View Full Version : Illness & Medications
- Popeye
- sick discus???
- big scrape on side
- bleeding nose :(
- little white salt grain sized bug/parasite killing discus
- Does white poo always mean worms?
- Help identifying this problem? (photos included)
- treating discuss in tank with 2 week old babies
- mixing metro with food without gelatine
- Preventative treatment for Discus
- Bloat
- Proper PH 6.5 whilst using metro?
- white poo
- Strange Fungus or not?
- White nasty in tank
- Stress to cause scratch?
- White dot on bum.
- Metro - In the Food, Dose the Tank or Both
- Worming Tablets - Drontal allwormer for dogs
- ? ailment
- Check this discus!? it's disgusting...
- weaken discus
- Left gill protruding - What disease?
- Worming cardinals
- medications in BH recipes
- Help white discolouration of gills.
- RIP Mongo - WARNING to all....
- Tiny wriggly type worms ???
- Royal blue turquiose discus pair
- Need help identifying this symptom...
- combantrin or mebendazole for deworming?
- Bad Eyes- Need Help!
- hex problems
- Cloudy Eyes
- Praziquantel dosage rates
- Jungle Labs Parasite Clear and shrimp
- Flubeol 15
- white spots on eye
- metro & lighting
- Experiences with Metro+ and HITH
- prazi & metro
- discus has white marks on tail and fin
- Lost my first Discus
- My discus, or rather one at the moment, are poorly
- Medcine box, what should I stock?
- levamisole
- Help, I dont wanna lose another
- White spot, and some gill trouble?
- Fish intestines???
- levamisole or prazi for other fish and fry
- Hook Worm
- sick discus
- i think somethings wrong
- Hospital tank size???
- ( help )Livoneca symmetrica
- Using Tirchlorofon Against Flukes - updated info
- PP, potassium permanganate, KMnO4, condy's crystals
- now what?!!!
- Great Gaping Holes!
- looks like white spots!
- Help with dark Discus
- Started Metro treatment
- Praziquental/Levimasole worming, community or hospital tank?
- What else does Metro treat?
- Ich ?????
- GEO Liquid, lemisole and Prazi
- sick discus
- Strange Discus Illness
- potassium permanganate
- Gill Flukes
- Gill Flukes
- discus looks healthy, just not eating...
- Stressed-out Discus? or Ill?
- Another discus "rescue"
- Sick?
- Metro question
- Sick Discus
- discus still dark
- Brasiliensis breathing heavy
- praziquantel
- help with gill flukes
- Damn discus plague!!!!
- Does white poo always mean worm ??
- metronidazole
- Jungle products
- Eratic behaviour causing damage...
- Ghost Knife in trouble
- Metro for how long?
- Prazi dose
- You have to love your fish
- Agassizi Tefe - possible Fungus ?
- Please Help Identifying A Gill Worm
- Dissolving Prazi Tablets
- worming help please
- confused over plague and flukes, plz help
- Golden Panchax - Constipated?!
- spread of disease to new fish
- red gills n white occationally poo
- White discolour on skin
- Help with re-doing tank RIP tetras
- heckle not eating
- WARNING - LIQUID FLAGYL/METRO - dont mix in water
- WARNING - LIQUID FLAGYL/METRO - dont mix in water
- WARNING - LIQUID FLAGYL/METRO - dont mix in water
- WARNING - LIQUID FLAGYL/METRO - Dont mix in the tank water
- worm treatment !!
- Please help
- First worming...
- My discus has not eaten for 5 weeks
- info overload and little bit confused about sick discus
- Whats wrong with this fish?
- Whats wrong with this fish?
- quarantining fish
- Black Spot
- Hole in the head... ?
- Tapeworm and Flubenol
- levamisole treatment
- heads up
- Heat only Treatment for Ich?
- gill flukes
- External parasite????
- Help With discus eye Desease
- gill flukes
- Look at the things in my tank
- 3 very sick discus PLEASE HELP
- Garlic prawns as wormer? Will it work?
- Fungus?? Please help I'm new to discus!
- Need some advice
- red rim on fins ?
- meds
- Clear Jelly like discharge
- Metro for Healthy Fish
- Tiny White Worms
- Big L
- Time between medication
- list of med's
- White Poo
- more metro
- Sick Discus?!?!
- These symptoms = what?
- Levimasole 1st treatment..
- epsom salts
- White Abdomen?
- Discus not eating? Try this!
- Darkened Discus
- PP dip
- wringler or worm?
- Levamisole Prazi _ Bird Wormer for soaking food
- sick discus? stressed discus? not sure. please help
- Quarantine
- worm things in mouth
- color loss, freaking out, and spinning in tight circles
- External parasite?
- White Parasitic Infection?!?
- Sick Discus, white poop, not eating, white spot, scratching
- Worming - Apistogramma
- White Spots help!
- sick kuli
- Now the disus are not well...
- Bouncing back internal parasite (pic)
- unhappy discus
- Tapeworm treatment..
- external parasites?
- floating discus
- epson salt
- Back of Tank
- prazi treatment
- Another Apisto Sickness
- Gill filaments, skittish discus.
- Discus Pretending dead? or sick?
- eating problems
- What can i do when treating with metro?
- Not a Discus
- Prazi dust
- Strange Bolivian mask??
- whitespot - can i use salt?
- Protozin in main tank..
- Strange colouration... Is my discus bruised?
- Prazi and lack of appetite?
- what medication to use
- New Discus - to medicate or wait?
- My experience with tetracycline
- pop eye discus
- discus pimple?
- treatment ineffective
- para-cide
- Worried - What is this
- Hex and somthing else :(
- any one has experience in worming in planted tank
- Black dots like pepper on some of my discus.
- Metro/Prazi, What to do if they are both active ingredients?
- Discus breathing rapidly
- Dark discus
- Regular Medication or medicate when needed?
- extremely aggressive discus- HELP!
- Fluke Treatment ..
- Brine shrimp and white feces
- Shallow Breathing and one gill closed.....
- Metro
- Apisto Problem
- Just wondering
- discus breathing heavily on one side
- Treated with Prazi now not eating...
- hole in the head (with oscar)
- new fish in tank .. hanging on surface !! !
- Fins still dissapearing!
- Constipated discus, Lumpy faeces
- Wardley Para and Plants.
- Prazi with tetras and loaches
- I want to NUKE the tank !!
- Gill membrane sticking out - what to do?
- Anti-Biotic for discus
- how much waterchange after levamisole treatment
- Waterlife Sterazin
- Tatraclyine
- claire montgomery.
- New Discus illness?
- Unwell Leapard
- Your experience with HITH and HLLE
- Metrogyl Flagyl
- sick green discus
- New discus has worms
- Ammonia spike after Levamisole BIG L treatment
- DO my discus have an internal parasite?
- Are these worms?
- Prazi
- Rio Branco Breeders dead!
- question about clout
- How to fatten discus
- No Poos
- dark fish
- sick discus not eating loosing weight no signs of disease
- Discus got crazy, any suggestion how to save it?
- ? Protozoa in discus
- cloudy eye
- Scrape on Discus's side
- Hole in the Head, Hexemita and Lateral Line Erosion
- 2 Dead Discus
- pop eye nighmare
- New fish after discus plague
- breeding turq not looking the best - Hole in the head
- Am I looking at Hex?
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