View Full Version : Illness & Medications
- sick discus
- caudal peduncle
- So whats the deal with Big L
- pathogens please help
- sad indiana discuss
- twitching bladders
- Help Needed
- White Spores??
- malachite green (Wardleys Ickaway)
- Prazi and Metro ata the same time
- Prazi and Big L
- scales falling off snakeskin
- Discus not eating? Something she ate?
- fairy dust
- Bloated stomach - trying to swim down
- Sick discus trouble with IDing the problem
- Don't know whats wrong.... need assistance please!!!!!
- does this count as a quarantine?
- smoky poo?
- Eye swollen on Discus *PICS added*
- Discus acting strange
- Blind Discus
- neons
- Metro Dosage Help
- Dimetridazole for cloudy eye
- flagellol
- sick discus :(
- What The Heck Does This Mean?
- Prazi & ottos,cories?
- just one acting weird - not emergency
- Free : Wild discus
- Fluke information and video under the microscope
- WHAT HAPPENED ? ? ? WHY ? ? ?
- new young discus. split tail
- Formaldehyde
- Not eating Urgent
- Flagyl
- worming baby discus
- Liquid Flagyl
- Prazi & Purigen
- Gill fault
- Is Sterazin as Effective as Prazi
- active carbon cause hole in the head disease?
- Bristlenose & Para - Ex
- follow up and I don't know
- An old companion gone
- URgent very sick URGENT
- Metro needed
- Tank Clean Out???
- No sure what's up
- New discus was added witha discus that had the pLague!
- ghost knife - bladder?
- Worms
- discus not looking to happy
- Heckel - Not Sure Whether to Treat
- Odd mark
- Friend Experiencing Problems With Koi
- Friend Experiencing Problems With Koi
- Discus staying head down
- On the rebound
- breathing through 1 gill
- Sick Discus
- White Jelly..
- Tapeworm?
- perfect one day gone the next !!
- Ok so what makes them do this?
- nocturnal discus?
- old tank to new tank: quarantine *updated*
- new tankmates needing clense!
- Mistakes I made with Formalin & PP
- what is this??
- PP, Sterbai Cories & Ottos
- Hole in fin
- Blue Diamond going dark
- Discus having trouble swimming ?
- Worming/Medications
- Octozin Use By Question
- Whats wrong with my fry?
- Nematodal Parasites or Hex
- Wormed fish today and they layed will it kill the eggs
- Undersink Water Filters - Why they might be bad
- possibly gill flukes
- New Discus in Tank- Was doing good and now is acting funny
- Problematic fish!
- Help with sick fish
- Sick Discus- Plague?
- What does this sound like?
- Discus Not Growing
- Ok one day, then dead the next....
- what's up
- Quick question about Levisamole dosage.
- discus hiding and not eating
- Dwarf gourami bloated...moving very slowly...
- What's happened to my angel's top lip????
- To sedate fish using clove oil, as requested
- Hole in the side?
- White Growth on Eye
- Discus quick breathing
- Cant decide what it is.....
- any ideas
- Discus very dark - is he sick?
- epson salt
- stomach concern
- melafix/pimafix
- What salt
- Fish stop eating after prazipro
- prazi
- Discus acting wako
- Cloudy eye from mollies?
- White Spot and white things?
- Acting Weird
- blue discus with pop eye
- Anorexic Discus
- Small Bumps
- Metro, Discus and the Community Tank??
- Quarantine Tank for fish delivery
- white poo treatment advice needed
- GUYS HELP !!!!!!!
- Help please ? with worming fry
- Aquarium Science Multi Purpose Medication
- mmmmm what to do
- "Big L" search for USA equivalent "big l"
- White Spot - Safe to Treat Whole Community Tank?
- Male Behaciour is Eratic.
- Flukes again need advice
- I do worry
- Salt Dip/Salt Bath
- Discus acting wierd HElp Im worried!!!!
- treatment with metro
- Angel not eating, white poos - whats wrong and how to treat?
- Marlboros not moving
- funny poo
- Need Quick Advice Re "Top-up" of Medication
- Strange Goings On
- Help with Using Tetracycline
- Salt bath
- swollen fin muscle? or not..
- worms, help!!!
- Diagnosis help, please
- What the heck is this ????
- discus fish has MICRO WORMS
- Not sure what my discus have...
- Quick Question...Will Muticure affect bio load??
- Sick Discus ?
- White feces Video ... can anyone suggest remedy?
- Reviving fish from the "Death Roll"
- Discus Refuses to Eat
- White Spot or Ich?
- discus dead over night
- discus dead over night
- discus dead over night
- where can i get PP
- Head Down Swimming
- looking for a medication
- i think its a blister
- acriflavine
- dying discus
- Help with discus
- Sick tetra...what is it?
- Please HELP
- discus turning pink..
- current metro rates
- mystery killer?
- sea salt bath cure swim bladder issues?
- what killed this fish?
- what is it
- Epson salt dosage please
- re occuring worms
- Just not eating, advice needed please.
- White pus from a small white whole
- Discus not eating for a week? advice appreciated
- Discus need someone help
- Angel with issues
- Discus becoming dark after eating.
- Water temp and Discus health.
- Which fish to remove from tank before Levamisole/Prazi dose
- Lip damage from fighting.
- Discus paracites and catfish help?
- peppermint bristlenose
- I need help please
- Worm ID
- White stool
- white spot on discus eyes
- Finrot Treatment?
- Need help with fungus pls
- help with discus
- Discus Babies
- Fungus growing on discus
- Whats wrong with my female fighter ?????
- Unwell Eartheater
- Can i refill my tank after dose of prazi ??
- Need help with a sick Discus.
- Right gill not being used
- Helppppppppppppppppp!!!
- Help Please
- Did I F Up? Nitrate spike and slime, please advice.
- soaking live blackworms in prazi to treat worms?
- What it is?
- Medication help
- Hexamita cure
- Treated my planted tank 3 times with prazi. fish still flash
- Treated my planted tank 3 times with prazi. fish still flash
- Illness, need some advice
- Doxycycline
- PH Shock.. Please help
- Bad Metro experience, please help
- zoo discus anti endoparasite
- I think Sally has hole in the head
- Has anyone used Jungle parasite clear. From tank buddies
- Juvenile discus not growing, doesnt seem to eat
- Skinny discus.
- Flubendazole - where to get it in Australia or nearby?
- Need some advice - gill fluke thanks
- Can I fix my angels pectoral fins ?
- Prazi & Silver Dollars
- Quarantine Step by Step?
- strange behaviour after levamisole treatment
- Ongoing
- what type of worm?
- Clown loach flashing
- Tri sulpha
- SAE breathing heavy :(
- Slightly fat belly and wont poo
- Vertonex
- worms
- Do you de worm as precaution
- Kuhli Loach demise - why?
- Dead Discus... Still no obvious reason
- Kusuri Wormer plus ?
- What are those "beans"?
- Anyone help Please
- What medication do I use?
- fish friendly vet in melbourne???
- Metro in food
- Discus are ill!
- LH gill "stuck"
- Parasite?
- Is my fishy constipated??
- Red Jewel cant float
- aqua worm 100 tablets where ?
- White limps/spots on nose?
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