View Full Version : General Discus Questions

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  1. Furniture Movers Melbourne
  2. Blue Angel Peppering
  3. WTB Wild discus , Brown/red/blue/green , green prefered.
  4. discus age
  5. Help! Have had pair for one week... Pair had eggs now female? Beeting up male?
  6. Need help identifying these Discus
  7. Need Help - Unattended Fish Tank
  8. Need Help Identifying Symptoms
  9. Wanting to clarify some things
  10. Co2
  11. my lightly planted discus tank
  12. Stunted Discus
  13. Juvenile Discus
  14. Suggestions / Critique on tank set up
  15. Are my discus getting ready to breed?
  16. Interview two discus aquarium masters, display tank and set up explained
  17. Tank infested with snails
  18. Cloudy water please explain
  19. VIDEO: Red Eagle discus lay eggs for the first time!
  20. Some doubts about discus, help please.
  21. Strange behavior?
  22. Algae
  23. Bad test resualts!
  24. Discus vs Rock Melon Fruit! I did something crazy?
  25. Merry Christmas Everyone
  26. Woke up, weird scar like thing on Pregnant Blue diamond discus, 4yrs old
  27. Hello from Memphis
  28. New Tank Setup -Please Help!
  29. Tank Mates
  30. Is this overstocked?
  31. Need some seasoned advice
  32. discus tank setup
  33. Tank Water
  34. Is my tank over stocked?
  35. Worming Patterns
  36. New discus pair not eating
  37. Discus fever
  38. PH control with CO2
  39. Discus turning Dark
  40. Sedated discus
  41. My Discus 2018
  42. Discus Not Eating
  43. Can you help me identify what kind of discus this is?
  44. Krissy’s New Cade Altumate 1500 Journal
  45. Discus in a 300 litre tank
  46. Marks on discus. Fighting or disease
  47. Can somebody please identify these discus fish please?
  48. Feeding my Discus
  49. Breeding problem
  50. cheshire oaks discus
  51. 135G tank is uneven on the stand.. How do i fix this so it doesnt crack ?
  52. So many discus questions. Please help.
  53. Recomended discus shop
  54. Smaller discus eats skins of a male discus
  55. Need help. Discus eggs turning white
  56. beautiful colour
  57. Dorsal fin regeneration question.....wiil the color/pattern return?
  58. fin regeneration question....will the color return?
  59. Temps
  60. geoztr
  61. Where to buy?
  62. Juvenile discus
  63. Discus tank setup - From reef to discus
  64. Help, discus developed a dent in his flank
  65. Frys with one parent
  66. Need opinions please
  67. "Pair" of Females
  68. Discus color
  69. Just wanted to say Hi.
  70. My new Turquoise discus not eating much
  71. Adult Discus have stopped eating
  72. Strain ID please
  73. Discus couple stopped eating since I got them
  74. My new discus stopped eating since I bought them
  75. lazy discuse for two days and
  76. Best bright color substrate for Discus Tank with plants on drift wood
  77. Sort of new to Discus, appreciate help identifying.
  78. Ph problem
  79. Id please
  80. Saddened to see it.
  81. Strange things found on my discus fish what is it and how to treat ? pls help
  82. myrtle beach discus
  83. Species Identification
  84. Best place to buy discus
  85. about to give up
  86. Discus not eating
  87. Seachem Chlorella Flakes for Discus?
  88. Dwarf Cichlid Discussions
  89. Why flavor of Discus is this, I have never seen one like this before.
  90. New Juvie Discus Quality...Please Help!!
  91. Problem with a Discus
  92. Discus hiding
  93. What is this variety
  94. Panthare Discus