View Full Version : Illness & Medications
- Andrew Soh on treating Velvet disease (oodinium) in discus.
- Is it ich or bacteria?
- Not at all worried
- cleaning-up after de-worming
- My headstanding discus
- Another Headstander...
- Another treatment for Velvet
- Alternative to copper sulfate
- Lost weight
- Blind? Dazed? Weak...
- Damage side fin
- Chipped eye
- Thin Discus not eating
- What is this?
- Finless discus
- Hiding discus
- Help with white spot
- Very sluggish runt
- Sick Discus
- Very Wasted Discus at Local Fish Shop
- Rapid breathing and gasping for air
- What products do i need to keep on hand with discus
- Look at this link,Levamisole/prizi combo mix,safe?
- Didnt make it
- My Experience with Velvet - Piscinoodinium
- Neon Tetra Disease
- expired meds
- Sunken Belly
- Apisto Cac trying to eat but spitting
- diagnosis please?
- Cardinal Tetras with disease i think???
- Sick discus
- Help! My new discus are sick
- Sick Discus
- Breathing REALLY heavily!plz help
- Metronizadole
- formalin and malachitegreen mix
- Prazi for discus and metro what rates
- Help with new discus
- continuing constipation saga?!
- discus at 90deg
- velvet question again
- Tetracycline - use of.
- Thought it was Hexamita
- white pimple
- Metro for cories and bn??
- Angelfish and Discus n tetras
- update on sick BD
- vertically circling discus, like on the spot circles
- Fins Sticking? & General Preventative Treatment
- Fry dying
- Blind discus.... :-(
- How Do You Know When Cured?
- slime degredation
- Meth blue bieng banned??
- My Discus has a lump on the eye
- Now Sure
- update on slime degredation
- Hole in the head
- Whats Wrong
- Levamisole
- Force feeding and gill flukes
- fat discus without eating
- disucs not eating???
- Wierd Poo
- Help Please....Dumb Fish Owner Alert...
- wird white speck
- Microscopic identification
- I Have Some Sick Bubs
- Treating for ich.
- Medicate Preventatively Rather than Curatively ??
- DISCUS PLAGUE - treatment and photo's of fish UPDATED!!!!!!!
- Metro use ??
- Sick Red Melon. Need Help Please !!!!
- White Poo Need Advice Urgently
- Quick Death
- Books about fresh water fish diseases
- anchor worm?
- flat out
- For those intrested in fish health/diseases in Melbourne
- Lose of color in fins
- gill flukes or normal behaviour?
- Discus with Fat Stomach
- Advice Needed re Worming Methods
- white clould
- Discus with a piece missing out of eye
- i think im in trouble
- Dent on the side of Discus..
- Angelfish suddenly has one pop eye..........
- Help Please. (56K Warnning).
- Discus tapeworms, anchor worms, etc
- Dark dark discus
- Some curious questions
- What is this in my tank???? Heximata symptons?
- Levamisole
- Fat Stomach
- one side of Penang Eruptions face turns black
- head down
- Problem with Gills?
- Lost of Buoyancy...
- Metro Med.
- Levamisole Med?
- Using Salt As A Treatment
- Aquamaster Gill Fluke and Tapeworm Tablets (+ photos)
- Another worming question
- Medication questions that puzzle me
- levamisole- another question?
- Administering meds simultaneously
- Sick discus.... help
- New med? metro/prazi/levamisole all together!!?
- Discus Not Eating SOS!!!
- praziquantal
- Help! Not sure whats wrong with discus
- Melafix
- Discus Not Eating SOS Part Two
- Disease Diagnosis Flow Chart
- Battle Damage or somthing else gill related ??
- Discus Somethings a miss
- 5 Days After Medication....
- No !!!another Hex victim :(
- De-worm Q's
- Help with identification please
- discus breathing heavy (im new)
- wight spot on eye
- Damaged Pectoral fin
- dark and a bit lethargic
- Does PRAZI kill PLANTS? QUICK reply PLEASE !
- Help for fin rot
- feeding flagyl
- Discus colour dark, Drifting !!!
- Oh No Hex Again :(
- moving rooms query
- My Discus passed away this morning.
- Help. Hex again!
- Aquarium Salt Needed For Hex????
- Pelvic Fin Injury
- Swimming Disorder
- Help... My fish are sick
- Aquarium Pharmaceuticals General Cure
- What age to treat for flukes and worms?
- white/clear looking poo? staying in corner
- Help.... Discus Black, big and white eyes
- What's wrong?
- Troubles Moving House with Discus
- Epsom salts and their use
- Discus flicking/flashing at random due to Snails ?
- Cloudy Edges on tail fin - Will my discus be allright??
- Wound on nose, and tipping to one side
- Wound on nose, Tipping, Now - Colour dark, one fin clamped
- discus tilting and has kind of white peely skin
- flukes an filter media
- urgent help needed!!!!!
- Pelvic fins melting away
- discus eating problem
- Fin Rot, time to call in the big guns
- Tiny White Worms
- Discus Shake
- fungus type slime on sides, discus likes to be picked
- Gill Fluke Treatment Q's.
- minute white hoppers in water
- clamped fins and sunken tummy
- Fish green around the gills
- Metronidazole - Please help me!
- should I stay on red alert ?
- gill flukes help needed
- white eye
- discus gone phsyco
- Blue diamond being strange again!!
- Blue Diamond Concern
- Big fat white worm in feces
- Use of salt for freshwater aquarium
- Piperazine concentration in Discus tank
- Skin diseas ?
- Discus and Ich
- Hex Q's.
- Discus hiding and not eating
- hex maybe
- Please Help - Sick Discus
- Human medication for our beloved discus
- Sick fish
- Freak Out!
- A sad end for my discus
- What should I do?
- Discus gone off!
- Gill FLuke?
- Avitrol Plus Bird Worming Syrup
- discus lying on side help
- Black- dark blue spots
- Discus Ill please help
- Some fish parasites
- Fin Splits / Rot ?
- Help with sickie please!
- not eating
- what should i medicate for
- Help......Looks like Ich
- Hole in juvenile blue diamond!
- White scratch, whats wrong?
- White scratch, whats wrong?
- sunken tummy
- Can levamisole & praziquantel be used during the same ti
- Fin Splits/Rot
- problems swimming
- breathing heavy but the tank is oxygenated?
- possible camallanus contamination
- Any 1 help please!
- Anti-parasite medicated food for internal parsites.
- Levamisole and Gibbiceps
- not eating and not much movement
- Suspect Camallanus, Levamisole N/A
- White growth on head
- Spots on tail fin...
- Levamisole question
- Brown Discus
- my discus doesnt seem to grow
- Do I have worms? Pics attached.
- columnaris ? help
- can Discus plague be transmitted via plants?
- update
- Gill Flukes?
- Where to buy Levamisole
- Pacing the tank
- lavamisole aftereffects
- Brown Discus not looking any better
- dont know whats wrong- pictures attached- really long
- Sunken Tummy II
- My Old Guy Sick?
- HELP! fish all huddled up in a corner
- White Poop!
- blue ram on bottom
- I've gone metro
- Metro is hard to get!
- help with dark discus
- leaning discus
- New Pair not Eating
- They panic and die
- Cryptobia iubilans
- medication and shell fish
- White Material Clinging to Gill
- Death in Discus Tank Pls Help
- Algae Cursed Discus Tank
- Blacky- how long before he can go home to his friends
- Where to buy reasonablly priced Metronidazole in sydney
- de-worm?
- What a mess!!!
- excess slime coat
- Deworming and feeding
- Closantel/Mebendazole for flukes ???
- Could be sick or i'm just being worried about nothing..
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