View Full Version : Illness & Medications
- Levamisole & UVS
- shimmy dance and sliding around sideways near bottom
- Rapid respiration
- Was A Sick Discus Oppions...
- could be ill discus
- Not Discus......but may be of intertest
- HITH ?? Pics att.
- White Diamond with little white dots on tail
- Pair of Marlboros not eating since Help!!!
- Safe worming treatments for catfish
- How would you treat this Fish
- poor fin condition
- Fish not eating
- New Discus Sudden Behaviour Change
- Bloated discus died within 24hrs!
- white feces
- fighting discus
- Are my fish healthy?
- Strange Beahviour!!
- Advice on worming?
- Gill Flukes (???) in male Betta
- Whats wrong
- which worms?
- SALT treatment and dosage rate please
- Discus odd behaviour
- Salt how much is recommened?
- Id please
- Treating Sick Discus: Lower temp and do not change water?
- liquid prazi + dosing
- Levamisole, Prazi and Discus Fry
- Does Cloudy Eye Clear up on its Own?
- Treatments and Methodology
- Strange white film
- "Bleeding nose" ?
- DISCUS sick
- Salt Dips..
- I don't know what to do
- Flatworms identification
- feeding problem
- cloudy eyes?
- need a bit of help
- help with my discus please
- Breathing from one gill... help...
- need some help
- discus crazy
- discus in need of some help
- unkown probelm in discus
- price of Metronidazole
- efectiveness and dosige rate of metronidozle
- Sick or what?????
- Bacterial infection??
- Fish Disease - a guide
- Discus Scrape
- sick discus?
- Angel always looks full
- Dropsy? Worms?
- anti-baterial medicine in Australia ?
- Black angel with white on it's head
- Young Discus Not Eating
- Help with a sick discus please
- A little bit pinched...
- velvet remedy
- Help Needed - Gill
- Not eating after Meth Blue
- Parasite
- Internal bleeding in the abdoman
- Dark discus
- Waterlife products
- were do i get Octozin
- What could be the cause????
- Broad Spectrum Medication
- Lumps!
- Whats this stuff.
- Metro in Perth - without taking fish to vet?
- Swollen Butt
- help, urgent!!
- Funny looking worms in my tank WTF
- Re: Levamisole vs Plecos etc.
- stringy worm like poo
- Swimming Nose Dpwn, Tail UP
- Advice needed re changing meds...
- Do my Discus have gill fluke or something else?
- help with my discus please
- fluke or not ?
- new dscus with spot
- Bung Eye
- metro in brisbane?
- A few Hospital Tank questions
- Squiggly white things on the fins of my tetras
- Advice needed for sick discus please
- White spots - do I need to be concerned?
- small little red hair like things>?
- Newish Discus
- metro questions
- White pimple that looks like its gunna pop
- something in eye
- Swollen Lip
- Qaurantine Treatments
- Aquamaster Fluke & Tapeworm treatment.
- using octozin
- Shrinking tummy / never eating... sigh.
- octazin and meth blue
- Hospital Tank Setup... and Salt...?
- Help!!black spots on my discus
- is this tapeworm?
- regards fin rot and white pimple like things
- EOI Exotic aquatic animal disease diagnosis
- dieter untergasser
- Starter kit
- lost a fish
- Sterazin and water changes
- sick fish
- Fish rubbing against plants?
- black spot
- Medications recommended?
- Fin Rot
- Tapeworm treatment for Discus but safe for Bristlenose/Tetra
- Timeline for Carbon Use
- white spot and a healthy canister filter.
- Damaged Fins
- Seachem Aquazole
- Hydra's Monsters of the Deep
- Waterlife Octozin
- Bifuran
- feeding too much?
- how to treat popeye??
- black spots and slightly bloated
- Confused about worm treatment :(
- The Plague...Discus disease
- Discus Plague
- Discus not eating
- skinny discus
- can you diagnose it?
- Some kind of worm
- venus spot really pale ?
- Discus Mate medication ?
- cloudy eye
- Formalin in planted tank
- New discus headstands and doesnt eat
- What happened?
- when you don't have room for a med tank
- rapid respiration and bloated tummy
- White Mite ???
- Flukes?
- Flubenol - is it safe?????
- Lost two discus so far...
- Fin Lesion - fin rot or just injured?
- Shy Discus??
- pin sized holes on head
- red lump on peppermints head ?
- Possible Worms?
- Head Damage - How to treat?
- white spot on discus
- Melafix and pimafix used at the same time?
- Melafix and Pimafix
- Health check for my Discus
- Scared Discus
- All our fish dying! Why??
- Help! Worms...
- Need some help getting some worming med.
- Tinidazole
- what is wrong???please help
- Metro and Food
- Plague???? I don't think so, but then what?
- Metro and Carbon
- Worming medicine effects L002(pleco)????
- New Discus question?
- WORMS in gravel, good or bad?
- Infection? or broken blood vessel???
- Praziquantril
- Emperor tetra lumps
- Gill Fluke Rx
- Mad Discus Disease
- Worm thingo's found swimming in tank ! WTF r these ?
- re 1 sick discus
- My female RDG died because it couldnt lays eggs?
- how often do you worm your disucs
- Discus not eating - 3 weeks!
- ESPOM salt used for worming Discus , is this true ?
- Fish flicking.
- Epsom salt and Octozin?
- Wanting to do some sort of treatment to my pigeon?
- discus flicking
- Sterazin for flukes and Elephant noses
- prazipro
- Sick Discus - Prazi and Metro ?s
- fin rot
- Anus problem
- Gill flukes??????
- Discus with no appetite - how's this possible?
- Got some white spots on the scorpions tail
- whitening cloudy colour on discus fins???
- black forehead?
- bad things come in threes
- Does Triple Sulfa affect the biological filter?
- orange lumps on and inside Rams
- ICH Treatment, With Copper Sulphate and Malachite Green
- Discus has white "stuff" on her eyes
- New discus, is it fin rot? UPDATE! ALL BETTER! W/Pics
- Only using one gill?
- Cloudy Eyes
- Sick fish!! need advice...
- Peacock Bass safe with normal Prazi dose???
- What type of treatment?
- Small free swimming white worms
- Sudden Death
- Urgent: Fish looking very ugly!
- Is this cause for concern.
- Urgent Help Needed
- Skinny or Sick
- metro food
- metro tretment
- How
- BIG L ????
- Help- Flea, Ticks, Lice
- Big L Wormer for Poultry & Pigs & Other Worming Quer
- Sick & skinny discus!!
- ram popeye fry question
- Who sell metronidazole????
- Alternative to Methylene Blue
- Prazi treatment
- white mouth on german blue ram
- Sick Discus
- Please help new discus very sick!
- fish acting wierd
- Metronidazole and formaldehyde
- Discus not eating
- Long Jelly Like Poo - This topic again.
- Epsom salt
- Gill Fluke or more serious??
- German Blue Ram with white stuff on her eye
- Levamisole information
- Alternative dewormers... any vets here?
- fungus on my discus,please help! :(
- help with blue diamond
- breeding treatment
- can i feed bloodworm everyday?
- please help.... :(
- Is this normal?
- Levamisole dosage for bristlenose
- where to buy levamisole?
- ID for disease
- Still Flicking :(
- Want to setup a SMALL Quarantine / Hospital tank
- New fish in tank, one not too happy :( any advice?
- Open sore ?
- White Hole on Discus Side
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