View Full Version : Member Classifieds
- EOI Exchange of 3 Juvie Turq X Brown (0 replies)
- FS: Fish Tank & Driftwood (2 replies)
- FS 6 bar frontosa fry (0 replies)
- Discus in Victoria for sale (3 replies)
- Discus wanted (2 replies)
- WTB: Hemianthus callitrichoides (1 replies)
- few tangankiyans and german ram pair (1 replies)
- Getting Into Marine "Heckles And Other Things For Sale& (22 replies)
- FS: Dupla Ground 20L (2 replies)
- White Eruptions from Forrest (0 replies)
- WTB 2ft x 2ft x 2ft tank (0 replies)
- Breeding pairs (4 replies)
- FS: 25cm wild caught oscar (2 replies)
- WTB 4 ft 2 to 3 light reflector (0 replies)
- FS- 2ft x 18inchx 18inch fish tank (0 replies)
- FS- 2tier breeding setup (0 replies)
- Massive discus clearance all must go getting out of breeding (16 replies)
- EOI: P. Reticulata Pups (4 replies)
- GOLDEN SPOT PLECO 13 AND 16 CM L001 (5 replies)
- FS : Various Africans (0 replies)
- WTB Marble and albino longfins (0 replies)
- Mal's freeze dried blackworms (63 replies)
- Red Belly Pacu x 2 for sale Melbourne (0 replies)
- F/S - TANKS & DUPLA BOOK, 48" (w) x 30" (d) x (0 replies)
- FS: DISCUS (1 replies)
- FS: Fish Tanks (1 replies)
- Pepps and O/S for sale (1 replies)
- WTB - 100cmx30cm @ 6mm thick sheet of glass in SYD (2 replies)
- FS: Standard 4 ft tank with hood and stand + MORE! (4 replies)
- Rare fish in stock! (5 replies)
- Melon (1 replies)
- ASA January Specials (4 replies)
- WTB HC and CO2 equipment in Melbourne (0 replies)
- WTB Ottocinclus (4 replies)
- WTB: breeders blend food for discus (4 replies)
- FS: Geophagus Altifron Aripuana II Juvies 5cm+ *BONUS* (1 replies)
- Eheim 2227 & White Rock in Melbourne (2 replies)
- Adding Pro-More and Pro-Growth to dry food (packaged) (16 replies)
- Burmese blue tort kitten available, registered breeder GCCFV (1 replies)
- Wild Discus for sale! (25 replies)
- WTB female peppermint BN adult willing to buy or swap (0 replies)
- FS: Dupla Co2 Injection system (0 replies)
- 4ft tank, cabinet & hood & Eheim 2229 & UV & (13 replies)
- WTD - Eheim Double Tap Connector for 16/22mm hose (0 replies)
- FS: 4 ft setup / L002 pleco [SYD] (1 replies)
- WTB Some young Turq's (4 replies)
- Melb FS - ADA Style 75cmx45cmx45cm Rimless/Braceless tank (1 replies)
- Converting to marine, all my fish must go. (9 replies)
- FS: Metal Halide Light 4fter (4 replies)
- WTB: Wild Discus or F1's from wild Discus (0 replies)
- WTB : Biotodoma Species (0 replies)
- FS: Uaru Pair -NSW (0 replies)
- FS: Geophagus altifrons "Aripuana I" (3 replies)
- FS: DISCUS (0 replies)
- Brisbane/Queensland BREEDERS/IMPORTERS? (27 replies)
- FS: Peppermint frys (0 replies)
- FS: Electric Yellow (0 replies)
- F.S.4x18x14 (0 replies)
- Cnr Unit (0 replies)
- F.S.Cichlasoma Salvinii (0 replies)
- F.S.Cichlasoma Salvinii (0 replies)
- FS L168 (0 replies)
- Adults and pairs for sale (12 replies)
- FS: wild heckel (5 replies)
- Discus F/S (6 replies)
- CRS (2 replies)
- FS: Common BN Breeding Colony & Juvies 3-4cm *PRICE REDU (1 replies)
- Weekend Sale! (0 replies)
- FS: L134 Leopard Frog Peckoltia (5 replies)
- Jebo, Sunsun and Aquaone tanks for sale with matching stand. (2 replies)
- Gravel to give away (0 replies)
- FS: Aquaone tank set - Monarch 80 series (0 replies)
- WTD: Blue diamonds in Syd (2 replies)
- Aquarium FISH TANK Display or Breeding. Great Gift (0 replies)
- WTB: 3 foot aquarium on stand from Adelaide (0 replies)
- FS: 5ft Tank Setup, Peppermint BN Colony & more (7 replies)
- fs: sera co2 unit worth over $1000 (2 replies)
- EOI: Splendid blue opal discus (14 replies)
- WTB Plastic divider for my 5x2x2 tank (0 replies)
- fs: Parrot Cichlids (0 replies)
- DISCUS (0 replies)
- FS: 3ft tank, timber stand, 3ft light + extras (7 replies)
- FS: Octogonal Tank. 2ft wide, 2ft high. with stand. (2 replies)
- WTB - Discus and drift wood (MELB) (3 replies)
- F.S Koi (3 replies)
- FS: Peppermint pair l183 (3 replies)
- FS: Aqualog Books, Cichlids (American & African) (2 replies)
- CO2 setup for sale - Brisbane (3 replies)
- FS ANGEL breadig pairs and more - FREE (7 replies)
- FS- albino sailfin gibbicep (0 replies)
- FS: Albino Bristle Nose Breeding Colony 2m5f with Pictures (1 replies)
- fs albino bn (0 replies)
- FS: Peppermint BN (2 replies)
- WTB Broken Aqua One CF 1000 canister for parts (0 replies)
- For sale item on Ebay (1 replies)
- FS: Large Driftwood pieces (3) and Sandstone Rock (0 replies)
- Fs: Electric yellow fry (0 replies)
- WTB - fish feeder (4 replies)
- Monster Fish Rescue in Ohio! (0 replies)
- Male Discus SSL must go! (0 replies)
- FS/Swap Working PC - AMD 1800xp, 512M RAM, 19' CRT - SYD (2 replies)
- FS - Everything (Getting out of the hobby) (3 replies)
- FS: 2ft Tank with Gravel/light/stand/coverglass/foam & m (0 replies)
- "DISCUS The Naked Truth" by Andrew Soh (38 replies)
- FS Geophagus Argyrostictus Plenty in stock!!!! (0 replies)
- New Pre Order Discus Shipment (pics added) (32 replies)
- FS: SSL discus (0 replies)
- WTB: Books on Discus (0 replies)
- EOI: Blue Dolphins, Albino B/N, Regular B/N Adelaide only (5 replies)
- Pro-More & Pro-Growth (38 replies)
- WTB HC (6 replies)
- WTB Bleher's Discus book (0 replies)
- EOI: CO2 setup (3 replies)
- Fs Plecos,, Gold Spot, Gibby, Common [Sydney] (0 replies)
- fs: pepp pair (0 replies)
- FS: Discus + Tetras for sale (7 replies)
- big discus for sale (2 replies)
- jeveniles (0 replies)
- FS: Tonina (0 replies)
- FS: Blyxa japonica, Adelaide (3 replies)
- WTB Malb Red or Blue Diamond in Sydney (10 replies)
- FS: American Cichlids (1 replies)
- marlboro red or super red juveniles (0 replies)
- FS: 18W External UV Steriliser (2 replies)
- The Start of Christmas and December Specials!! (5 replies)
- A grade green turks [Pics] (3 replies)
- WTB - Grow out tank (1 replies)
- 3ft Setup - Make an offer (1 replies)
- [SYD] FS: Common BN (1 replies)
- FS SS and turq juvies (14 replies)
- discus pair (6 replies)
- WTB - small driftwood with plants on them (1 replies)
- ADULT DISCUS FOR SALE*with pics* (7 replies)
- FS - 4x20x20 tank, brand new (2 replies)
- F/S L168's Dekeyseria Brachyura / Peckoltia pulcher (4 replies)
- Large Cats and other in Ohio! Monster Fish Rescues! (1 replies)
- Pigeon Blood 4" . High Fin Melon 3" UK Only (1 replies)
- FS Peppermint B/N (0 replies)
- WTB fishtank(5ft 6ft min 700 high) accesories in Bris (0 replies)
- FS L168 Butterfly pleco (6 replies)
- WTB - 5ft or 6ft fish tank (Melb) (0 replies)
- WTB: large eheim canister filter (2 replies)
- WTB: DISCUS (Perth) (0 replies)
- WTB: A.Borelli Opal & A.nijsseni males (1 of each) (mel (0 replies)
- FS Blue Eye Cichlid breeding pair (1 replies)
- FS Discus Moving Sale (3 replies)
- Wtb: eheim canister filter (0 replies)
- FS: Catfish Collection (4 replies)
- Albino Rose Red (1 replies)
- ASA Gift Certificates for Christmas (0 replies)
- FS: 6 Bar Frontosa, Electric Yellow fry & Tanks (5 replies)
- wtb - small all in one tank (0 replies)
- Colony Sale (4 replies)
- discus and tank for sale (11 replies)
- Geophagus For Sale (2 replies)
- Diapraghm Air Pump (1 replies)
- Anyone has ordered things from ASA? (16 replies)
- WTB cheep filter for 900L koi tank (10 replies)
- WTB Terminalia catappa whole leaves (10 replies)
- Bristlenose - Norms & Albino's (0 replies)
- Discus In Store Now!! with pics and prices (13 replies)
- FS: rare plants (2 replies)
- WTB: med to large aquaclear hang on filter (0 replies)
- fs 30 cm silver arowana (1 replies)
- FS Nymphaea (Pick up only) Syd (7 replies)
- Wanted- Nice Discus delivered to Darwin Airport (5 replies)
- 26-28cm Sailfin Pleco (0 replies)
- WTB Eheim 2217 + co2 set up with solenoid switch (0 replies)
- FS: 2 Large Mangrove Root $100 each (pics) (4 replies)
- fs: 2' double aqualina compact HO reflector (0 replies)
- FS - Table Soccer (4 replies)
- FS Caves for bristlenose and plecos (5 replies)
- FS: Red Sea Root Therm substrate heater (4 replies)
- FS Red belly Pacu (0 replies)
- FS: Rare Geophagus (4 replies)
- [NSW] FS: Common BN (0 replies)
- WTB - Cardinal Tetra's (1 replies)
- WTB Spotted/Leopard Sankeskin Discus (10 replies)
- FS Juvenile Blue Turquoise (3 replies)
- Fs brand new xbox 360 premium console never been opened (0 replies)
- FS: Jebo 6x2x2 curved glass tank and stand Sold thanks ! (0 replies)
- FS: ADA Co2 Advanced System YA/Ver.2 BRAND NEW (1 replies)
- WTB:a. panduro (6 replies)
- FS: Two (2) 6ft Single lights, with globes (3 replies)
- WTB: Guppy (1 replies)
- Discus reds (2 replies)
- WTB: Mature female ABN (0 replies)
- FS:Dupla Co2 1.5kg bottle (1 replies)
- FS: Asian Green Arowana $1000 (1 replies)
- Discus ready Swords for sale (9 replies)
- NEW PRODUCT- Freeze Dried Decapsulated Artemia Cysts + Sera (1 replies)
- WTB: MALE Blue Diamond about 12- 14cm (breeding Size) Sydney (0 replies)
- FS: DISCUS 4 x RED ROSE (2 replies)
- Fish tank racking for sale (0 replies)
- WTB Male Agassizi (4 replies)
- cheap four foot tank and stand (3 replies)
- fs 7 africans (0 replies)
- ASA November Specials! (19 replies)
- fs: Brand new raw timber 5' x 2' cabinet (900ml high) SOLD (1 replies)
- FS: 5 Discus (Albino included) (6 replies)
- FS: Geophagus Altifron Aripuana II *NEW VIDEO* (19 replies)
- FS/Swap: goldfish (0 replies)
- WTB: Red rose discus (1) (0 replies)
- FS: Breeding Setup, BN, L002, Books and Assorted (0 replies)
- 4ft tank, cabinet & hood. (0 replies)
- BN Norm & Albino, Driftwood. (4 replies)
- Wanted to swap - Eheim 2227 wet/dry for Eheim/Fluval (1 replies)
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASA! (3 replies)
- WTB - Orange spot B/N (0 replies)
- FS: DISCUS 4 x RED ROSE (4 replies)
- FS: 2 x 4 foot Dalbarb Double fluorecent Light & tubes (3 replies)
- FS: Blood parrots? (0 replies)
- FS: Friends fish. CHEAP (4 replies)
- FS: Sailfin Gibbiceps. Nice sizes (2 replies)
- WTB: Male Red Turq (0 replies)
- AZOO Dual CO2 Regulator with Solenoid (3 replies)
- fs 2 tanks (1 replies)
- wtb a male Nannacara anomala in melbourne please (0 replies)
- FS: Aquaone cf1000 [syd] (3 replies)
- WTB - Male discus - breeding age (Sydney) (5 replies)
- rummynosed tetras for sale (2 replies)
- huge piece (>1m) driftwood with Anubias plants (3 replies)
- WTB: Ehiem 2217, 2228 or 2028. (1 replies)
- FS: Male Flowerhorn only $20 (3 replies)
- Pro-more & Pro- Growth. (10 replies)
- fs Equipment (3 replies)
- FS: albino BN fry 3 -4 cms $5 each (0 replies)
- Xtreme Office hours changes (0 replies)
- WTB: Male Blue Snakeskin Discus (1 replies)
- WTB: Eheim or Fluval canister filter - pretty please!!! (0 replies)
- WTB: Myleus Schomburgki (Black Bar Red Hook) (7 replies)
- FS: OS bristlenose, Apisto pebas and baesnchi (2 replies)
- FS: Geophagus Aripuana II - 3cm - $9 - (0 replies)
- fs: Brand new raw timber 5' x 2' cabinet (900ml high) (0 replies)
- FS: Large Mangrove Piece (Stunning centrepiece) (3 replies)
- We have moved ... (1 replies)
- Clearance Sale Breeding Tanks, Accessories from $1 (4 replies)
- cheap tanks (0 replies)
- FS: Ranchus & Orandas [SYD] (1 replies)
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