View Full Version : Member Classifieds
- FS: 2 x 18 x 18 tank, heater and filter
- ****Price Slashed****
- 3 ft tank + stand
- FS: Eheim filters, UV, Tanks, Lrg driftwood, altums orinoco.
- FS:Rotala sp.nanjenshan,Rotala macrandra green, Tonina
- FS Tiger Shovelnose 10cm
- tank for sale
- wild and hybrid discus pairs FS
- WTB 6 footer
- EOI: Chilli red aro
- Large Display Discus for sale
- FS or Swap: Java Fern and Val
- FS (SYD): 3 x 20" x 2 - Display quality unit
- FS - Various Apistogramma's
- WTB Corydoras
- WTB Red Spotted Golden Discus
- WTB: High Quality FLOWERHORN (with pic of what i'm after)
- WTB: Discus (prefer in Adelaide but not essential)
- FS: Plants
- Olympus FE-20 8.0 megapixels $150 each brand new
- 4
- WTB grand sumo flowerhorn food
- WTB: Marlboro red Female
- ASA Gift certificates from Christmas!
- ASA Gift certificates from Christmas!
- albino bristlenose
- FS Albino and Common Bristle nose Fry,
- Latex Rock Background and Driftwood FS
- FS - Discus Juvenile 5-6cm and 8-9cm, Location Melbourne
- Discus for sale
- fs blue peacock colony
- Christmas Sale!!
- New December Listings!
- WTB Black veiltail angles.
- FS: 4X2X2 complete setup +co2 gear
- WTB: Discus in Perth
- FS: (BRIS) DISCUS+PLECOS + 4ft tank/stand/hood + equip
- fs: Discus 2 pairs - Sydney
- WTB: Geophagus sp. Tapajos ****FOUND SOME THANKS ***
- WTB Satanoperca Leucosticta ***FOUND SOME THANKS ***
- 4 Sale Discus, Pakistani & Clown loaches, Angels & O
- FS: Cherry Shrimps
- FS: Sydney
- wtb discus pair adelaide
- peppermints and angelfish (St Marys)
- F.S Aqua-Medic Redox Computer + extras $300
- FS: Rotalla macranda green and Rotala sp. Nanjenshan
- FS: Eheim filters, tank setups, driftwood.
- wtb - JUVIE DISCUS [syd]
- Free, yellow labs
- looking to buy discuss fry or angel fish fry Melbourne
- WTB Tank In Cairns Area (3 or 4FT)
- WTB small Discus Fry in MELB
- Fs: Rotalas (various species)
- [NSW] WTB Dwarf Cichlid
- FS: 3x20"x2 (Priced to clear this week only for DF memb
- FS Eartheaters
- FS: Large Discus
- FS: Tangs
- FS: 3.5 foot tank
- EOI Geophagus Araguara
- Christmas / New Year Trading Hours
- WTB: Juv Snakeskin, Leopard or Pigeon Blood [Melb]
- 2 x (6' x 18" x 18") tanks on a stand with divider
- Wanted tp Buy
- Christmas / New Year Trading Hours
- FS: Juvi Snake skin or red turk Discus - Melb
- Peppermint sale (brisbane)
- WTB Discus Gold Coast/Brisbane
- FS Fish and bristle nose
- FS: 2ft tanks with accessories
- FS: 2ft sump and tanks
- FS - 4 Discus
- fs: 4x2x2 complete set-up
- WTB: A. Cacatouides
- FS: 4 FT full tank setup with fish [ADL]
- WTB 4ft Tanks in Central Coast Area NSW
- FS 6ft setup and others [syd]
- FS: 2ft tanks
- WTB A.Cacatuoides
- FS/EOI: Fish, Tanks, Filters - The Lot REVISED PRICES!
- Does anyoneknow were Norto is
- WTB: Juvenile Discus [Melb]
- FS: Blue Marron, Adelaide
- FS: Dupla 1.5kg Co2 cylinder, perfect condition
- for sell
- WTB Riccia fluitans , Flame Moss
- fs discus
- WTB Apistogramma trio
- FS [Pickup from Maroubra Junction]: 4ft Dalbarb & 1ft cu
- Free: Discus & SAE
- Geophagus Altifrons and Araguaia
- FS: 'Maitland Red' 3mm gravel, 4 x 20kg bags
- FS: 3mm glass lids cut to size
- FS: Eheim Double Tap 16/22mm BRAND NEW
- FS: Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri)
- FS: Fish tank (5ft x 2ft x 2.5ft high), stand, hood and sump
- FS: Shrimps & Plants
- FS blyxa japonica plant pack
- Cheap live/base rock $5 / kilo.
- fs
- F.S: 14 Discus
- WTB Guppies
- Common Breeding Pairs for sale
- FS: 4ft Heto lights and tanks [Bris]
- WTB up to 4 foot sump
- F.S Bolbitus $10 + postage
- F.S Narrow (needle) leaf Java Fern
- WTB: non-iodised salt
- Breeding Pair turq
- FS T. Duboisi Adelaide
- FS: Juvi Swordtails and female krib
- Fs Driftwood
- 2 clown loaches for sale
- Fs All my catfish
- FS-Everything must go
- WTB: Angels
- Plecos + others
- fs - ((((cheap)))) ASSORTED ANGEL FISH ((((cheap)))) [syd]
- FS: 2 x lge clown loaches (pics att) Melb
- clown knife x 2 35cm-45cm Melbourne
- F.S. : ..D I S C U S .. &.. C L O W N L O A C H E S
- Red & Green Tiger Lotus
- WTB: Variety of Plants for 4' Discus tank.
- FS: H. balsamica
- FS: Common Bristle Nose 2 - 3cm
- FS: Java Fern and Java Moss
- F.S Common Bristlenose - Adelaide
- 2cm Swordtails, Krib and Julli Cory
- Lots of stuff for sale!!
- WTB Discus Breeding Pair - Adelaide
- FS: G Altifrons / G Tapajos
- WTS Geo Tapajos (suspected pair) Melbourne
- FS: Marlboro Red Breeding Pair
- WTB 6x2x2 or anythig close to it
- FS: Guppy
- wtb: Coralife Turbo-Twist 9W
- Jebo 200 ltr Corner Aquarium
- FS: Discus, Tank, Drift Wood and Plants - Adelaide
- WTB: Discus fish
- wtb discus males
- FS: Adult Angelfish x 4
- FS: 6x2x2 Planted Settup.
- FS: 6x2x2 complete set up
- FS - Fish Tank
- Free/Swap: Java Moss - Melbourne
- FS: 150W New Aquarium Metal Halide, 10 000K UV Block Globe
- F.S Bolbitis $10 +postage
- F.S Needle leaf Java Fern $20 + postage
- FS Discus
- WTB - 3 or 4 foot tank and stand
- WTB: 40ltr water barrel (or similar size)
- WTB Juveniles
- WTB: Red Melon and Wild Caught Discus
- FS: Apistogramma Cacatuoides
- wtb: 'old-school' scalare
- WTB: Various cichlids
- Various Plants for sale
- WTB: Satanoperca Leucosticta Male of breeding age/size
- February Specials!
- FS: Discus
- FS: 4 foot compact T5 PL lamp Reflectors (Aqua One)
- WTB: 50cent size disucs juviez MELB
- FS: 4ft & 5ft lights - adelaide
- WTB:Heiko bleher's Discus book or video
- FS: Adult Ghost Knife
- for sale Tiger lotus Plants
- WTB Geophagus any sort (Melbourne)
- Want to buy 2 discus 4-4 1/2 inch discus.
- Systems back up for sale
- ****$20 February****
- FS: Bargain tank set up, eheim and more
- FS: 25cm Sailfin Gibbicep Pleco
- FS: Hydor ETH Inline heater 300W
- FS - 3 aquarium tanks (Melbourne)
- 3 Red Fin Sharks to Give Away!
- FS: P Saulosi, Red Rubin Peacocks, Electric Blues. Sydney.
- FS: P Saulosi, Red Rubin Peacocks, Electric Blues. Sydney.
- L091 for sale
- FS: L168's and L104's
- tank stand 2@ 3x14x18
- WTB: Crown Pearl Scales
- WTB Heckel Cross
- WTB breeding pair - Adelaide
- Red & Green Tiger Lotus Plants for sale
- WTB : Discus Melbourne
- Juveniles
- WTB cheap fish(juvies) in sydney
- FT SAE's
- FS: Desert Gobies, N. cylindricus and Peppermint Bristlenose
- 4x14x18
- F.S. 6x2x2 and cabinet
- FS: Albino bristlenose male and female
- Free Free Free!
- what to do ?
- Free gravel - Adelaide, Ferryden Park
- For Sale Aqua One AR620
- FS: 3ft Complete Setup - Absolutely Everything!
- FS Driftwood
- discus book for sale
- Albino X's & Juveniles
- 5ft Tank, Cabinet, Sump filter, 2 x Canisters and More...
- Peppermint BN's (including Breeding Colony & Pairs)
- New February Listings!
- (MOVING SALE) Tanks filters rocks caves lots of stuff
- WTB Peppermints (Sydney)
- WTB: golden typed of discus
- where to buy wild discus
- WTB Cannister filter
- Mid Month Special!
- Peppermint Bristlenose - Adelaide
- wtb: Orange head 'Tapajos'
- FS: White Diamond Discus pair
- WTB - Large Driftwood
- FS: Exotic Mosses
- WTB Eheim 2215 or 2217 filters
- Items Heavily Reduced! Up to 50%!!
- wet dry filtration equipment
- FS: L134 @ Approx 5-7cm. Melbourne
- FS: Geophagus Altifron, Surinamesis, Heckeii
- FS: 2 Silver Dollars
- WTB Angels and Peppermints
- FS - Geophagus Abalios babies
- Discus for sale Adelaide.
- peppermints 3-3.5cm (st marys)
- New March Listings!
- FS Large driftwood
- Apisto's Gibbiceps Steindachneri Cacatuoides MELB.
- WTB - Pleco
- FS: AquaClear 110 Powerhead
- WTB pigion female
- FS: Gold Severum.
- FS: Fish Tanks
- FS: Custom 2ft with ADA soil
- WTB 2ft Tank
- FS: Plants & Shrimps
- FS: Geophagus Pindare $25
- WTB 4*2*2 foot (Adelaide)
- FS Complete Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) 160L Setup
- WTB.. 2 foot tank
- FS: H.balsamica (rare plant)
- EOI: 6ft Sunsun curve tank
- FS: Jebo 838 Canister Filter
- WTB: Eheim Filter
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