spawning caves and pots (d/l warning)
- FS sailfin gibbys
- FS Arowana World book
- Tanks for sale
- Breeding pairs for sale, 2 pairs LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!
- free betta fry . gone
- Anybody got freee discus??lol
- FS:Tropical fish and Pump
- 65 190 gallon setups f/s in chicago!!
- FS, Reverse Osmosis Unit SOLD
- WTB Driftwood or Log XXXL size
- WTB: Breeding cone
- WTB (maybe depending on cost) : albino discus
- Eheim Universal Pump & Thermofilter Specials
- FS: Featherfin Catfish (Synodontis eupterus) Back for sale
- SLS: Bristlenose, albino bristlenose and longfin bristlenose
- For Sale: 3 Foot Fish Tank, Stand, Hood, and fish
- APW June Specials (updated 13/6 with Seachem Super Specials)
- WTB Geophagus 'Rio Tapajos Orange Head'
- FS: 3-4cm Normal Bristlenose Catfish
- *delete me*
- WTB juvinile discus
- WTB:sand for sand filter
- FS: AA Internal UV Steriliser 24 watt
- WTB juvie Discus Melbourne area
- FS 3tiers stand with 3 2foot tank (price reduced)
- Sold
- AOA June Specials
- FISH 101 Filter Media now available
- wtb.reusable fine filter matting
- Xtreme June Specials!
- 10 KG PH Down
- WTB 2 or 3 ft tanks for breeding ( Melbourne )
- WTB:tanks in sydney
- FS: 4ft tank set up + fish
- FS: Bichir
- FS water changing drums ALL GONE!
- pls del
- Seaview June Specials
- Plecos and Fronnies for sale
- FS MELB - Dupla Reactor S, Dupla Bubble Counter
- EOI, Beef heart Mix
- WTB Young Discus (Snakes, Leopards, Eruptions)
- WTB Adult working male
- golden melons
- FS:Fish
- System for sale!!!!!!!!1
- Swap males for females
- FS 2ft Tank And Stand + Gravel
- Selling - Water barrel / tank / stand
- FS: 6x2.5X2.5 foot Tank and Heritage Cabinet [$900 gotogo!]
- 2 breeder setups FS
- FS: protein skimmer and tank and filter
- SWAP rock to plants
- For sale (non Discus)
- WTB: Altum angelfish, orinocos
- *** Seachem End of Financial Year Stock Clearance ***
- FS 4*18*18
- sold
- breeders in my area?
- FS: Jebo plus free 200w heater
- FS or Trade Agar for Homemade food
- Sedra Pondmaster Submersible/Inline Pumps
- FS three young turks on hold
- FS : Desktop Computer
- f/s discus
- FS:Aquarium Accessories
- FS: 5 Discus. $100 SOLD
- Filters, Fish Foods and Other Fish Room items 56K warning
- FS: krib fry SOLD
- sold
- FS: Dupla substrate heating system *SOLD*
- FS: Baby Blue Diamond
- WTB Peppermint Catfish!
- FS Aulonocara Lwanda fry available
- WTB: Red Tiger Lotus
- WTB: 2ft reflector
- fs 4x2x2 cabinet and hood in melbourne
- WTB: Cheap light - no tubes is okay :)
- Display Tank For sale (56k beware)
- EOI: 6x2x2 tank with cabinet and hood
- wtb Discus in Canberra
- Discus on the gold coast
- SLS: RARE killies for sale..
- fs lare breeding pair twinkle spots
- WTB - Plant Cuttings
- Racing Ski (Surf Club type) For Sale.
- WTB desperately seeking discus
- For Sale 6x2x2 complete setup*[price drop]
- WTB: Discus
- FS: Breeding Pigeon Blood
- fs very clean pigeons juvis
- FS: Geo 'Rio Tapajos' Orange Head
- WTB or SWAP Male Albino Bristlenose
- WTB or SWAP Male Albino Bristlenose
- Bio-Chemical Sponge Filters - Price Drop !!!!!
- FS: Breeding Bristlenose Catfish
- FS Discus plus a few
- WTB: 4x2x2 tank & stand and chiller
- FS: blue diamond
- FS: Tank, stand & reflector
- FS: Books, Backgrounds & Light
- WTB: 2' tank and stand [SYD]
- EOI >> Trade Peppermints for Discus
- sold
- FS: XLarge Turquoise Discus - Melb
- SLS: RARE FISH, DISCUS, Apistogramma, killies, bettas....
- sold
- FS: Tank and stand, Perth
- FS fish
- FS: 6x2x2 + stand (melb)
- AOA July Specials
- fs lrg male turqs 1 sold 1 left
- sold
- APW July Specials
- FS: variuos fish
- FS/Trade Melb - 18" Planted Tank starter set
- WTB: King Kong parrot
- FS: Cichlids, Tangs, Catfish, Silver Aro
- FS: Spawning caves and logs
- lots of differant fish new added 2/7
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